Blogs from Perth City, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, Oceania - page 40


Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City February 15th 2007

Having been in Sydney for over a month I really fancied getting back on the road and visiting pastures new. I jumped on a 5 hour Qantas flight to Perth and to the last Aussie state I had yet to visit, Western Australia. I arrived in Perth mid afternoon and was bowled over by the heat, a really dry heat around the 35-40 degree mark, I had been warned it was a hot area. First day I didn't do too much really, met my mate Phil and wandered around the city, a few photos and a few pints of beer. I knew I'd be hitting the road in a few days so it was my first and last chance to hit a few bars and get pissed. Backpackers night at the Aberdeen hotel (2 for 1 ... read more
Me Climbing the Gloucester Tree
Tree top walkway
Wave Rock

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City February 13th 2007

Sooo... langsam wirds echt heiß. Es stehen nun noch die letzten Tage an, in denen noch viel organisiert werden muss, aber ich auch noch viele Freunde empfangen kann... Heute habe ich einen Besuch eines sehr guten Freundes aus Abizeiten bekommen. Danke Made, war nochmal richtig erquickend dich zu sehen. ;-) Die nächsten/letzten Tage werden v.a. Family+Freundin gewidmet :-) Mehr dann direkt aus Perth ab nächster Woche - wünsch euch allen was. Ciaoi... read more
Besuch Made 2

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City February 10th 2007

Text is lost somewhere in the web............thanks travelblog!... read more
fishing for Squid
Sunset at Conto's
Happy Birthday Ang!

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City February 6th 2007

Hello hello. Have been taking it easy the last few days. Saturday was a horrible hot and humid day so I slept most of it...finally getting dressed about 5pm! Gotta love those lazy summer days! :) Sunday was relaxing too...went to the pub with the boys then back to someone's house for seafood on the bbq...then back to andrew's house for more relaxing, film watching etc. Yesterday went into the city, got a few last minute a hat *much to my dislike...* and met my auntie for lunch. About 10 of us went out for dinner last night, a farewell meal! I ATE KANGAROO! It was BEAUTIFUL! Yum! Leaving W.A today. Quite sad to go, just made friends with people and got used to the beautiful scorching weather! Excited too though....this is where the real ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City February 1st 2007

Also ab jetzt auf deutsch :-) Hier meine ersten Eindrücke von Perth... Leider nur auf Bildern, aber bald werd ichs ja live haben :-) Durch anklicken der Karte links, könnt ihr meine lange Anreise begutachten. Ein Emirates-Flug mit Zwischenlandung in Dubai... ... read more
Map of Perth

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City January 31st 2007

Our flight arrived around 3am and by the time we got through immigration it was about an hour later. We were wrecked and decided to take a bit of a nap before heading into the city. A few other backpackers were doing the same. I couldn't sleep but Gordon was out like a light. A couple of hours later we took a taxi to Globe Backpackers on Wellington St just in time for breakfast. We explored the city early that morning (Friday) and were amazed to see so many people cycling to work and jogging in the parks before going to the office. We didn't do much over the next couple of days, just relaxed, got our bearings and went to see Casino Royale in the cinema which was excellent. We also started reading the Lonely ... read more
Captain James Stirling, founder of Perth
One of the vineyards at Margaret River
at the cellar door

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City January 29th 2007

Nope we're not, but it doesnt mean to say we cant celebrate Australia Day!!!! (we are temporary residents, it says so in my passport!). When we walked past a group of people on Friday (australia day) their response was 'they're probably not even from oz' after we didnt carry on the 'ozzie ozzie ozzie' with a 'oi, oi'oi'' they were right . Everyone gets the day off and gets to walk around in aussie flags and cork hats . For our first australia day we had a bbq and then on the night walked up to Kings Park, it was 40'c at 9pm!!! the wind was like sitting next to a heater, boiling!! We found a nice spot in the park and were soon joined by a family from Billingham behind us!!! Billingham!! the other side ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City January 27th 2007

Landed in Perth and was met at the airport by my aunt and uncle (Di & Pete). Was so cool to see them as I have not seen either for years, esp Di who I think I last saw about 10 years ago. Whilst driving home I was able to describe their house from memory when I was 9, quite impressed as pretty much got it spot on. Once back, my cousins (Graham & Dick) came round and we all went out for food. Half way through the meal I asked if I was talking loudly as my ears were all messed up from the flight. They all looked at me slight bemused and said they just assumed I always shouted when I talked, quite funny!! Whilst out, Graham's girlfriend, Lenny arrived and it was nice ... read more
Graham & Dick
Bekka, Cath and Si at the Lucky Shag
Perth Bell Tower

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City January 27th 2007

Today is the day we move, or are meant to be, out of our house of 12 odd years. It has been surprising and a source of some stress / angst for me in particular as to how long it has taken to pack everything up and square everything away. It seems that our house just oozes "stuff" and possessions / junk! Cleaners are here for 1:00pm and I need to have some final house maintenance and a semitrailer load of possessions in our car and camper trailer in just a few more hours. Really looking forward to finally getting out of Perth and away. Regards Russell... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City January 26th 2007

MAN ITS HOT! Had two showers today already...and its not even evening! It's australia day everyone is off work! That also means everywhere is packed! Had another lovely driving tour of some nearby places but apart from that...its literally too hot to do anything! It's 39 degrees...and apparently tomorrow will hit 40! *blows* Thank god for air conditioning! There will be fireworks tonight, if im not a melted pile of laura by then! A short blog, too hot to type! LOVE x... read more

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