Blogs from Whitsundays, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 10


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays July 6th 2010

We took our last overnight bus from Hervey Bay to Airlie Beach, where we would get our boat to sail the Whitsundays. It was a 13 hour bus and really did feel like forever! The weather was really nice when we reached Airlie Beach. Surprisingly, there isn't actually a beach at Airlie, its more of a harbour. But they do have a manmade lagoon so we spent some time there while we waited to check in. The hostel was ok, pretty average, but it had a good bar that was went to every night we were there. We had two nights here before catching our boat called "Powerplay". We had been told by Ozintro that this was the best boat to get, so we were really excited about it. The first night, we went into the ... read more
Powerplay catamaran
Powerplay group
Whitehaven Beach

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays June 26th 2010

Today was the last day on the way for me in Airlie Beach. We got up around 5 and Daniele went to pick up the girls from their backpacker lodge. The weather was gorgeous, but the waves were a bit choppy even early on in the morning. We headed north and after hitting Mantaray Bay we turned around. About a half hour from the marina we stopped for a lunch break. I had already eaten, so I decided to go swimming. Even though I didn’t have a swimming suite I jumped in with my clothes anyways because the water was so warm! After a bit of swimming we headed back. Anna, Susanne and I went to check in for our trip while everyone else went home and unloaded the boat and truck. Once back at ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays June 26th 2010

The girls and I woke up pretty early, which is pretty good seeing that breakfast was served at 7. I found out I slept through the anchor being put in the water late at night, which apparently was ridiculously loud. Yup, lets add that to the list of just about everything I can sleep through. I went out onto the deck and saw a gorgeous sunrise and an even more beautiful beach behind me. There were a bunch of people preparing for a dive, but it turned out to be an introductory dive for the students. I chatted with the crew a bit, even making a few friends and earning myself the nick-name “Buffy - the dolphin slayer”, “dolphi” and “dolphin girl”. By the time I left I think maybe ½ the crew knew my real ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays June 26th 2010

The final day on the water I woke up to the sound of the waves, something I was fast getting used to. I wasn’t really sea sick anymore, which was a good thing as we were still in pretty choppy water. Soon before breakfast I heard the motors start up, and I went and sat with the Skipper. He was an older man named Baz and he told me a few stories before breakfast. I guess he has sailed most of the world, is building his own catamaran and soon after that is finished plans on getting into his boat, sailing to England to pick up his girlfriend and from there he has no plans. That’s a pretty sweet life! We motored to a place called Hill Inlet, and the crew took us ashore and told ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays June 8th 2010

Nämä kuvat ovat Summertimen miehistön ottamia.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays June 6th 2010

Blue steel, eating ant bums and night fishing Next morning we all sat down to another big breakfast of fried food, fruit, cereal and juice etc it was like the best hotel breakfast ever, but being as Brian was always up at dawn (normally peeing over the side of the boat!) you had to be up early too to enjoy it. The smell of bacon was hard to ignore anyway but knowing Dan might beat you there was motivation enough! Brian also had a fabulous coffee grinder that he let you use as long as you went on the health and safety induction course he ran every morning and were supervised on your first few brews! It was nice coffee and really did give you a boost but he was way over protective of that ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays June 4th 2010

Stingrays, Dugongs and stunning beaches So next morning after surviving the night when I could have drowned us all, we woke to a bit of a cloudy morning, which wasn’t disappointing as Nath and I had come to accept that the sun didn’t follow us anywhere. But what made it brighter was the smell of cooked breakfast awaiting us. Brain cooked so much food every time that if we hadn’t had Dan the living garbage can, we’d have been throwing food over the edge of the boat (which we still did with leftovers anyway on captain Brains orders). There were loads of other boats now moored at Whitehaven and apparently more would be arriving so I was glad we were planning to move on today. Brain was waiting to hear form his friend who was out ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays June 2nd 2010

Drumbeat, Carlos the donkey and the return of Pailey walley Whilst Nath and I had had a few days in Rockhampton on our own with nothing to do –and I mean nothing, that place was like the Aussies version of New Plymouth; we did our usual free emailing etc and I was busy stressing about arranging our up and coming trip on this boat owned by a fellow couch surfer guy called Brian. Now way back in Brisbane I had contacted this guy out of many others as he was new to couch surfing too and thus didn’t require us to have huge credentials and reviews. He was offering us a trip on his boat around the Whitsunday islands for half the price of the commercial operators, and the opportunity was just too good to turn ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays May 31st 2010

G'Day my lovely blog reader, We have had some fun times since Sydney...I shall fill you all in! After we wrote the last blog we went on a night out, it was our 'leaving do' according to our mates who are working in Sydney even though we had only been there for a week. We went out in King's Cross which is Sydney's Red Light District, quite funny wandering along the street next to some on the worst looking prostitutes EVER! Had a good night in a club (don't worry there are some really nice places there too)! Said farewell to the parents the next morning to get our flight to Byron Bay as it was the same price as flying and so much quicker. Was possibly the funniest flight ever, the plane was tiny and ... read more
The tiniest plane EVER
The stolen tent

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Whitsundays May 27th 2010

The Whitsundays are a group of 72 islands of the north east coast of Australia. We boarded our boat called the Tongarra from Airlie Beach where we sailed for 2 days and 2 nights around the islands. We stopped off at Whitehaven Beach which is voted one of the best beaches in the world! We had 3 different snorkelling sights, we saw turtles, stingrays and many fish...sadly no sharks it was amazing. On the 2nd evening we partied and danced on the deck of our boat which then transformed into a huge sleeping ground for all the passengers. ... read more

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