Blogs from Cairns City, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 22


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City November 30th 2009

Hello people. I'm finally about caught up. Given how early my flight was I had most of the day here. As I have been on the road for so long I'm just taking some time out to rest up for a while and be bit lazy. Cairns itself is nice enough with lots of palm trees everywhere and a real tropical feel to it- as evidenced by my permanent state of sweaty disgusting-ness. Since I am being lazy I haven't really done much. The first day I took a walk along the Esplanade (both Darwin and Cairns have one- I haven't seen them elsewhere, maybe it's a northern thing), had some lunch and booked a day trip which I'll cover when I do it. After lunch I came back to the hostel for a bit, lazed, ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City November 28th 2009

Woensdag 18 november was het dan zover, onze A330 van Air Asia X naar Gold Coast, Australië vertrok om 10 uur 's avonds met enige vertraging wegens een tekort aan water aan boord. De vlucht verliep voorspoedig, na onze maaltijd wat geslapen en daarna om alvast in de stemming te komen (voor het Great Barrier Reef) 'Finding Nemo' gekeken. Na 7 ½ uur vliegen verliep de douane in Gold Coast minder soepel. Iets te snel het douaneformulier ingevuld (in Australië gelden toch echt strenge invoerregels wat betreft voedsel) en me niet gerealiseerd dat ik toch een en ander aan voedsel in mijn tas had (Robbert in mindere mate en die kwam er mee weg). Na een grondige controle een officiële waarschuwing gehad en daarna konden we weer gaan, gelukkig viel het dus allemaal wel mee. Met ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City November 22nd 2009

The East coast of Australia is probably best known for the Great Barrier Reef and it didn’t let us down. We managed to get Beccy booked on to the same Open Water Dive Course I did seven years ago which meant I was home alone for a couple of days whilst she was stuck in a classroom studying. Naturally I did the man thing - nothing much, although I did go fishing and caught a tiddler. The third and fourth day I joined Beccy aboard the Kangaroo Explorer (dive boat) where we did six dives. Beccy is now officially an Open Water Diver (hurrah) and I managed to get my advanced qualification. The Great Barrier Reef really is stunning and the night dive we did was one of the best experiences of our life. The photos ... read more
Magnetic Island
Cape Tribulation
Great Barrier Reef

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City November 20th 2009

After the horrific airport experience I was looking forward to lying in the baking sun with a nice cold beer. This however would have to wait as when we touched down in Cairns the weather from England had apparently followed us! To be fair the rain was actually quite refreshing because the heat was insane! After we had checked in to our hostel we met our final member of the group, Hayley. She had just finished a 32 hour journey to get to Cairns, so as you can imagine we were all a little tired. We decided to have a little snooze and then go out for some drinks. The next thing I remember is waking up and thinking how dark it was...that would be because it was 3am. We had all been asleep for 12 ... read more
Afternoon Beer Claire!?
Boat Fun
Girls at the Lagoon

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City November 17th 2009

Hello Possums, I hope you are all well. Thanks to all that have sent us a message this week, it’s nice to hear what has been going on outside of our own lives. Last time we updated you we were just about to………..if you don’t know, shame on you for not reading last weeks, now go back and get up to date….. So, here we are in Cairns, Australia. Quick note, the guy in front of me on the plane from Langkawi to Singapore had 6 fingers on each hand, well actually it was 4 fingers and two thumbs, I wanted to take a picture for all you guys but unfortunately I missed to opportunity, I was just all fingers and thumbs with the camera! I did however get chatting with him, apparently he doesn’t usually ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City November 14th 2009

As my time in Cairns comes to a close, I thought it time to update you one last time about the happenings here in Far North Queensland. My work in Port Douglas came to a rather abrupt end after about 3 and a half weeks. The school holidays came to an end and there was no longer such high demand for housekeeping staff, so that was that. Thankfully I had kept up my Baskin Robbins duties, and the week I finished in Port Douglas, on of the Baskins girls left, so I could increase my hours once again. I also resumed my working for accommodation at the hostel, and was quickly promoted to the position of head of housekeeping - with the added bonus of getting 2 days off a week, with accommodation fully paid for...sweet ... read more
Green Island
Cathedral Fig

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City November 4th 2009

Hakeutuuko katesi usein iltaisin sohvapoydan alatasolle ja etsii sielta Aurinkomatkojen talviesitteen? Vai odotteletko hyvia Finnairin kaukolentotarjouksia Aasiaan? Mutta et oikein tieda minne sita lahtisi ja Thaimaakin on jo nahty? Nyt voit heittaa huolet ja alleviivauskynat sohvan taakse, silla kiertolaiset ovat aikaa, vaivaa ja rakkolaastareita saastamatta tehneet pohjatyon puolestasi. Vertailussa mukana olevaa viitta maata (Intia, Nepal, Vietnam, Kambodza, Malesia) on arvioitu viidella eri kriteerilla: ihmiset, infrastruktuuri/ymparisto, kulttuuri, luonto ja elaimet seka hinta-laatusuhde. Kaikissa kohdissa on kaytetty asteikkoa 0-5 ja lopullinen arvosana on muodostunut useiden eri alakohtien keskiarvona. Esimerkki: Ihmiset-osiossa plussaa kukin maa on saanut paikallisten ystavallisyydesta, yritteliaisyydesta, avoimuudesta ja kielitaidosta. Pisteita on puolestaan vahentanyt ns. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City November 3rd 2009

We have been in Australia for 6 days now, picked up the campervan and sneeked into various campsites to use there toilets and showers:) How did you get there i hear u is the update So we arrive in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Spent 6 days there, 3 days in Angkor viewing temples and temples and temples. More excitingly the temple where they filmed the opening scene of tomb raider where she picks a flower. ( Not that we really knew as it took us a thourgh read of the guide book to locate the tree!) Saw a waterfall and landmine museum. In the days we weren't at Angkor we spent relaxing and taking it easier, a novel experience for us. We played pool and 9 ball and slept in:) But of course we visited a ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City October 30th 2009

I went to the Great Barrier Reef today!! It was very cool. I went snorkeling and got to see tons of coral and fishies. They were some cool colors too - bright green, orange, brown, blue, etc. The coral was all kinds of weird shapes and so shallow my fins would hit it as I swam over it. The water was really rough so it took a lot of energy to swim around though. It's also fairly far away from the main land. We got up at 6 am, ate breakfast, and got ready to go. We got there at 8 and got on board. Listened to a lot of talking about safety procedures and such and got underway. We didn't get there until 11:20ish. So I got in then and snorkeled around. Then ate lunch ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City October 29th 2009

I'm officially in Cairns! I got here on Wednesday (last) night about 7:30 pm. I got dinner and ice cream and took a shower and went to bed. I got up really early and took the Kurandas train up into the mountains. It's an historically train and it was awesome. I got to see a ton of great landscapes/environments. There were really pretty water falls coming out of the mountains as well that I got pictures of. I walked around the markets/village of Kurandas for awhile and then took the Skyrail back to the bottoom. That was creepy because you're just in that little gondola while you ride all the way to the bottom. After that, I saw an aborigine dance and learned about their culture. I tried throwing a spear and boomerrang as well and ... read more

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