Blogs from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania - page 648


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 25th 2005

Well, friends, The Celebration of Wilson is drawing to an end and what a fiesta it has been! I don't think any of us would be able to deny that he is a very attractive man. It is terribly unfortunate that we were only able to display a few photos of the vast library of images that makes up The Wilson Collection. (An interesting aside - I quizzed Buster Wilson why there are so many photos of him from the 86 collection. His reply - Well, I wasn't taking the photos. True, true, I have to admit. In fact I don't think I ever saw a camera in his hand. He was simply too busy positioning himself in front of every area of the most marginal scenic beauty in case a camera was produced.) And so ... read more
Two men on a couch.
Two men on a fashion shoot.

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 24th 2005

With Natalie and Joe back from their holiday and Lou and Dom back from Bali I was out of the flat and moved to a Backpackers near town between Kings Cross and Potts Point. They've managed to re-create the atmosphere of Londons Kings Cross out here almost perfectly, there's just something in the air that feels the same, but why they would want to do this I have no idea....... But the hostel was nice, not too big and on a quite road with a few bars and cafes. Dressing in the Dark As I was working I was put in a room with 4 beds as I thought it would be quieter, there was only 1 other bloke in it when I moved in, an Italian called Dave who worked 2 jobs and was either ... read more
Bronte bay
some sunglasses
Botanical Gardens

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 23rd 2005

We had quite a fun week! This month in Sydney is "Food Month" so we decided to partake in one of the many events being offered around the city. There was this festival in Hyde Park called the Noodle Festival. We all decided to meet there on Tuesday night after work. The scene was amazing when we got there.....the middle was a beautiful fountain surrounded by white tents and lights everywhere. Hyde Park is pretty near the city center of Sydney, so all the huge buildings surrounded us, quite a scene. Gosh, trying to make a food decision was near impossible. After we all walked around in circles for a while, we decided we had to make a decision. Since I don't venture off into the different too much, I decided to try something totally new, ... read more
Me & Julia
MN & Julia

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 23rd 2005

Dangerous When Wet Well summer arrived this weekend. It’s been raining all week in a relentless downpour that makes going anywhere with a stroller a waterlogged event. But at a certain point getting soaked seems like a super fun activity compared to one more hour inside with a one year old. So to finally see the sun, not to mention a hot, crispy sun, was a fabulous turn of events. Apparently the entire Eastern Suburbs agreed because Bondi Beach was jumpin’. The atmosphere here is a strange combination. It’s like South Beach meets South Street. For those of you from neither Miami nor Philly, it has all the glammed-out, razzle dazzle low cut, barely there, jewel encrusted everything, but done in a very grungy, punk, Zipperhead way. And on bright hot days like we had this ... read more
Blue Cellophane

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 20th 2005

You know, friends, this blog has been a real pleasure to put together but it has become painfully obvious that we are starting to veer away from the very subject that most people are most interested in - The Busters themselves. Don't get me wrong, it's great to see the lower grades getting their due but really, just how interesting are they? It is more than obvious that one G1 is worth a dozen L.G.s so let's get back to basics. Let's start really getting to know the three men that are the Busters. But where to start? Well, with a mere 50 days to departure I recently spent a very pleasurable couple of hours flipping through the Buster photo albums. It soon became obvious that one G1 featured in more photos than the other two ... read more
Bleeding heart

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 18th 2005

It’s been six weeks but we finally found a babysitter! (Who was counting anyway?). She came this past Saturday night and we hit the town! We went back to Darling Harbor since we liked it so much by day. Sure enough it was wonderful at night as well. All the restaurants along the water were lit up, as were the boats in the bay. There were people milling about, street performers, and even roaming merchants selling those little doodads that light up, flash and spin. It seems tacky, nonspecific souvenirs are a universal thing. We had drinks at one end, by Cockle Bay, and dinner at another end, on Kings Street Wharf. The food was great and we didn’t have to worry if there were chicken tenders on the menu or changing tables in the bathroom. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Newtown October 17th 2005

Don't mess with the King of Thailand.. or any of the royal family, so says the guide books to Thailand. They are right, everyone is crazy obsessed with them in Bangkok. Huge pictures (we're talking 30 feet tall) abound around the city. Speaking of Bangkok, it is a hugely chaotic place...Everyone's out to scam you, trying to sell you suits, tuk-tuk rides, and various other forms of...ahem..entertainment. We would walk to a temple and be pestered with people along the way, "oh the temple? closed, i show you some place else.." NO! we yell, and go on to the temple, which of course, is open. This cycle repeated itself over and over. We met in New World Lodge, a place that was mediocre, but better than anything we would have stayed in elsewise. Met the group, ... read more
Adam getting fitted for his suit
jor getting fitted for her suit(s)
temple on a hill

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 17th 2005

Hey everybody! Sorry for the lack of updates, but now that pretty much all of us are set in consistent jobs, there isn’t too much to report on daily. It seems like MN, Lynds & I have been spending the better parts of the last two weeks at the travel agent trying to pin down our plans for our two months starting in December. We’re all so excited because we have now decided to add Thailand to the tail end of the trip!!! Also, it seems we’ve gotten into the 9-5 regimen. Julia is now the last one standing at Ribs ‘n Rumps with Lynds throwing in the towel on Saturday to keep her data entry job. One thing I will say is starting to get on all our nerves is not having a car. We’ve ... read more
At Kobe

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 17th 2005

**before i post these last two blogs.... i totally realise that i got home in november!!! haha. oops. so here is what i got upto in my final 2 weeks in oz! enjoy!!!** i'm awake and its nearly midnight. i fly home tomorrow (its the 30th Oct at the moment), and i can't sleep. i figure its maybe a good thing if i'm sleepy for my flight! anyhow, lets do the rest of sydney shall we! what a week it was :) on the monday... i went to the blue mountains! i have to admit i wasn't overly excited by the idea as i was still feeling floo-ey and didn't actually relish the though of doing a 3 hour trek through the mountains. especially since i was informed in the lift by a workman type person ... read more
oooh, found one!
me. in the wind-eroded cave.
apparently doing this is a bad idea. who knew?

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 17th 2005

We arrived at Sydney Airport after a 11 hour flight. Fortunately we were collected by Rachel, an old school friend, we were then whisked away to a normal house with stuff like a kitchen and stuff. What luxury! Rachel told us to make ourselves welcome and explore Sydney, so we did. So far out of all our City visiting I have to say Sydney is my favourite, public transport includes ferry's and it's a nice place to walk around. The sites are close to each other and we didn't have to camp. After a few days at Rachel's we went and based ourselves in Manly ( a short ferry commute from Sydney ) in the hope of spending some time on the beach. Unfortunately Sydney was in the middle of a long on-going drought and so ... read more

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