Blogs from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania - page 649


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 17th 2005

Bazza Holds His Own!!!! The Busters are happy to anounce that their upgrade list has finally been released to the public. As you know, upgrades are only considered once a decade and it is with some surprise that we announce that BAZ HAS BEEN UPGRADED. After his abysmal performance in the upgrade stakes back in '96 we were truly surprised at his amazing turn around over the last ten years. The judges noted that, clearly, there were three areas of improvement that had swung things in his favour. 1. His positive attitude to the Busters and all thing Busterific. 2. His heart warming deference to the G1s 3. The recent photos he attached with his application. (see below) So, Little Buddy, we salute you. You can now happily sign off on all correspondence as BC G7P* ... read more
Baz fills in his upgrade application
Baz continues inside
Baz schmoozes with one of the judges.

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 16th 2005

Sightseeing Sunday - visiting the harbour, and then across the bay to the Zoo We looked at the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge and decided against walking over the top which is an option you have and for which you pay. Then it was off to Taronga zoo. We saw Dingo, Koala bears and Kangaroo. As well as the native animals, we saw animals from all over the world. The animals seemed very well looked after. We saw the gorillas being fed. They ran out of their shelters and went for the food. Boy, did they have a body odour problem! Note also, there is a separate gallery area with more and bigger photos. (Note that each gallery holds more photos within, and each photo can be enlarged even more by clicking on it.) You can also ... read more
The Opera House
Main harbour area
Taronga Zoo

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 15th 2005

Spring in October ! Arrived safely in Sydney, just as dawn was breaking. Fortunately, we were able to check in early and get into our room. Please take a look at the maps (look for the links below the route-maps icon, up there on the left). Thanks to google maps, you can zoom in and out, and switch between a traditional map or a satellite image. Also, there is a separate gallery area with more and bigger photos. (Note that each gallery holds more photos within, and each photo can be enlarged even more by clicking on it.) ... read more
Our Hotel
Our room

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Sydney Airport October 14th 2005

Ed: Finally get a chance to write about our adventures so far.... Matt's out on 'introductory' drinks with KPMG so I have the night off.. ha ha Well - the plane trip wasn't too bad -we were seated at around 5 but didn't actually fly out until after 7 thanks to a luggage problem... we had window seats but had an English lady to share the ride for the first leg - she was nice and kept referring to everything as "lovely' and 'wonderful'... anything Matt or I talked about that was her standard response... the British are so polite... There was this old man sitting behind us that kept complaining about the ongoing delays... first he complained to the air hostess, then the head of cabin crew, then the co-pilot... I'm certain even the captain ... read more
Matt and his mum
Green Park
Friends Club :-)

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 13th 2005

Here’s something rather startling. I can track the hit rate of each of my blogs. Not who reads them, just that the page has been ‘viewed’. On average I get about 100 hits per blog and I pick up a few each day - - so some older blogs are up around 140 and some recent ones are still at like 50. But I noticed that my entry on the IKEA bus driver had a crazy high hit rate. It’s currently close to 800 hits and growing faster than any others. I couldn't figure it out at first. But then I had an idea and ran a quick experiment. If you just moved, or you hate your furniture and you want to find a place to buy some ‘good cheap furniture’ what do you go? Well, ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 12th 2005

hey hey from sydney!!! well, i finally made it to sydney, my second to last stop before i head back to sunny ol' blighty! hehe! i have 10 days here then it's on to melbourne for about a week before i fly home! bet you're all uber excited at the prospect of seeing me so soon :) hehe. can't believe that i'm actually talking about coming home, tis all so soon! righty, anyhoo, got about 2 more weeks, many more way super fun things shall be done in that time!!!! got up bright and early and was accosted by a scottish lady in the bathroom who said that i looked far too glamourous for 8.00am. ummm, ok.... had my brekkie and said goodbye to sharna (really really this time! like i said, she actually got a ... read more
pritty fountain in hyde park, sydney
anzac memorial, hyde park
the sydney botanic gardens

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 12th 2005

I have been back nearly a week and it is still difficult to accept that my holiday is over. Its hard to adjust to life back home and to deal with the reality of things like looking for work, however there are so many great things about life in Sydney and in particular the northern beaches that I will soon be back into a routine resembling normality. At times the trip feels like a dream and just a flash in time but I have so many great memories and so many photographs that I will never be able to forget what a fantastic time I had. I'm so glad I decided to travel to Europe and as nice as it is to return home to Sydney, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, there ... read more
Sunrise on Dee Why Beach

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Newtown October 11th 2005

it's very weird...classes are almost over.. we are hitting the home stretch so to speak. I'm very excited to come home- I miss you all!!!- but at the same time, i will miss australia when i leave. sydney is a beautiful city- i love sitting by the water and going to the beach- but i will really miss the countryside...The long drive trips I've gotten to do have been amazing. The people I've met have been incredible, and I feel so priveledged to hang out with the people i do. As the famous philosopher Bill once said to Ted, in the late 1980s classic, Bill and Ted's Most Excellent Adventure, "Ted, this has been a most excellent adventure." Don't know why I'm writing this now. Ah well, when in Rome. Australia ho!... read more
Caroline bouldering
me in a tree
Andrew and his favorite pillow

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney October 11th 2005

Here’s the thing about the metric system. I know that it makes more sense. I understand that everything can fold up nicely into its next logical unit. I get the beauty and simplicity of things divisible by powers of 10. But what no one tells you is that all the logic in the world can’t override what you feel. I can pretty much accurately tell you when I’ve walked a mile. I can just feel it. Likewise I can eyeball a glass of water and come close to telling you how many ounces are in it. This is because my ordinary life revolves around the English system. You know approximately how many ounces are in a glass because you know how many ounces are in a can of Diet Coke. A pint is obviously the size ... read more

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