Blogs from Kings Cross, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania - page 21


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross January 27th 2007

Poikkeukselliset saat Australiassa jatkuvat edelleen. Sydneyssa on vielakin viileampaa kuin mita Perthissa tai Alicessa oli. Katja vaittaa, etta hanen kasivarren karvat eivat valehtele. Taalla on siis virallisesti kylmaa, silla Katja on jatkuvasti kananlihalla. Mittari nayttanee lienee jotain siina +18, mutta kova tuuli lisaa kylmyyden tuntua. Melkein tarvitsee alkaa kaivella pitkahihaista jostain rinkan pohjukoilta. Eilen 26.1. vietettiin Australia paivaa. Me ei oltu tietoisia kyseisesta juhlasta ennen maahan saapumista. Australia paivaa vietetaan taalla piknikin, yhdessaolon, ilmaisten tapahtumien ja ilotulitusten merkeissa. Isossa osassa tuntuu olevan myos puheiden pito ja yhteisen australialaisen hengen nostatus. Me aloitettiin paiva nukkumalla puoleenpaivaan ja sitten suuntaamalla kaupungille. Keskustassa oli paljon vakea liikkeella. Monet olivat pukeutuneet maan vareihin ja heil... read more
Ilotulitusten alkua odotellessa
Australia paivan juhlintaa

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross January 23rd 2007

Arrived in Sydney, not really sure what I was going to do here! First thing to-do was to find a hostel, I plumped for a hostel in Kings Cross called Eva's Backpackers, I found it to be exactly as it said I would in the Lonely Planet "Friendly"! Paid a visit to the kitchen, (the kitchen / dining room (I found along my travel's) is where you get to talk to most people!) There is usually some frenetic action going off in the kitchen, most dishes comprised of Pasta (of differing kinds')with a tin of tomatoes or a meal of meat and 2 veg. Our South East Asian friends' would be cooking rice with strips of beef in a sauce made with a tin of tomatoes. But whichever hostel I visited in whatever country, the scene ... read more
koala bear
View from Eva's backers roof

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross January 11th 2007

Hi Gang! I know I should have updated my blog ages ago but better late then not at all! So I really haven't been up to very much lately except for changing my mind about 500 times a day with what I am doing and where I am heading in Oz. I am really glad I am traveling by myself because I am sure someone would have killed me by now because I can’t commit…….hmmmm Janine non-committal….who would have thought?! I bought a car, a Hyundai Excel. I am so looking forward to having my own wheels. I really miss driving and then I will have that much more freedom. It is a manual, so I will have to get used to shifting with my left hand. If I can drive in England I am sure ... read more
My German "Boy" Friends
The Canadian Girls

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross January 9th 2007

I left Perth in a disappointed state of mind following England's capitulation in the cricket, but was happy that my personal suffering was over and I could forget about the Melbourne and Sydney tests and instead concentrate on having a good Christmas and New Year in Sydney. Of course that was before I arrived in Sydney's Kings Cross area to meet up with Matt Richards. I had been to Sydney before in 2002 and recalled Kings Cross as a dump and if anything it's now even worse. Our "hotel", which I will name and shame as The HAH on Darlinghurst Road opposite the train station, is next door to a needle exchange and situated on the moodiest street in Sydney, which given the nature of the rest of the city is no mean feat. Matt had ... read more
The Worlds Bar

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross January 8th 2007

Hay we found Nemo (latin for clown fish), and sorted out that pesky little dentist!! Well that bit I made up but we were made to feel at home by my Auntie (home in Newcastle) and fed lots of nice food and watched films for kicks! We had an excellent tour around Newcastle which got us thoroughly disorientated and the first proper roast dinner for 9 months!! We caught the train from Newcastle to Sydney for New Years - a bargain at $10 each return for a 6 hour round trip!! The new year was a blast and everyone was packed in like peas in a pod, but tighter.. The displays were really something not to be missed with the atmosphere electric, and we really enjoyed the evening. I (j) think the pictures don't really do ... read more
Harbour Bridge
New Year Fire Works
New Year Fire Works

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross January 6th 2007

Taalla ollaan! Matkan moninaisista vaikeuksista huolimatta... Lontoon Heathrowssa juostiin kun hullut ehtiaksemme jatkolennolle ajoissa. Kahden tunnin vaihtoaika ei ollut tarpeeksi, silla ensimmainen lentomme oli puoli tuntia aikataulusta myohassa ja turvajonot Lontoon kentalla hirmuiset. Hiesta markina ehdimme kuitenkin ajoissa. Olimme kuitenkin menettaneet ennakkoon varaamamme paikat ja jouduimme istumaan eri puolille konetta. Matka meni kuitenkin suht hyvin nukkuen univelkoja pois. Ruoka Quantasilla oli loistavaa! Parasta lentokone sapuskaa ikina!! No vaikeutemme eivat kuitenkaan paattyneet siihen, vaan Sydneyn lentokentalle saavuttuamme huomasimme etta Niinan laukku oli tullut perille, mutta minun ei. Sita selvittelimme sitten lantoyhtion kanssa ja sain sielta 100 aud (60eur)ensihataan. Se ei ole paljon, silla laukun saaminen kestaa kuulemma 3-5 paivaa. Toivottavasti se kuitenki... read more
Lokin kokosia lepakkoja
Lepakot paivaunilla

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross January 1st 2007

Another long time with no news from us! sorry guys, would love to say we've been far too busy but that'd be a lie, would love to say there's been nowhere to access the internet, but that'd be another one(play stick cricket or write a blog??????? hard choice really!) Basically after nicky left we had a nice chilled out time up to the point of meeting Bobby (for those of you who don't know, Rob's (friend from blackpool ) sister and hubby emigrated to oz a year or so ago, he's come over for a month to see here and with circumstances working very well managed to catch us for the last week we were in Oz! Awesome! And very very heavy! So we're in singapore now, and so far have done nothing but chilled out ... read more
Warm ups!

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 29th 2006

Back in Sydney again. We flew in and it felt warmer already even though my sore throat was getting worse. We are staying in Kings Cross which is seedier than the London version. Walked around the shopping area in George street for a while and then played some pool near the hostel. Went out in Kings Cross with Freya (who we met in Melbourne) and got beaten badly at pool by some local Aussies. We were hoping to take it easy before New Years Eve but had a couple of bottles of wine.... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 26th 2006

Happy Holidays!!! So what have I been up too you ask?? Well…I headed to Byron Bay after Brisbane. Byron Bay is Hippyville with a Capital H! It basically has two, well three categories of people. Hippies, Yuppies and Backpackers. Byron Bay is all about surfing, yoga, meditation and shopping. You don’t go to Byron Bay if you are looking for an action packed time! I spent 5 days in Byron Bay. My time was spent sun tanning, shopping, diving and walking. I walked lots in Byron. The hostel I stayed at was about a 15 minute walk from the main part of town. There was a shuttle into town but the path to get to town was the beach so it was faster and better scenery to walk. I also did some running and hiked up ... read more
Local Wildlife in Byron
Part of the Sydney Gang!

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Kings Cross December 20th 2006

Flew from Alice Springs to Sydney on the 27th November and decided to stay in Kings Cross which had cheap accommodation at the expense of being a little seedy. Initially stayed in a hostel called "City Resort" which turned out to be a little too run down and very dirty. So after three nights there (we had to as a condition of our free transfer from the airport) we changed hostels and moved to "Ayslum". This place was awesome and more like living in a house with a great bunch of travels... and get this for $20AUD you got free breakfast (fry up at Cafe Linda) and dinner at a nearby bar.... now thats how to budget!! On top of this we procurred some very cheap bottled wine "Roo for two" ($2AUD), which was miles better ... read more
Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House
Sydney Harbour Bridge

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