Blogs from Rhode Island, United States, North America - page 10


North America » United States » Rhode Island » Middletown February 25th 2010

Hello, my name is Katie and with my husband Sean we have developed a great love of travel. But more unique then just our love to travel, is that we love to travel as a family to explore new places and experience the world at three levels; through our own eyes, through the eyes of our children, and the historical siginificance (military or just plain cool) of the place the we are visiting. We have been very fortunate to be able to do this while in the military. We want to explore the world around us and want to ensure that our children can see it as well. So, where ever the military sends us, we will be sure to check it out. Within these pages, we will write of those expereinces. Never be afraid to ... read more

North America » United States » Rhode Island » Newport December 13th 2009

My husband and I took a day trip to Newport, Rhode Island, which is about 2 hours from our home. We went to view one of the most popular mansions by one of the world's most families, the Vanderbilts. Their mansion is called The Breakers, due to the water breaking on the rocks in their backyard. I'm so amazed at how people can live in a "summer cottage" like the one we saw. It's Beautiful with a capital b. Even the children had their own house to play in. It's the size of a small one family house and they got to play in there. Everywhere you look, you see golden inlay this and golden inley that along with dolphins and acorns. I've been there before, but not a Christmas time. It was just decorated for ... read more
Lion statue
D & K by the Xmas tree
View from Inside

North America » United States » Rhode Island » Providence November 5th 2009

7am on a Thursday morning, I arrived in Boston airport and was determined to have some of their specialty dish(es) - New England Clam Chowda and Lobsta Roll. YUM! Then hours later I decided that I am going to rent a car and drivE down to Rhode Island since I have never been. Driving down on Interstate 95 never looked so pretty. There were miles and miles of trees on either side of the road with beautiful fall colors that I usually NEVER see back home in sunny Southern California! It took me just about an hour to get to Providence and thought I visit Brown University. It may have been gloomy, but it brought a bit of ambiance to the old victorian/gothic look of each building. Then I thought I could make it to the ... read more
Road to Rhode Island
Road to Rhode Island
Brown University

North America » United States » Rhode Island September 21st 2009

We arrived in Newport, Rhode Island, on the 19th September and the first thing we did was to ogle at the mansions or “Summer Cottages” that put Newport on the map. There is a great Cliff Walk, allowing us plebs to gaze on the magnificence of the opulent palaces, kindly built by the wealthy owners. It’s clearly marked that the walk is 3.5 miles but the heat must have been affecting us as we forgot about the fact there would be 3.5 miles to walk back to the car! The path was a bit rocky in places but was well worth the views it gave. Two of the better known previous inhabitants include Lady Astor and Cornelius Vanderbilt. One famed for scandal and the other for railways. A number of these mansions are now open to ... read more
Summer Cottages
Summer Cottages
Summer Cottages

North America » United States » Rhode Island July 29th 2009

I'm not traveling this Summer, but have the urge to write. I'm volunteering some time to teach kids how to surf at the Westerly Surf School. Here are some stories from that experience. This probably needs some revision and editing but I wanted to get it out there. I'll add some pictures too along the way. I hope you enjoy reading the stories. 1. Then and Now I got hooked on surfing when I was 13. One late afternoon in August, the lifeguard, Stu French offered to let me try his surfboard. "Don't get hurt" was his only advice. One ride was all it took and I was on a life long journey. I bought my first surfboard the following Summer when. It cost 90 dollars. My dad loaned me the money and I paid him ... read more

I boarded a late morning flight in Tampa...arriving last minute, as always, and getting to the gate JUST as Southwest was boarding their B group...perfect, I was in B group. Had a flight to Philadelphia, with a short time to even get off the plane, then back in the air for 30 minutes to Providence. The 1st flight was uneventful, but full. The 2nd flight was full as well, and populated by a number of children flying alone. UGH! I am NOT a fan! One "look at me, look at me" type kiddo, about 6 years old, was flying with her 16-ish sister. Poor teen didn't stand a chance! The kid kept yelling out, "We're all gonna die" at random points through takeoff and the flight. Now, as a seasoned traveler, I don't put much ... read more

North America » United States » Rhode Island June 28th 2009

I know it’s asking a lot to be able to wake up and have a nice peaceful uneventful morning on the road, but that’s still what I want and I just know it will happen, but it will have to wait until tomorrow ! I would venture to say that 99% of the time I am the first one to get up and get things crackin’ while we’re traveling in the motor home. Yes, it’s because I’m a girl and it takes me so much longer to get beautified than it does for a boy. You would think that I would learn to start letting Tim get in the shower first just in case there’s some kind of fiasco lurking around just waiting to happen ! Tim got up 30 minutes prior to bath time and ... read more
Checkin' my emails and stuff !
Me and My Punkin' !
Me in front of the Essex Steam Train !

Providence, the capital of Rhode Island state is a lovely city. The State House (Parliament) is an impressive building modelled on St Peter's Basilica. We wandered the streets and Anna had a BOWL of cappuccino (American's drink sizes really are crazy). Then we visited Newport and toured the International Tennis Hall of Fame museum (nirvana for Darren) and an over the top mansion, built in the 1890's, known as 'The Breakers' by the magnate Vanderbuilt (NY railways) family. You must tour this bldg sometime, even if only on the internet. Evening found us in Falmouth at the start of Cape Cod, for another good night's rest. ... read more

TRAVELOGUE Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Newport, Rhode Island Hello everyone~ Today we greet you from Newport, Rhode Island. I woke early to find a beautiful soft pink and blue sunrise off of our verandah this morning. We had been told that it was going to be partly cloudy with a chance of showers. The morning brought beautifully clear blue skies above only dotted here and there with a fluffy cloud; it was hard to believe we were in for any inclement weather. It was a bit hazy, but that was about all. As the day progressed, the dark clouds did pass overhead, but apparently so did the weather as we only felt a few drops of rain and then it was gone. It couldn’t have been a more gorgeous day for taking a historic walk in ... read more
The home of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
Cherry trees in Newport
Cherry Blossoms

On Friday April 26 we visited the Blithwold Mansion and gardens in Bristol Rhode Island. The 70 acre former seaside summerhouse of coal magnate, Augustus Van Wickle and his wife Bessie, the house is now open to the pubic was celebrating “Daffodil Days”. The grounds and gardens were in very good condition. The green house had a nice variety of plants. We were experiencing the first warm day we’d had this spring and the temperature was in the 70’s. What a great day to spend visiting such a great garden and finally spring is here in New England. The “self guided” tour of the house is helpful and lets you do your viewing at your own pace. They offer an afternoon tea at two sittings each afternoon for $10. This was a nice relaxing way to ... read more
Blithewold Entrance
Blithewold Gardens
Blithewold Gardens

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