Blogs from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Middle East - page 31


This weekend we had the utmost pleasure of undertaking a return visit to the Danat Resort at Jebel Dhanna. You may remember from a lot of blogs ago that a previous, rather disasterous visit to this resort had been undertaken. Well at the end of that visit I had written a letter to the management of the resort explaining that we hadn't had a very good visit, but that it had been made so much better through the efforts of a particular staff member. Well of course the GM of the resort had written back to me saying that he was so sorry that we hadn't had a very good time and that they were going to give me a free night's stay there. So this weekend we went back up to the resort to take ... read more
The fruit basket
Hmmmm Bed
View from the balcony

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Abu Dhabi January 18th 2008

19.01.2008. 02.29 soba 813 Novotel Hotel, Abu Dhabi Eto me natrag u sobi s prozorom koji se ne da otvoriti i klimom koja se ne da isključiti. Da prijeđem odmah na stvar, na pitanje kud da idem večeras, recepcija-Indijac mi je sinoć na papir napisao .. Bolje da uslikam papir. Evo. Izletim ja po naputku na cestu i zahaltam taksi. I kazem tipu jasno i glasno "Dana Hotel" i on dost samouvjereno kimne glavom te se ja vazno uvaljam u plastikom presvučeni zadnji sic i krenemo. Do prvog semafora, kad taksist staje i počinje se raspitivati gdje je taj hotel u koji smo krenuli. Pa tak na sljedećem semaforu. I na sljedećem. Da skratim, vozili smo se i navazali pol sata, i ne znaš kome je bilo više zlo, njemu koji ne zna to nać il ... read more
Abu Dhabi Mall
Abu Dhabi mall
bezračunski taksiji

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Abu Dhabi January 18th 2008

18.01.2008. 22.23 soba 813 Novotel Hotel, Abu Dhabi Sto puta sam sjedao danas za laptop i svaki put mi je falilo koncentracije i volje pisati ovo kako spada, no maloprije sam se probudio nakon 3 sata sna i malo se bolje osjećam. Kasnit ću zbog toga u prime time diskokluba (ako uopće odem dok ovo sročim jer će vjerojatno biti jako kasno) ali moram se objavit za danas pa kaj Allah da. Jutros je sve prošlo kako sam si i zamislio, eksplodirao sam skoro na doručku i pokupio se iz sobe u 11, pusa pusa s tipom na recepciji, izvolite 440kn (ekvivalent u dirhamima, naravno) za dva najskromnija obroka koji se mogu kupiti u vašim restoranima, sve je bilo super da ne moze bit bolje, biste li popunili naš upitnik za poboljšanje usluge, ne bih hvala ... read more
ulica do glavne ulice

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Abu Dhabi January 18th 2008

The Adventure Begins So it starts, Part one of the wacky wonderful adventures. Abu dhabi is colder than I think I'd like it to be but i'm still managing to wear boardies and a vest so really can't complain. It's just blissful to be with the parents, lots of good food, good wine and good company. Great way to start the hols. we went out on the boat today, great to have the sea breeze in my hair, I even went for a swim (not a task for the faint hearted) I good and bad news about my wisdom tooth: The bad news is that is a terribly serious situation with the roots of the 90degree angled tooth wrapped around the nerve but the good news is they are just going to leave it be ... read more
Dad and Philthy

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Abu Dhabi January 18th 2008

Recently in Dubai, the streets have been in chaos, so much so that my school has been cancelled for the rest of the week (2 days off paid!). This is all due to rain, and so much rain that the Ministry of Education had to cancel school. Of course, people in Colorado may be skeptical that 3-4 days of rain would be that bad that school would have to be canceled. Well, the problem is that rain, mixed with tons of construction and an already over loaded road system has lead to major traffic problems. What is usually a 20 minute trip to school has now turned into a 2 and 1/2 hour trip. With some parts of the roads so flooded, it just takes much, much longer to get around. So, what to do with ... read more
In a tourist area
Traditional housing
Traditional village from afar

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Abu Dhabi January 17th 2008

17.1.2008. 12.15, Emirates Palace Kempinski Hotel, Abu Dhabi Naspavao sam se muški i probudio u 8. Vani sunce i lipota svita, da ne povjeruješ! Doručak je kao i sve na royal razini i tu se nema kaj reći, sto vrsta... svega. Najtočnije je reći sve od svega, bolje nego da sad sve opisujem do detalja (inače mi opisivanje hrane jako ide na zivce), ali padne ti na pamet u jednom trenutku da je šteta kaj nemaš tri zeluca pa da se mozeš najest za cijeli dan, ili čisto da mozeš guštati 2-3 sata u svemu što se nudi. Znam da je prozdrljivost smrtni grijeh (kao uostalom i svi koji su gledali "Sedam") al kaj mogu, palo mi je to na pamet. Dakle: "Dobar dan Gospodine Stankouvikč! (tak nekak me zovu) Što biste zeljeli pojesti na ovo ... read more
nađimo se u foajeu
Mohammad u master bedroomu
master bathroom

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Abu Dhabi January 16th 2008

16.1.2008. 04.37 ujutro po vremenu na odredistu, Airbus 340-300 na liniji Frankfurt-Dubai Proklet bio moj okrenuti bioritam. Svi oko mene u avionu hrcu, a ja zujim i dosadno mi ko psu. Emirates bi trebao biti kao najbolja aviokompanija, a ispadaju totalne pizde jer su ugasili cak i arapske programe na prajvet ekranu u naslonu sjedala ispred. Arapski programi, da pojasnim, su neki izdrkani blazirani filmovi telenovelaskog tipa u kojima se mladi Arapi svojski trude izgledati i ponasati se kao mladi Amerikanci ili u najboljem slucaju Talijani (to sam skuzio po cigo-migo frizurama i ferrarijevim majicama. Kostimograf iliti stilist blaziranog filma za mlade je sve to dost zgodno uvrstio u obleku glumaca da skuzis kak hoce bit digici. Neat). Uglavnom, tipovi su stalno u kupacim gacama i voze se okolo u kabrioletima, a komadi su polugoli i ... read more
soba 3431 east wing

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Abu Dhabi January 15th 2008

I was in transit for over 24 hours. After 12 hours, I sort of died inside. ... read more
Personal TV
International Beauties
Abu Dhabi Airport

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Abu Dhabi December 20th 2007

I checked my stats on this blog yesterday and at that point I had got 99,999 hits. WTF? I know that is not much in the big scheme of things blog wise, but it means that is still 5000 hits per month. I don't know if it is the same people looking several times or if it actually gets read, but even if only 1 in 5 is a genuine read, that is still 1000 people. I reply to every message I get sent - admittedly, it's only usually 10 to 20 per month, but surprisingly I have not had one single message asking me to help get $10,000,000 out of Nigeria, offer of penis enlarging pills, Viagra, or invitations from "hot singles in my area", yet my inbox at work is constantly full of that ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Abu Dhabi December 15th 2007

I decided to escape from Dubai for the weekend and went up to Abu Dhabi for the weekend. And boy was that an experience. I had no idea how rude the people in Abu Dhabi can actually be. Service in Abu Dhabi actually doesn't seem to exist. We actually walked out of one restaurant after the service was so bad. And then there is the fact that the locals are so arrogant that they actually just do whatever on earth they want and expect you to get out of their way. They will walk into you in stores, pull out in front of you on the road, push in front in a queue. You name it they do it. On the up side however is the fact that the coastline, and the corniche in particular, is ... read more
View of the Corniche
Lulu Island
Abu Dhabi

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