Blogs from Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe - page 15


Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne August 16th 2008

This morning I met with M.Lampe my counselor for the first time. Havier's family my host mom and I plus is family where out for breakfeast at a lovely little restoraurant in town with fine pastries. The meal was nice I was happy to meet him so we couldarrange to get my things settled moneyweise. At 10:30 I caught up with Michelle and Her friend Nadia to take the bus to Koln. We got at the station just on time to catch the first bus their. The ride was not to bad going up. The girls were speaking english with me when a guy sitting next to us started asking question's about how come I was here in english. Turn's out he'd been an exchange student with EF to Colorado for 6 months last year. I ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne August 11th 2008

Hi all from Germany. I am writing this at 10.15pm and it’s still 28degsC according to my cellphone. We are sitting outside at a campground in Koln (Cologne), Germany, by the river Rhine, still in singlet and shorts (yes - even me, cold blooded Monique, is still just in a singlet top at 10.15pm!). This morning we packed up all of the camping gear we would need from Auntie Margareth’s and Uncle Albert’s, and then had the joy of trying to fit it all into the boot of the little red Suzuki. After some attempts at fitting it all in, we folded ourselves into the car (nah, it wasn’t too bad!), and off we went down the autobahn to Duisburg - in the 30+degs. While the autobahns are a great way to travel somewhere fast, you ... read more
Our camping spot in Koln
View of Koln

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne August 5th 2008

After saying goodbye to my parents in Oslo, I took a few a few trains, busses, and a flight, and arrived in Köln, Germany late on Thursday evening. I had decided to spend my last week in Germany. Luckily, Chaz was able to find the time and money to join me. His flight wouldn’t arrive until the morning, but his roommate from last year, Marvin, is from Köln, and was nice enough to offer us a place to stay for a few nights. Marvin picked me up, showed me the Rhine River, and treated me to a beer in one of the pubs. Friday morning, Marvin and I drove to Frankfurt to pick up Chaz. I had my first experience with the German Autobahn, and found it very similar to the freeways we have in the ... read more
Gothic Cathedral
Gothic Cathedral
Chaz and Marvin

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne August 3rd 2008

Staying a hostel in Koln in many ways was going back to the roots. The hostelś actually whatś known as a 2 star hostel. Now, in the olden days, these didn´t exist. They were just a cheap room to bed down and of variable quality. This place had ensuite and a key card. I still got the bunk though. I was pretty wiped and even had an early night. I got chatting to my dorm-mate (if I using the correct term here) - a 50 year old American who was travelling with her daughter who has just graduated. I knew it! This place is teeming with young American grads. Actually, the mum was quite sweet and it was odd that she told me she was from DC which is where the White House is. How odd ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne August 3rd 2008

Our next stop on the trip through Germany was to the town of Lennestadt to see my friend Martin. He was an exchange student in Harvard during my senior year and we became good friends. He and I played a lot of table tennis together and even won gold medals as doubles partners at the Cornhusker State Games. I last saw him two years ago when I was in the Czech Republic and we met in Prague. As we drove towards Lennestadt, we made an unexpected, but very interesting stop. I noticed that Frankenstein castle was only 4km off of the road, so we made a quick exit and went to see for ourselves. The castle is thought to be the one that inspired Mary Shelley to write her novel. It was quite strange that although ... read more
Frankenstein Castle
Outside Frankenstein Castle
Cologne Cathedral

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne August 2nd 2008

A recurrent thought I suspect I´ll be having during my one month Balkan invasion. Plus Croatia if one is being accurate and doesn´t wish to offend. Of which I will try. Another recurrent thought for sure will be the long trek with the backpack. Surely its not healthy to walk with my body weight attached to my back for an hour. The journey from the train station to the hostel took that long but of course my notorious sense of direction got in the way. In reality, it probably should be 15 minutes and I was prepared with the google map and everything. Clearly that, along with the hostel directions were not exactly lizproof and perhaps there should be a special function on google maps for those with a spazzy sense of direction. Also, I can´t ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne August 1st 2008

Ok, so it seems that Köln has the same computer terminals as Bonn, but never mind! Day 9 - To Koblenz After getting to Frankfurt station about an hour before my train was due to go, I happily boarded. At 11.23, a 20 minute delay was announced, so i waited, and 10 minutes later the driver told us that unfortunately the train wasn't going and we had to get off - some problem with the pulling carriage/engine or whatever it's called. The choice of food whilst waiting in the station was limited, so I went for good old Maccy D's. Another (better train turned up on the departureboard, and once I was on, we were away. The train up the Rhine to Koblenz was lovely, but I sat on the wrong side, so i didn't get ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne July 21st 2008

We woke up this morning to an Amsterdam streaming with rain. Since we intended to head to Cologne at some point, we figured why not sooner. Arrived in Cologne at about 3pm, and began exploring. Now, I have an important confession to make. I think I am too old for hostels. During all of my earlier travels it never occurred to me that I night one day find these cheap beds nasty. Cologne is our first hotel of the trip (as until budget hotels were approximately the same prices) and I worry that it might be one of the nicest. There is some sort of rodent trap outside our door. Lovely. Tomorrow and the next night we are staying in a dorm in Berlin! Cologne itself seems kinda neat. It was hard to get a real ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne July 18th 2008

Trip to Asia summer '08 It´s Friday the 18Th, thinking about all the things i have to take with me. as i am travelling as a backpacker, i shouldn't´t bring that much so forget about nice and fancy stuff, think about the essentials... Along the trip i hope to get a chance at leasr once a week to post some pictures and text here. Let's see what comes out of it! Hope to see some post from your side as well as it'll be a lot easier to be in touch through this blog instead of emails... The official language will be English, however you are free to choose... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne July 13th 2008

Hello All! Life has taken it's twists & turns recently, but somehow I safely made it to Köln in one piece! Well, I'm actually staying with this amazing guy, David, right outside of Cologne in a prompt town called Hürth. Just a 15 minute tram ride to the heart of Cologne, which makes it perfect for me to progress in my new novel, ''Twilight.'' I finished studying in Berlin and explored everything from art museums to concentration camps to the animal park. I was fortunate enough to meet with 2 ladies from Parliament and a German author. All very intriguing people with different views on the world. Alongside learning much about Germany, I learned more about the U.S. and all the cruel things Pres. Bush is/has done. Ironically, environmental issues seem to arise, yet Berlin is ... read more

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