Blogs from Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe - page 14


Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne February 22nd 2009

Hey so I decided not to be to lazy and write another entry. It's Karneval here in Köln this weekend. It is really hilarious every one is dressed up in costumes and I guess the main attraction is drinking and well the parades on the street. I had friday off and monday tuesday for Karneval since we live near köln and well thats where the big party is but its pretty much all celebrated in the area of the Bergisch land where I am. My first introduction to Karneval was thurdays getting on the train to go to school I get at the train station everyone dressed up in costumes happy and singing drinking at about 9:oo in the morning. all ready to take the train to koln. I went afterschool with a friend to find ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne January 26th 2009

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I figured that during the week I won't update as often because I'm just going to classes, but I'll try to mention anything interesting that happens. Last week was farely relaxing. I went to teh gym a few times, and thast definitely an experience. I've seen only one woman there the three times I've gone and she's older and looks like she should be in an eighties jazzersize video. The guys that are in there look at me like they've never seen a girl work out or lift weights before. So, its slightly awkward, and I try to avoid any eye contact with them. This weekend I went to Koln, Germany (also spelled Cologne). I went with four other girls, and we left early Saturday morning. It was a ... read more
In front of the Cathedral
View of the city from the top

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne January 15th 2009

Der Countdown läuft !!! Noch genau einen Monat und wir sitzen im Flieger Richtung Südafrika immer der Sonne entgegen!! ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne December 30th 2008

Herzliche Grüße aus Köln! Which (hopefully) means, 'best wishes from Cologne'. We caught the train here from Amsterdam today in order to save about 200€, but more on that in a second. The last time that we had the pleasure of your company Sharon and I were sitting in an internet cafe in Amsterdam, scared to go out into the -4 degree evening. After eventually getting up the courage, we headed out to the street and after some deliberation decided to visit a local Indian restaurant. The food was quite delicious and it made us laugh thinking that two Australians were in Holland eating Indian food - what a multicultural society we live in. The next morning we pushed our way into the breakfast room at the hotel/hostel where around 50 people were jostling about, trying ... read more
Shazzy spice

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne December 8th 2008

MY CS HOST. Finn was his name -- it rhymed with Lynn, thus we were of course destined to get along. Finn's online humor was contagious and I was looking forward to meeting him. After an hour train ride south from Oberhausen and a hike up five exhausting flights of stairs we finally met. Finn got me acquainted with his pad - complete with a bar, however, not put to much use (what a shame). I settled in while Finn whipped up some pasta for lunch and we got acquainted over our swap of couchsurfing stories. Finn shared his travels through Europe and the States, one in particular was his trip to or I should say through Spain. His travel was not by air, car, nor by train, but instead by foot. He embarked on the ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne November 23rd 2008

Yesterday was awesome. I went to koln to meet up with two other exchange students living around Bonn it was really nice we walked around the city but got out of the touristy part of town and ended up where some small turkish shops are. We looked around at the gadgets for sell and alked around there. A street was full of wedding dress shops and prom dresses I so would have wished to have found that shop last year. But I didn't. We came to part of the Old roman wall which was build around the city then alked passed in and found another lovely church. It's unbelieveable the quietness and piecefullness in these churchs they are so big and breathe taking. I love it. I wish we had those back home. After that we ... read more

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne November 19th 2008

I have finally started feeling like I am getting use to living in my new town of Remscheid. I have been going to school now for about a month and that schedule seem to be feeling more normal. What better way to celebrate adjusting to a schedule than going to a couple of fun parties. One Classy When I first started at the University of Wuppertal I had heard that every year they have a Uni Ball. A couple of people in my program were really excited about the idea but I wasn’t sold. The Uni Ball was the first weekend in November and I was convinced it would be a nice time. I figured I needed a date to our German Prom, so I called my friend in Dusseldorf and invited her to go with ... read more
Casino Room
Main Ball Room
Matching is Fun

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne October 2nd 2008

Salut mes Quebecois favorie. Bon sa va s'arretter la mon orthographe est mauvaise. This will probably be my last entery until I get back from my trip in Austria Skiing in the alps. Today I spent the day in Köln it was really nice I had so much fun. This morning I left at around 8:00 to catch the bus alone and I had arranged to meet with the guy I met on the bus my first trip there. I arrived at 9:30 about at the bus station it's beside the train station in Köln for those who might know. So he met me there and we hang out for the day. For those who don't know he was an exchange student in Colorado last year for a semester. First we when in the Dom. It's ... read more
The old town
My tour guide for the day
The Sport shop we went to

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne August 21st 2008

'allo! (I've decided thats how Europeans pronounce it). So we are here in Cologne, and Erin and Stephen made it yesterday (no, they didn't get put into the 2 beds in my room, but they are just downstairs). Yesterday morning I went to the cathedral. Words cannot describe how amazing it is, so I don't even think I'll try. Its say the least! I didn't end up taking a tour because they had pamphlets that did a good job explaining (plus I took a year of art history over 2 years ago...that should be enough, right???). I took so many pictures, its kind of ridiculous. I'll try to hold back the desire to post them all, but seriously, if you ever get the chance to come to Cologne, do it! The Cathedral itself is so ... read more
View of the Cathedral
Live Action Performance
Erin and Stephen

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne August 19th 2008

Well, I am officially in my last city on my 2 week Europe adventure. It has been a blast; tiring, but awesome! I said my final farewells to Bethany and Jan in Brussels, and now I'm chilling in Cologne where Erin and Stephen will meet up with me tomorrow. Our last day in Brussels was fun (yes, Jan actually made it!). We did indeed find th EU Parliament, after getting directions from a nice American business man in a Belgium deli. We ended up going on a free audio tour (very high tech), and it was pretty awesome to see...its like when people come to D.C. and see all the big government buildings for the first time (yes, I know, I make fun of them too, but that doesn't mean I can't be touristy in foreign ... read more
EU Parliament

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