Blogs from Hamburg, Germany, Europe - page 19


Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg April 14th 2009

CS: Sat 4 April: Heavy fog outside all around the ship, visibility is likely to remain poor; we are in the North Sea! I found a German FM radio station playing easy listening music which maintained reception for a while. I’ve actually had very little joy from the short wave facility. The passage from Antwerp to the river mouth was short but completely hidden behind the grey fog and steely sea. We were on the Bridge as the pilot came on board from the (unusually) dual hull pilot vessel, which emerged suddenly from the gloom. PP estimated visibility as a mere 200 metres. Our passage down the Elbe was largely obscured. Before arriving at our dock, however, the vessel (with the help of two tugs) engaged in a fantastic backwards maneuver. The ship was turned 180 ... read more
The Boys Supervising Closely
Uncharacteristic Building at the dock
The City Centre

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg December 31st 2008

Cold in Hamburg a href=""holiday in Kemer - Turkey.../a... read more

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg December 13th 2008

I'm not going to pretend that I'm not aware that my 'outer-wear' in our travel photos are similar. At best I'm able to switch out a scarf or two, I'm willing to address the situation on here with all of you. This outer-wear concern was first brought to my attention by my self-conscienceness-- I have always been someone who has taken terrific pride in her fashion-sense, I like to think it's my sixth-sense. The second time it was brought to my attention was from a great friend of mine who knows me a little too well (and how to crawl under my skin and lay there with a megaphone), Leslie. She has voiced her concern on two occasions now about how my choice of repeated 'outer-wear' has her convinced that I'm "obsessed" with these items. I ... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg December 13th 2008

Hamburg!!!!! November 3-9, 2008 “Hamburg is as watery as Venice and Amsterdam. Three rivers - the Elbe, the Alster, and the Bille - traverse it, as does a grid of narrow canals called Fleete…Hamburg, In the mid-19th century an admiring Glaswegian treasurer described Hamburg as the worlds “most mercantile city”. So much history has taken place here and 80% of it was in rubble after World War 2. “ Germany tour book. On November 3rd we left Freiburg in the very south of Germany to travel all the way back up to northern Germany to Hamburg. After a long almost ten hour bus ride we arrived at our hotel. I was soo exhausted I pretty much passed out the second I made it into my room. The next day though a few girls and I took ... read more
The Hautbanhauf
Nina's so small I have to bend over

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg December 1st 2008

Everything has to end, I guess. I am back in Germany now. Let me quickly recap what has happened in the last three months. There haven't been any posts since the end of August. At that time I was in Hawaii and I actually stayed there until the end of September. Except for a quick trip to the northern most island of the Hawaiian archipelago, Kauai, I stayed put on my organic farm in Hawi. Life was good and mellow while I was thoroughly enjoying the Hawaiian sun. Maybe I could have stayed longer - I don't know - but then again if you don't know you are probably ready to leave. I took off for San Francisco, where I had a few nice days at a small backyard farm in the Napa Valley (Wendy, the ... read more
Lava Entering the Ocean II
Lava Entering the Ocean III
Shadow and Pili

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg November 20th 2008

With 6 bags between the two of us, getting to and from the airport can be a challenge. We somehow managed to pack our lives back up, including any new items we might have aquired, and began our journey to our new home in Hamburg. Since we’d already been introduced to our new city from the SMM Boat Show back in September, we knew exactly what to expect—which was nice. A few hours up in the air and some 6-bag-tackling later, we were in the taxi and on our way to the Clipper-Elb Lodge—where we’d be residing for the next 3 months. It’s a good location, right by the water and it’s close to bus stops, subways and walking paths. Grant either bikes or hitches a ride with a friend to work (a little over a ... read more
Pier- Bournemouth, England
On my run, I took several sunset pictures
Right before the sunset

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg October 31st 2008

it's been some time. the unquiet + nov. 13th show was cool. what a fuckin amazing evening ! hanging out lots. unquiet are sweetest dudes ! after the show, rob and I and the rest of the gang started emptying my liqour rests. nice. hanging out til the middle of the night. nice breakfast. just really sweet. how it should be. last weekend, I was in berlin again. a. called me tuesday to say that he won the bloc party tickets to the exclusive 300 people show at the tempelhof airport. which was thursday. so i cancelled my ride on friday, got one on thursday and went after university. the show was amazing ! much better than I had anticipated ! his voice - just as good as on record ! so cool ! friday, we ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg September 26th 2008

Guten Morgen, It’s around 3:45pm here in Hamburg and we’re taking off for Oktoberfest later this evening. Everything has been great to date! Grant has been very busy with the boat show here. He's working hard and was even given an assignment yesterday-- it's an assignment that came from one of the big guys! I was able to meet with the International School yesterday. The Jr. Director, Nick Ronai, was very nice and I think I’m going to be assisting in different classrooms (pre-school to grade 5), he said I’ll be with the 3- year-olds first and then will perhaps move around some (Grant thought it was funny that I’ll be finger painting for the next couple of months!). I was taken around the school and introduced to the various classrooms and teachers. The 3-year-olds were ... read more
Caterpillar- Hamburg
Hamburg District
Hamburg District

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg September 23rd 2008

So, picture me now-- I'm at a coffee shop called Kyti Voo-- sipping a latte (that needs some serious sugar) while I hear everything but English conversations-- it's loud (bar loud) and I'm just now sinking in that I'm not in Kansas anymore. I just landed here yesterday morning. My flight went swimmingly from Cbus to Philly (although I sat beside a 300lbs man who talked to me about sausage for an hour +)-- yes, he was on his way to Munich to go eat as much as possible in the next 72 hours. I've never seen someone's eyes light up like that over the talk of sausage. He was super excited for me about my trip, telling me that I could eat bread and butter and cheese when I went to Paris, and that ... read more
Grant & I

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg September 12th 2008

Friday 12th September As is usual when I express any smugness about the weather I get almost instant payback and today was no exception. It may have been a beautifully bright and sunny day in Walsrode when I left - gulping in the warm air with my visor up when below 100kph, but 200 miles south it rained all day. So within an hours riding the temperature dived from 24 to 15 and I was once again riding in the rain. Super. I had been on the A7 most of this week - what an incredible road, well incredibly boring. To think I bemoaned our A1, this road really does go on for ever. It starts in Frederikshavn (at the top of Denmark) and scythes it way down the face of Germany all the way to ... read more

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