Blogs from Hamburg, Germany, Europe - page 20


Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg September 11th 2008

Thursday 11th September Got knocked off this morning. No not by any of the gorgeous women in this town but by a f*cking transit driver at the lights. I'd just left Jan's with details of places to visit in Denmark and was crawling up to the lights, when this moron ran straight into the back of me. Once the bike started to go over there was no way I could hold it so down it and I went. White (actually it was yellow) man van got out of his transit and muttered something in Danish, probably the Danish for “... sorry mate, didn't see you...” or something similar from the international transit driver's phrase book. And how could the f*cking myopic idiot not have seen me? The bike is bright orange, wider than his transit with ... read more
Hamburg 2

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg September 11th 2008

Hej alle, Saa er vi naaet til Hmburg lufthavn og venter pa den lange flyrejse. Vi har shoppet det sidste gear for man skal jo som camilla mener ikke gaa ned paa udstyret :) saa der er koebt seak til rygsaekkene og lommekniv... Vi vender tilbage med mere info senere Knus Camilla og Anders... read more

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg September 1st 2008

I don't have as much time now to write these, but I still need to tell you what I did yesterday!!! I went to see gerd and we went to the heather and it was really nice out, and it was pretty even though he said that in other years it was more purple and we got to see the Schnucken! I have some pictures of them too. We couldn't find the tame ones though so i didn't get to pet any. and then we went to a restaurant and i ate a schnuckie. and it was a good, but long day! then i went to my german course this morning and i tried 3 different ones but decided the first was the best and then i moved in and went shopping with mirjam and stuff ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg August 30th 2008

Valeska invited me to come to the bakery where she works for breakfast, so I did. It was yummy... and I didn't know that nutella was chocolate! After that I bought a notebook, in case I need one for my German class... because I won't be able to buy a notebook tomorrow... (Sunday!) Then i went back and used the internet and then i went jogging and then I showered and packed up my package, and did a little packing of my suitcase, then I went to meet Valeska again and she showed me the Rathaus and then we went on a boat (the boat is like the Bahn, and I didn't get sick yay!) to a beach on the Elbe because today was SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!!! The sun was shining, it was warm, I ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg August 29th 2008

Hmm... normal morning, running, internet, blah blah blah. I ate in the mensa again and they had a very nice salad for only 2 Euros. Oh yeah I went inside the Gustav-Radbruch-Haus and tried to figure out about moving in but wasn't very successful. Then I went to Planten un Blomen again, and I took some pictures :) ...didn't see any red squirrels though, but when I do, hopefully I will have my camera! Planten un Blomen is such a pretty park! I also went to some carnival on the Alster and that was cool to look at -- more pictures! ;) Then I went to JAM and that was fun! We sang, and played some games. I learned that Musical Chairs is called Reisen nach Jerusalem (travel to jerusalem). Then someone gave the message and ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg August 28th 2008

I woke up, and decided to go running! So I went running in the other direction for the Alster. I wasn't sure exactly how to get to Planten un Blomen and I didn't want to get lost, and I also didn't want looking at a map to interrupt my running. So I should try walking there first, before I try running there. After that I was soooo hungry! So I went to nahkauf (the small grocery store nearby... I can't find a big one!) and I bought some bananas... enough to last for my last days of the hotel (YAY the countdown to Sept. 1 is now only 4 days!!!), I bought a roll, and some... MARZIPAN! Then I ate my breakfast. The marzipan is actually a chocolate bar with marzipan in it, it was ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg August 27th 2008

There's never much to do in the mornings during the week because all of my friends work & whatnot... So I stayed in bed a long time.... til like 10 AM even though I slept good... Then I went to the computer lab around 11 AM and I got to talk to my mom on the internet! =) I also looked up the way to get to Gerd's house with the bus. Then I went running around the Alster again... I don't think I can run around the whole thing because I found an end to the path I was running on. Well it didn't really end but it looked like it went onto some street and I was afraid I would get lost. Next time... if there is a next time (because maybe I'll try ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg August 26th 2008

So.... I bought a Deutsche Bibel today! It's really pretty, blue with a sunflower =) I went jogging again, I used the internet... blah blah blah. Then I met Mohamed, who had found me on studivz and he was nice and he actually helped my german a little by correcting me when I had bad grammar... and yeah that's all I'm tired. Oh yeah last night was annoying, the TV next door was too loud and then I knocked on the door and no one answered then I went downstairs and the hotel guy tried to call but that didn't help either so I didn't get to sleep til like 2:30 AM =( So I woke up at 11 AM but oh well hopefully I can sleep good tonight.... read more

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg August 25th 2008

Another nice day! (Weather wise & also in the meaning that it was enjoyable). I woke up and had some kind of sandwich from a cafe for breakfast. (I had a sandwich because I knew I was going to see Gerd later and we would eat cake, so I wanted to make sure I was getting enough protein). After I ate breakfast I went to the HAW Hamburg library and used the internet. The computer lab that I had used on friday was closed for some reason and then I was really confused because in the library, the first computer that I went on was only for the library catalog, and I could also check my HAW email address, but I couldn't type in URLs or anything. Finally I asked the librarian and figured out that ... read more

Europe » Germany » Hamburg » Hamburg August 24th 2008

I went to Christus Gemeinde this morning and it was great! Yet again I could feel the Holy Spirit, although this time it was more in tears than in warmth. I sat with Insa and Gerd (not my relative) who I met last night. During the sermon, Gerd offered to translate, which was really nice. It was about what is your mission in life, and a lot of it really spoke to me about how I'm supposed to be here in Hamburg, and God has something great planned for me here! After the service, there was coffee, tea, and cookies, so I talked to Insa and some of her friends for a bit, then I saw Ms. Weatherall so I went to say hi to her, and then I also met a girl named Claudia who ... read more

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