Blogs from Copán Ruinas, Western, Honduras, Central America Caribbean - page 17


Yeeehaa!!! Gun slinging Gauchos in the wild wild west of Honduras... read more
Eli meeting her horse
Born to ride... err.. not quite
Beautiful cows

Cool ruins with amazing birds!... read more
A big one coming in to land
Mayan temple
These birds are everywhere!

We couldn't go the the Mayan Ruins at Copan because there was a large protest against the government who expropriated valuable land for tourism from poor local farmers without compensation. Hopefully there will be justice, but not likely with the history of Honduras and the current governments attitude toward the poor. We instead went to a bird sanctuary in the mountains. I lost my jounal with this entry but will add more later. For now here are some pictures... read more
Protest Music
Cooling Off

Hi all Well its only been a few days since my last update and heres what has happened After I had done my tour around Los Angeles me and Flexi had a few hours to kill so we played some cards and then I headed down to the airport. I got to the airport about 4 hours before my flight which is not ideal especially at LA International where there is nothing to do. My flight left just before 2am and I slept for most of it. Guatemala airport surprised me in that it was extremely modern, it looks like it can only be a year or two old and still seems to have large areas that are not used even though they have been completed. I got a shuttle to Antigua during which I saw ... read more

Arrived in Copan and began asking cabs about the cost to get to La Casa de Café hotel. You have to set a price with the cab drivers before you get into their taxi, or they might try to cheat you and charge you a brazo(arm) and a pierna (leg) when you get to the location. A Honduran woman speaking Spanish, offered us a ride, but because of our past travels we have learned to trust no one. Unfortunately, we assume that people are trying to take advantage of us, because we have been burned before. So, we ignored her and went to other cabs. In this case, we f’d up. Her and her husband were actually on the bus with us, and with her husband, they happen to own the La Casa de Café hotel. ... read more
Colorful birds
Eric on the road to the ruins
Danielle and Parrot sharing a meal

hey! I wanted to post some photos...but the computer's not letting me...ahhhh but, HAPPY NEWS!!! this week our students are taking exams and then we're finished with the school year!!! Not that I'm excited about that or anything. :) It's been a LOOOOOONG year and it's nice to have a change on the horizon and some time to rest. whew! The rains are starting!!! Yesterday another teacher and I walked up to La Pintada (about an hour hike up the mountain). It sprinkled on our way up which was better than the sun beating down on us and being drenched in sweat b.c of the humidity. It cleared up and we had a nice little time up there. Then, just as we were started out it down poured!! Thankful it just turned into a steady rain, ... read more

HELLO HELLO HELLO!!!! I just came back from a week travelling around Honduras, which was fun for the first part and ...really interesting for the rest. Let me start off by saying I´ve never been happier to sit at a computer and write home, and give a warning that this may take a while to read! Last Wednesday Kat and I went to Tegucigalpa to pick up her mom and sister from the airport. Together we all headed to the Copán Ruinas (the ancient Mayan Ruins) which was really amazing. The town is built for tourism and was like stepping out of Honduras and into a carefully carved 1600´s mountain village. The streets were cobblestoned, the menus glossed over in Spanglish, gringos (white people) everywhere, no garbage, and aside from a few hearty staredowns, no one ... read more

Hi everyone!! It's been a while since I've posted, so thought I'd just drop a note to say I'm still alive and kicking. Actually, I have a lot of great updates (birthday celebration, things at school, etc.)...but just can't scrape enough minutes together to type everything up. Plus I was sick for a week straight (missed two days of school, stayed in bed, awful). Physically I'm better now. Emotionally I am ready for the school year to be finished (we have 3 more weeks...PRAYERS PLEASE!!!). Spiritually I'm hungry for some solid preaching and heart-to-hearts. But I'm learning to rely on God more and more. He's my only and everything. And I'm getting some happy moments slipping away to the pool or bird park for a swim and some sun. :) will probably be a few ... read more

hey.. ich weiss ich war ja schon einige ruinen anschauen.. wenn ich da so an mexico und guate zurueckdenk.. aber wisst ihr was.. wenn man das ganz schnell anschaut.. naemlich wie in der ueberschrift erwaehnt.. einfach hingehen, machen und weggehen... dann ist das echt super.... ja.. ich grad so zurzeit in einer voellig anderen stimmung als auch schon.. irgendwie voll am reisen.. am unterwegs sein.. somit bin ich jetzt gerade in honduras angekommen.. morgen geht es weiter nach Utila.. (where you are roman..?).. ich werde naehmlich jetzt ein taucher.. in diesem sinne seit umarmt und bis bald..... read more
ruine copan

Bueno, pues aqui estamos de nuevo, esta vez para relatar nuestra corta estancia por el vecino del norte de El Salvador, Honduras. Corta estancia porque solo estuvimos 4 dias, ya que con eso de la familia y los recuerdos, entre Nicaragua y El Salvador fuimos un poco lentos. En Honduras nos fuimos directamente a visitar las increibles ruinas Mayas de Copan. Copan fue una antigua ciudad Maya, de la que se conservan varios templos piramidales, una cancha de juego de pelota (no como el football de hoy en dia, ya que los Mayas sacrificaban al ganador del juego...estos Mayas, je, je) y una increible escalera jeroglifica de 1000 y pico peldaños en los que a un rey Maya le dio por contar la historia de la dinastia copaneque y dejo algo impresionante. A Copan entramos ... read more
Estatua labrada en piedra de uno de los governadores de Copan
Una de las piramides de copan
Otra estatua copanepeque

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