Blogs from Quepos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 7


Centro / centre Restaurantes La puesta del sol / sunset La casa de mi primera familia tica / house of my first Costa Rican host family... read more

pop. 2,000 y Manuel Antonio ... read more

Om 6u opgestaan en opt gemak al t dorp wat gaan verkennen, maar rondgekeken voor een andere slaapplaats (ALWEER) aangezien we gisteravond het eerste gepakt hebben wat we tegenkwamen. Verkast, omgekleed voor een namiddagje strand en de bus genomen naar Manuel Antonio, heerlijk in de zon....dan ook maar onmiddellijk cocktails laten aanrukken .. Pura Vida! Tot bijna zonsondergang gebleven en dan het busje terug genomen into town.... read more
Manuel Antonio Beach

Woke up at 5 am to catch the 6am bus out of Mal Pais and into Cabano. There I would take another bus to Tambor and to the ferry station. The ferry takes 1.5 hours but the entire trip just to get to the ferry is about 3 hours. The roads are sometimes so bad you need a 4x4 but we were lucky even with such heavy rain last night the bus made it out of Mal Pais. I arrived at the port of Puntarenas which is a transitional town. I waited at the local bus stop and the firework began. I ordered some vendor food from this lady and she didn´t have change. My spanish is getting abit better or maybe it´s an improved mind reading ability and reading body language but she basically motion ... read more
Travelling buddies
mal pais

After an exciting time in Monteverde, it was time to head to the Pacific coast for a few days. This was our longest travel day. The drive was beautiful, driving back down the mountains, and then driving along the coast. This is the Costa Rica that most people think of: crystal-clear blue water, brown sand, and tropical heat. We stayed in Quepos, a port city that was a little rough around the edges. Once I spent a few days there wandering the streets, I found it a little charming in all of its grunge. From there it's a short bus ride to Manuel Antonio, a beach town that's filled with charming restaurants and shops, and a gorgeous view of the beach and ocean. The second day we were there, we spent the entire day laying on ... read more
Costa Rica033
Costa Rica034
Costa Rica006

The last few days have been mostly travel days. Not sticking around anywhere for long. Making our way up to the Peninsula De Nicoya where we will be visiting Montezuma. Probably will be there a couple of days. We crossed the border into Costa Rica on Thursday with no problems but I thought it odd that we had to pay to leave Panama. Only $2 each but silly. Anyway, we traveled by bus up to San Isidro which made for a long day of travel. When we got in, it was pretty late and we were stuck trying to find a hostel in the dark. I keep telling myself that I need to get to my location in the daylight so it is not so hard to get around. There was another guy who was in ... read more

The last two weeks of our year long trip was spent in Costa Rica. It was in the hope that the sun would shine and gives us some super tans to go home with. Unfortunately it was the rainy season so we only managed 2 hours of sunbathing in the morning at the most, before the clouds came. We stayed in some lovely hotels and hostels with huge rooms and swimming pools. Very comfortable! We travelled to a few locations including a tree plantation where we went horse riding. I was extremely nervous to begin with, but soon relaxed, as it was far less terrifying than riding an elephant! (I'm sure you've read my Laos blog!). We thoroughly enjoyed our riding, which began with a river crossing! Home on Wednesday 30th August , but we're off ... read more
Look one hand!
Tropical flowers
1 last bus ride.

Hola Chicos After a grewling day of travelling via boat, a bus, another bus and another bus we have finally reach Costa Rica! It is stunning here! We drove on buses for about 9hours on tuesdays and the scenery was incredible! the drive was a little scary with huge cliff edges with no barriers and a slightly insane bus driver going much faster than he sould be! But we got here in once piece and are current staying in Quespos which is on the central pacific coast. We went to the national park in Manuel Antonio today which was beautiful, we were welcomed by 3 monkeys (one with a baby on its back) and then two sloths!!! we heard it was quite rare to see them and suddenly there was two right in front of us! ... read more

Well I´m gone again, on another adventure. This time I´m travelling for 16 weeks Central and South America. Saturday I flew to San Jose, Costa Rica Spent a couple days visiting with friend of mine, Krista and her roommate Ashley. They have been down here since January, teaching English.Sunday we went visited Pose Volcano. Monday I jumped a bus to the pacific coast to a town called Quepos, near Manuel Antonio National Park.I spent the last 3 days here Great spot to spend a couple of days. Amazing weather, pristine beaches, beautiful sunsets and lots of stuff to do. Tuesday I spent White Water Rafting. It was no Ottawa River but I had fun. Thursday I will be heading to Nicaragua with Krista and Ashley. They needed to renew their Visa (leave the country for 72 ... read more
Sunset 1
Rafting 2

Kate - Our journey to Quepos was....hurray... not too long and only took around 2 hours. When we arrived however it was absolutely tipping it down with rain which we later learnt it did everyday in the afternoon in Quepos. It is actually quite refreshing since the mornings are so hot, and also you dont feel bad about lazing around the hostel playing cards, reading our books in the afternoon. Quepos is a small town along the coast from Jaco and it really nice. We chose to stay in a Backpackers after our somewhat extravganze in Playa Hermosa and we picked out a hostel called the Wide Mouth Frog....luckily the name wasnt a reflection of the type of tennants they have living within there grounds- thank god!!! It was a really nice hostel and cheap which ... read more
Kate at Manuel Antonio National Park
Surf at Quepos
Our Hostel

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