Blogs from Bangkok, Central Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 22


Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok July 20th 2017

Mittwoch, 19.07.17: Heute erwartet uns bereits das zweite Erlebnis: Eine Bike- und Boottour durch Bangkok. Vielen Dank Gerald und Julila! Nach dem wir am ersten Tag miterlebt haben, wie Straßenverkehr in Bangkok funktioniert, waren wir uns anfangs nicht sicher, ob ihr Zwei überhaupt wollt, dass wir wieder zurück nach Wien kommen... Schlussendlich war es aber eine sau coole Tour durch die abgelegenen Wohnbezirke, durch Chinatown, und durch die Flüsse und Kanäle Bangkoks. Unfassbar, wie wenig es braucht, damit sich etwas Asphalt einen Radweg nennen darf und wie sich dennoch auch Motorradfahrer als Radfahrer verstehen... Ein Überblick über die Radwege findet ihr in den Fotos... "Bangkok", so viel haben wir zumindest auf dieser Tour gelernt, heißt Land der Oliven, auch wenn wir hier noch keine gesehen haben. Als wir am Ende der Tour aus einem Boot aussteigen ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok July 20th 2017

Donnerstag, 20.07.2017: Heute haben wir die ganzen Paläste und Tempel abgeklappert: Große Enttäuschung: Grand Palace - sau viele Leute, nicht so spannend und für Bangkok echt teuer... Super Überraschung: Golden Mountain - Geiler Blick über Bangkok vom Dach eines Tempels! Überall aber ein ähnliches Bild: Ein goldener Tempel mit goldenen Buddhas und rundherum Slums. Der Verkehr in Bangkok bleibt spannend: Ich hatte heute 2 Nahtod-Erfahrungen! Erkenntnis: In Bangkok muss eine Einbahn nicht unbedingt eine Einbahn sein! Heute geht es früh ins Bett, da wir morgen um 07:00Uhr Ortszeit (02:00Uhr in Haselstauden) einen Tagestrip zu den Ayutthaya-Tempeln außerhalb von Bangkok machen. Das bedeutet, dass ich heute Abend endlich bekomme, worauf ich seit der Hochzeitsnacht warte... ... Game of Thrones Staffe 7, Episode 1!!!... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 26th 2017

There seems to be an overall high on the internet in various publications, maybe for fear negative posts will be removed. Though I am usually kinda high when travelling myself, and liking almost everything, so most of my stories would fit that frame, there was also something that I did not like about Bangkok. That were the doctors of the most famous hospital, that I found to be incredibly stuck up with limited skills to match. They were also dishonest; By a very famous lab in India my legs were ultrasounded and a 5 page report with graphs and impressive screenshots was made to explain there was so much plaque in my lower leg veins, the radiologist could even see it in her screen (her words) . They were also ultrasounded in that famous hospital for ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 22nd 2017

my three favorite -things- in Bangkok the cicades" concerts at dusk the scooter taxis that take you everywhere for little money and Anurath the piano player All the way in Asia he asked me for my favorite song, which is an american song actually,: sounds of silence, by Simon and Garfunkel, ,,,, Guess what? he played it brilliantly by heart ! and brought tears to my eyes. Anurath name means a person with a creative mind... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 22nd 2017

Especially my Indian friends were rather upset when I send them this picture. They wondered what I had been up to. Honestly, I did not mutilate any Asian guy.......... just got rambutan fruit to go with my morning tea in the best of Bangkok resort. In spite of their somewhat awkward appearance,,, they tasted really good, better than lychees... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 15th 2017

Bangkok: people either love it or hate it. In our old days of travel, we used to hub in and out of Bangkok all the time so we really got to know and love our little area of the city, the legendary Khao San Road, backpacker paradise. Since Air Asia took over the SE Asia travel scene, however, we have been going more to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as this is Air Asia's hub, but it still just doesn't hold the same appeal as Bangkok. This was the first time we'd been to Bangkok in maybe ten years, and it felt like coming home. We went to stay at Rambuttri Village Inn. Back in the day, this used to be a real treat, with air-conditioning and hot water (which we never used to get) and even a ... read more
Street vendor on Khao San road
Getting his first professional hair cut of the trip
Jake musing over his dinner choices. Scorpion, tarantula?...

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 10th 2017

It definitely wasn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last but I get the feeling that what I had just done is something that just can't keep happening for much longer. It's just always the way though; the biggest night of partying almost always occurs the night before a travel day with a ridiculously early start. My dorm mates and I were still enjoying a drunken swim in the resort pool just three hours before I was due to leave for Bangkok. Drunk, tired and spaced out, I waited for my taxi to the pier. Keeping in theme with my time in the islands, it was bucketing down. Thankfully it was a sheltered pick-up truck rather than a motorcycle that came to pick me up. I got some decent sleep on the ... read more
Damnoen Saduak Floating Market
Outside Terminal 21

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok June 3rd 2017

The journey to Thailand started fantastically! We boarded the Maglev- for those less traveled or non train enthusiasts, it's the worlds fastest train- cruising at a mere 300km/hr and got us to the airport in great time. We were a bit anxious about our flights as they were Malaysian airlines but that was quickly put to rest, after our first flight to Kuala Lumpur went swimmingly......or so we thought! It was a mad dash to the inter rail at KL (it's a huge huge airport), 2x rides back and forth-because we didn't know if we should get off the first time, and another dash to the gate for our connection. The flight from KL to Bangkok was only meant to take an hour- it took us 6!!! Half way through our flight we were in the ... read more

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok May 22nd 2017

Can hardly believe it - with rather mixed emotions we are waiting to board the flight home after 10 weeks of travelling. We crammed at lot into our short stay in Bangkok including a tour of temple and the amazing Grand Palace, the night market, relaxing by the pool and massages. Thank you for following us!... read more
In the grounds of the Grand Palace, Bangkok
In the grounds of the Grand Palace, Bangkok
2 hour massages followed this trial - amazing!

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok April 26th 2017

Hello! So we're currently sat on a night bus (luxury with wifi and A/C) after the first 3 days of our trip. When we arrived in Bangkok we were somewhat bedraggled and relieved after having to stop over in Cologne for 5 and a half hours. The first thing that hit us both was the heat! We managed to share a taxi to our hostel "Green House Bangkok" which was just off Khoasan Road with a Dutch girl who was travelling alone. We got there around 8:30-9am, dumped our bags after checking in and headed out. The hostel was decent, lovely leafy restaurant with bar and pool tables and low down comfy seating. Our £10 a night bought us a double room with en-suite, not quite up to the English standards but it was amazing value ... read more

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