Blogs from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, Asia - page 18


Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou June 3rd 2007

这次游杭州, 真的让我们尝到"To see more is to see less" 的滋味。 在上海-杭州的火车上,旅游公司就来向我们招生意,说什么一日游只要付20元车费及8个景点入门票(团票,较便宜),包括旅馆来回接送。我们想到时间不多,不妨参加一日游,可以看得更多。 一下火车,就把我们送去第一个景点-宋城,而且是插另一团(已经游了半天),给我们半小时。由于还没吃中饭,只好直奔仿宋的小吃街吃面。吃完面,时间也差不多了,结果什么也没看到。 游了宋城,就去参观著名的西湖龙井茶庄,听生产龙井茶的讲解,当然也免不了销售。 过后,就直奔灵隐寺。到了灵隐寺,我们也没进去寺庙,只在寺庙外的飞来峰走走。 “灵隐寺又称云林禅寺,始建于公元326年(东晋咸和元年),传为印度高僧慧理创建。至今已有1600多年历史。”( 当天最后一站游黄龙洞。 “黄龙洞在栖霞岭北麓,又名无门洞、飞龙洞。原称“护国仁王院”。宋淳右年间,传江西黄龙山和尚来此建寺行,忽一日黄龙随之飞来震地,山岩一处裂开似龙嘴,清泉从中喷涌,故称“黄龙潭”。原为佛寺道观所据,后辟为山林公园,以水池为中心,叠石点缀,亭台毗接,花木围绕,古树修篁掩映,山崖上方置雕塑巨型黄龙头,龙嘴中有清泉沥沥下泻。“( 我们在杭州下榻的新世纪酒店非常靠近西湖,大约走5分钟。趁天还没黑,我们赶紧到湖滨路西湖边走走。湖滨路就很像我们的东海岸,一边是水,另外一边是商店。对了,那里还有新加坡的百胜厨(PrimaTaste)。晚餐就在那里解决,叫了海南鸡饭的鸡和肉骨茶。水准跟新加坡不相上下。 第二天一早,明明说7:30在酒店楼下等。导游6:50就打电话来,说7:00来接我们。幸亏起得早,但也匆匆忙忙打点行李,准备退房,然后出游。这跟上次在北京的情形一样,下次不参加旅行团了 原本是要参观虎跑梦泉的,但导游说景点在修建,所以换去西湖的花港观鱼。对了... read more

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou June 3rd 2007

A contradiction in terms it may be, but there is a Hooters restaurant in Hangzhou. But I'll get to that later. We got to our HI hostel on the eastern shore of the West Lake very easily. We checked into an 8 bed dorm and decided we needed to go clothes shopping. Martyn has been walking without insoles for a while and his feet are manky. He also forgot a t-shirt in Shanghai. My socks have disappeared and my other clothes smell bad. Rather than have a shower immediately it would have been better to get nice clean threads. After a brief meal, where we discovered a beer that proudly claims it has no formaldehyde in it, we found the shopping precinct. My oh my, Chinese clothes shops are no easier than ones back home, but ... read more

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou May 31st 2007

oh dear. have completely neglected the blog. (is anyone still reading..?!) well.. am aware of one avid reader, mum, so here goes... think i last wrote here when we were still in the northern part of japan. shocking as that was ages ago. where to start... have come so far! think the lack of blogging must be partly blamed on tokyo! had so much fun there just didn't catch a moment to sit and write it all down! our hostel was so sociable... they definitely knew what they were doing as with each night stayed entitled you to a free drink in their bar... which somehow always led to a few more!! we ended up testing out karaoke!! what fun! had an amazing night... it was one of those evening's where you're not really sure if ... read more

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou May 13th 2007

It's long time I havn't written something here. They said peoples easily become to be lazy without pressure. I gonna work at the morning of the day after tomorrow. I don't know do I have so much time to go hikking like I doing now. So, I gotta write something here today. In the May "golden holiday" we went to Qiandao-lake,where is a famous beautiful scene area. But we weren't happy as we thinked before. Too many people out there, all we bought was hella expensive! And the greatest part is we lost at the way to find a place where we can set up tent (the hotel was big crowded and we can't tolerance the high price). I know this can't happen again so I decided to Prove up a trek trip for next ... read more
begining of wrong way

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou April 22nd 2007

To the Chinese people and foreign tourists alike, Hangzhou is one of the most important tourist destinations in the whole of China. A heaven on earth with its pervading greenery and parks and in it’s midst its star attraction- West Lake. On my previous visit about the same time last year, I was on a guided tour that had been organized by my college. (see previous blog entry- # 8 May Madness) Needless to say we spent very little time at West Lake, so this trip I decided to make it the focus of the whole trip. In addition, I wanted to see the spring blossoms, so I decided to travel a few weeks earlier and away from the main holiday season! What a great decision that turned out to be! Being a backpacker at ... read more
Zhang Shun
Cherry Blossoms On West Lake
Sword Dancing

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou April 14th 2007

Saturday, 14 April, 19.00: As I write, I’m sitting in my 4-person soft sleeper compartment in Beijing, having successfully negotiated bike, taxi, train and now another train today. As I wrote last night, my plan was to bike around West Lake today. In order to do that, I had to get up bright and early (not my favorite thing to do), have breakfast (also not my favorite thing to do) to provide fuel to pedal heaven knew how far around the lake. The hotel is pretty strictly a business hotel. The breakfast room on the 18th floor was filled to overflowing with Chinese businessmen . . . and I emphasize men. There were a couple of families, but I was the only Westerner there. I had heard of Chinese breakfast before, but this was my ... read more
Tai Chi
The causeway
View over the lake

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou April 13th 2007

I picked up my final batch of tickets at the travel agency this morning and headed to the train station by taxi to catch the train to Hangzhou that left at 9.40. I was looking forward to my first train trip, even though the agent had not been able to secure soft seating for me. Here they have hard seat, soft seat, and soft sleeper arrangements. I was very proud to find the right platform and sat there, relaxed, as I had plenty of time. Good thing I looked up at the sign after a few minutes of relaxation to find that the platform had changed and was already boarding! I ran around the corner and negotiated the steps down to the platform, stopping once along the way to be sure I was headed to ... read more
A very hazy lake today.
Drying tea leaves
He blew me a kiss!

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou April 7th 2007

Wochenende - was liegt da näher, als einen Ausflug zu unternehmen! Nach einem erholsamen Schlaf kribbelt es bereits wieder in meinen Beinen, doch es dauerte noch eine ganze Weile bis ich Sam aus dem Bett gerüttelt bekomme. Syt bleibt in Shanghai, um zu lernen - diese fleißigen Chinesen. Doch schließlich geht’s mit ein paar Jiaozi (Dumplings, gefüllte Teigtaschen) in der Hand zur S-Bahn zum Südbahnhof. Mein Magen ist allerdings nach dem Mitternachtsmahl noch gar nicht auf Nahrung, und schon gar nicht warme, chinesische, eingestellt. Gegen halb zehn erreichen wir die Ticketverkaufshalle. Schnell an den Schalter und Fahrkarten nach Hangzhou für den Zug um 9:50 geordert. Das klappt mit Sams Chinesischkenntnissen problemlos, aber leider erfolglos. Die Antwort ist „wir seien zu spät“, er verkauft uns kein Ticket mehr. Wie bitte? Es sind doch noch 15 Minuten Zeit! ... read more
West Lake
beautiful scenery

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou March 20th 2007

I'm tired and cold as I write this, I've got a cup of tea at least and I might break open the biscuits in a moment, but that's not important. I went cycling today with Christine which is where most of the photos are from but I'll wrack my brains first for any other news that people might find interesting. I've been out more with the guys from work seen most of the best bars that Xiaoshan has to offer (which is three). There will hopefully be a couple of photos from a night when we for Trudie and Patrick's birthdays a couple of nights ago. It was pretty good but the only problem here is that whenever we go somewhere we get a lot of looks and you can't talk to anyone who's not ... read more
Birthday bunch

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou March 11th 2007

Vervoer: Bussen naar Shanghai (2 uur), Suzhou, Jiaxing (28Y - 1u15min) , ... vertrekken vanaf het Oostelijk busstation. Een taxi daar naartoe kostte 22Y. Bijna alle bussen die hier vertrekken zijn express bussen: ze gebruiken de snelweg en maken geen tussenstops. Het is erg moeilijk om een goed inzicht te krijgen in de stadsbussen van Hangzhou. Er zijn een paar toeristische bussen die te herkennen zijn aan de letter Y voor het busnummer. De meest interessante is de Y9 die bijna het hele meer rondrijdt, maar buiten seizoen reden er niet veel, en hij kostte 5Y per rit. In een uitgave van vonden we enkele goede gedetailleerde buskaarten van toeristische bussen. We logeerden in het Mingtown International Youth Hostel (Mingtang Hangzhou Guoji qingnian lushe) Adres: Nanshan lu 101-11, 310002 Hangzhou, E-mail: Telefoon: 0571 - ... read more

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