Blogs from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, Asia - page 19


Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou March 10th 2007

Zaterdag 10 maart. De ‘rode draad’ van ons verblijf in dit deel van China is het Groot Kanaal. Net zoals de Grote Muur heeft dit bouwwerk een bewogen geschiedenis achter de rug, is het in feite uniek in de wereld en kan je hem ondanks zijn afmetingen niet waarnemen vanaf de maan. Het enorme bouwwerk spreekt wel tot de verbeelding en omdat het zo lang heeft dienst gedaan, zijn er langs zijn loop veel belangrijke plaatsen en bouwwerken ontstaan. Sommige delen van het netwerk van kanalen dateren van bijna 2.500 jaar geleden en werden toen uitgegraven voor troepenverplaatsingen. De eerste gerichte poging om Noord-China en het stroomgebied van de Yangzi te verbinden, vond plaats tijdens de regering van de megalomane 2e keizer van de Sui-dynastie, Yangdi (604-618). Hij was een man met grote idealen en ... read more
De drooggelegde vaargeul met een nieuwe sluisdeur.
Bij het aanleggen van de nieuwe kade komt heel wat handarbeid kijken.
Heel wat spierkracht ook.

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou March 8th 2007

I think I'm finally sorted now in China, signed the contract with English First (EF) a couple of days ago for a year's tenure (is tenure the right word?) so going to be here for a while. I get 10 days paid holiday which is really good for China plus I have this lovely apartment all for free. They have this liason officer person at the school who sorts out any problems the teachers have, and she's great she's fixed me up with the internet and in the next couple of days I should get a house phone and all my bills get taken out my wage at the end of the month so I don't even have to worry about them. Can't remember how much I wrote before, so sorry if I'm repeating myself, but ... read more
My new room.
The party room!

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou March 6th 2007

Dinsdag 6 maart. Bij het naderen van Hangzhou zag het weer er maar grijs uit. De stops die de trein maakte, werden frequenter en langer zodat we steeds minder en minder vooruit leken te komen. Het werd uiteindelijk 13u15 eer we in het oostelijke treinstation van Hangzhou aankwamen en een taxi konden zoeken naar de Mingtown jeugdherberg die we als verblijfplaats hadden uitgekozen. Het was een betrekkelijk nieuw hotel. De kamers waren redelijk modern en hadden namaak antieke meubels. Alleen de vloer van de douche was slecht aangelegd: de afvoer lag niet op het laagste punt zodat er constant een plas water in de douchecel bleef staan. Hordes goede loodgieters en elektriciens zouden rijk kunnen worden als ze de opdracht kregen om in de hotels in China alle mankementen wat betreft elektrische leidingen en water ... read more
Wim op zoek naar wielewalen.
Maaien, harken, vuil uit de vijvers vissen: het park wordt goed onderhouden.
De reden waarom we geen wielewalen vonden in de wilgen, die werden net gefatsoeneerd.

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou March 4th 2007

Finally sorted out here now. I'm moved apartment again (I've moved five times in the last month) I'm living further away from the centre of Hangzhou in a suburb called Xiaoshan. The apartment's nice, the kitchen and bathroom are a bit small but it's free so can't complain. It's come with this new and finally full time job I have at a company called English First. The students range from 4 up to 18 plus they'll soon introduce an adult learning class too. The best thing about the new apartment is that I'm a five minute walk from the school which means I can still wake up late and be here on time. The other teachers I've met here seem really nice and we're going out for a big meal tonight, there are eight others mostly ... read more

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou February 25th 2007

As chinese tradition, the spring festival is going home, reunion with family, joys, celebration, geting squash-year money (otherpeoples call it red-envelop),delicious foods and many joyful thing. Everyone has hardworking or hardstudy for a whole year, time for relax. But one thing is terrible that any foreigner can't imagine and believe, that is the biggest rush hour in this world that we call it "spring-transmission". Many people queued to buy a train ticket for more than 3 days. billion of people was moving in trip while spring-transmission. So spring festival is being exhausted too. I couldn't get home this year ( I mean chinese year) because it's very very tough to get a ticket for home. But I wasn' t complaining. I got a joyful trekking trip and a best friend Daniel in this holiday. He sent ... read more
Lee at "wild boar tang"

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou February 22nd 2007

I didn't get the job I went for the other week, which is a shame as it looked pretty good and they paid a decent wage. They asked me to give a lesson where I had to explain all these English language terms to four students, but I didn't actually know what these terms meant so I just skipped past them in the lesson. The woman evaluating me did say I had a good way with the students and offered me some part time work which made me feel a bit less of a loser, but I'm still trying to get a full time job with a visa. I went for another interview last week too, which I haven't heard back from yet but that place looked kind of fun. The walls were bright yellow and ... read more

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou February 12th 2007

This is going to have to be quite a short entry as although I've moved into my own place now I can't connect to the internet there yet so I keep having to come back to Christine's place to use it (there's an internet cafe just down the road from where I live but I need skype and I like Christine's webcam) and the last bus leaves here at 20.00. Anyhow, about my new place, it's awesome, and I don't use that word lightly. The actual apartment is so so I guess, there's a decent size bedroom a small kitchen and a room connecting the two. The shower's above the toilet and the only sink is the kitchen which I thought was unusual but you get used to stuff like that real quick. When I moved ... read more
My new toilet
At the guitar bar
Katie and Richard

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou February 4th 2007

Day 25 - Twenty-five quick days here in China and I feel like enough has happened since my last entry to entertain you with some more tales of my exploits and adventures... Firstly and most importantly I now have a job! I am officially a teacher from this moment on, well since Sunday when I signed the contract. I think the fools hired me almost entirely because of my 'BBC accent', who knew that the blessed BBC's influence had reached this far into central China. I watched a couple of Katie's lessons (she's the girl who's job and flat I've taken) and it looked like a piece of piss but then it was Katie's last lessons so she was just playing games with them, plus she speaks fluent Mandarin which helps. Almost a year after Tarn ... read more
And inside John's place
Annabelle and Katie
Me and Josh

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou January 25th 2007

Okay, I'm finally getting round to starting a blog. It seems a bit stupid now as I've already been to Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, Macau and Beijing and I'm only now starting. But never mind. I'll do a quick recap as I don't want you to feel cheated by not getting the full lowdown on the trip so far. So I left London on the 6th December I think, flew straight to Hong Kong on a flight which took about 12 hours but felt like 24, I booked a window seat but when I went to sit down this little old Chinese lady with a wrinkled face and beaming smile had taken my seat so being English I said nothing and smiled back politely at her choosing instead to sit in the middle seat where there ... read more
Travelling to Beijing
The Forbidden City

Asia » China » Zhejiang » Hangzhou November 27th 2006

It's not hard to guess, by the amount of pictures I took, what my favorite place was to visit. This river city in Hangzhou was gorgeous. Kaffy and I were not off to a good start. We were up late the night before, and my morning wake up call was Kaffy heaving into the toilet. The omelet, and a little alcohol, did not settle well with him. I'm sure the bus ride to Hangzhou didn't help. Our bus driver was horrible. I usually don't complain when taxis drive crazy, but the bus driver loooved his horn. Sometimes he would honk it even if there was no one around. Just to make sure everyone knew we were coming. We would nod off to sleep and HONK HONK HOOOOONK HONK. It wasn't a normal honk either. It was ... read more

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