The Last Day In Burgos

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October 2nd 2016
Published: October 2nd 2016
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Today I slept in until 8am, read emails and the papers until 9, and then showered, washed clothes, sorted out my feet( again! I think they are improving slowly), and went for breakfast at the cafe across the bridge. I skyped Andrew and Sue; Tim must have been out. Their Wi Fi is great so I took the opportunity to download some pics.

John joined me at about 11am and we wandered around all day looking for places of interest that we never found. It's a lovely day and I think we walked around for 4 hours.

Tomorrow is only 21kms but we will need to be early to book into our Alburgue of choice. We stayed at El Alfar 2 years ago and it was great. It had a real family atmosphere and a nice communal meal for dinner. The next few days aren't too taxing and then we strike a couple of 30km+ days. I think the Camino becomes more enjoyable from here as the terrain changes and you are more used to the routine.

It feels a bit strange staying in a hotel but it's a nice treat before we hit the Meseta ( the Spanish plains ) where it can be hot and flat with no shade for relief, and long gaps between villages.

Dinner tonight could be at a restaurant we had a bit of lunch in today. I would like to buy some breakfast to eat on the way as the 600gm U-bomb I am going to take will definitely need food on top of it. It's only 5 pm here to this is a nice early stop to the blog today, cheers !

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Amazing vaulted ceilings.Amazing vaulted ceilings.
Amazing vaulted ceilings.

Well, they interest me had to be there.
Cool and CalmCool and Calm
Cool and Calm

The festival scene.
View to the CathedralView to the Cathedral
View to the Cathedral

You can pretty much see it from everywhere
Burgos trash and treasure marketBurgos trash and treasure market
Burgos trash and treasure market

Some pretty cool stuff that won't go in a backpack here!

3rd October 2016

Burgos looks beautiful
Hi Steve. Burgos looks so beautiful. Greg was particularly impressed by the grave of El Cid. Glad you have had a little bit of down time to enjoy the town and its sites. Travel happily x
3rd October 2016

Thanks Liz and Greg
Lots more of El Cid in Burgos.

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