September 11th - 5 years after

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September 11th 2006
Published: September 12th 2006
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It already started yesterday night. Shows, Documentations, short movies about this dark day in the history of the United States.

This morning began like every other one: drinking coffee, playing with the kids and laughing about stupid jokes with my host mom.
At 8.30 I switched on the TV to see what happend in the world and there I realized - it was 9/11!
The tv didn't get turned off for the next 4 hours and the same sadness and speechlessness overcame me, just like in the last 5 years!
In the evening I went to a street mass at the local firestation here in Ridgefield. It was really beautiful, and although I don't believe in God I enjoyed to comforting and wise words about HOPE, LOVE and PEACE!!! We sang Amazing Grace and The Star spangled Banner, as well as God Bless America.
On my way back a woman asked me THE question about 9/11: "Where were you when it happened?"
I was in Germany, at home, on the Internet - chatting with some people until someone said that the WTC is on fire and that a plane flew into it. I was laughing it off saying that they must be kidding me. So I switched on the TV - everything else in my life in this minute was forgotten! I saw the second plane flying into the second tower.
I was devastated - for a long time I have felt very connected with the USA and I wanted nothing more than being there! So although I didn't know anyone in the Towers, it hit me hard!!!
I didn't turn off the TV for the whole day and we had a moment of silence in school the next day.
Everyone said: That cannot be true. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE that the Towers are not there anymore!!!
It was a strange feeling to be so close to people who really lost someone that day, who suffer more than anyone else - it seemed like I had no right to be sad, because I didn't lose anything. But I cannot help it to feel like I lost a part of myself that day!!!
I visited Ground Zero in spring and I couldn't imagine what happened.Such a huge space of nothing in the middle of New York!!!
I heard that this year was the last year that relatives of the vicitms will be able to go to Ground Zero, because the works for the new Tower will begin soon.
I just hope that this new Tower will be an even brighter symbol for the wonderful pride and spirit of the United States of America - and that it will show more than ever before that NOONE can break the AMERICAN SPIRIT!!!
My thoughts were and are with the victims of 9/11 (the Towers, the Pentagon and the plane) and their families. I look up to them because I don't know if I could go on - losing my mom, dad or brother in this way.
I am proud of this nation and it's people (BESIDES George W. Bush).
I am proud of the brave police officers and Fire Fighters who risked and lost their lives that day - and who risk their life EVERY day in this country to keep us save.

I just hope that something like this will never ever happen again.

God Bless America!!!

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22nd September 2006

hey gesine, hab mir dein blog ageguckt; na ja nur diesen text, hab nichalles gelesen, isja auch ein bisschen schwer auf englisch *g*; bist ja richtig patriotiscvch... bin jetz ja auch in paris, liebe diese stadt und freu mich noch mehr zu entdecken.... mir gehts sehr gut, wohnung suess aber klein, studium beginnt erst am 2oct, aber bin grad in deruni wegen infos und hab mir den pc geschnappt... viele tausend eindruecke, unglaublich und unbeschreiblich!!!! lass von dir hoeren, wieesdir geht, denk an dich; alles liebe von hier.... (dem land mit dem verhassten flughafen...) dickenknutsch

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