A backpacking trip to Munnar, Kerala

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February 26th 2015
Published: March 27th 2015
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I had many backpacking experiences both in India and abroad but this one is special for many reasons. First, I traveled in a Bus instead of a Car. Second, this time instead of wife and children I preferred to go with friends. In last many years, especially since I got married this was my first trip without my wife accompanying me. Another reason leaving my wife and children back home was, as this was much of a business trip. We, gang of friends decided to go by bus and explore the place as well as some business opportunities. The bus journey was a wonderful experience. Driver was very nice man in his mid 40 or around. I thoroughly enjoyed journey sitting beside him. I was amazed with his knowledge of Munnar, the Country Resort and places in and around. He was sounding like an ancient man who was living there since ages if not long then at least from British era. At one point when Bus stopped he offered tea like a good host to which I was not able to refuse.

Driving in hilly regions is definitely challenging if you are less experienced driver. The Bus driver told, he was driving in this sloppy zone since more than 10 years. According to him, only expert drivers can dare to take on driving seat on such roads. Of course he was one of them. His stories and chats were more than nice but we were little nervous while going through very steep valleys.

We were enjoying our journey alongwith chit chatting when disaster happened. A truck came down the hill against us at high speed as truck driver lost the control. At once we felt everything was finished but suddenly we realized our driver was able to save us from disaster. He managed well to steer away the bus almost crashing on to the muddy hill on the left side. The truck collided with the front part but luckily nobody was hurt including driver. Everyone was under utmost shock of life. If driver was not so alert definitely the damage may have turned out irreparable. Even though there was no major damage to bus either except some scratches to driver side, our bus driver refused to drive further as he was in want of everything got checked before driving further. However, he arranged for our further journey in another bus coming from behind.

Route to Munnar

We were traveling from Ernakulam to Munnar, via Aluva, Kothamangalam, Adimali. From Adimali, to go to Munnar there are two bus routes: one via Kallar and another one via Anachal from Adimali. We took a bus that goes via Anachal since our destination was Munnar Tea Country Resort, which was located at Chithirapuram, next to Anachal town. If you are traveling to Munnar, take either route as both are of almost same distance. Also both bus routes offer very picturesque views on the way to Munnar. Both routes have resort and homestays. If you are going to a resort or a homestay, must check with them on which route they are located. Please note resorts and homestays are far from Munnar town. You can find one on either route.

Weather and Season

We did backpacking trip during last week of February when weather was pretty hot. On the way to Munnar, the soaring temperature made us think about type of weather we will get during stay. As the bus started journey towards high hills we felt touch of cool breeze and soon felt the difference in temperature. In February, sometimes, night temperature dips below 10 degree Celsius. During December – January, night temperature go as low as below zero degree Celsius.

Our Destination – Munnar Tea Country Resort

We were three friends coming from different places in Kerala. It was pre decided that we will meet at Munnar Tea Country Resorts for a business discussion. My other two friends were also coming by bus from different places. Before staring journey I spoke to Resort manager and as per information boarded the bus that go via Anachal route. I got down at "Thattathi mukku" bus stop, about 2 kilometers after Anachal town. In this zone, I spotted many hotels, resorts and homestays.

After taking down from Bus I asked to a shop owner for directions to Munnar Tea Country Resort. He walked along a few yards and showed the sign board leading to the resort. It was short walk from the bus stop through a pretty steep concrete road, with a few houses on both sides of the road. This area is residential. However, once I entered the gates of the resort, it was a completely different experience. The beautiful hills, valleys and tea estates makes this resort a must visit place for every tourist. It was really awesome experience to be in the lap of nature, walking, talking business and relaxing our bodies and minds where nobody was there to disturb us. In my memory, I can’t gather a place where I enjoyed this much peace and scenic beauty. You can read my review of Munnar Tea Country Resort .


We were quite tired as a result of bus journey so had dinner at restaurant and retired to bed around 8 PM. Next morning chirruping of birds coming from nearby trees broke our sleep. We got up and took to long walk through Tea Estates. The resort manager asked us whether we need a guide, however; we chose to walk around ourselves. ‘I really enjoyed the Sunrise and early morning cool breeze, It was so refreshing, can’t be expressed in few words.’ On the way around Tea Estates, we saw many tourists both Indians and Foreigners exploring this scenic beauty.

By 9 AM we were back from Tea Estates and sitting at restaurant for breakfast. By 11 am we were in a Taxi for exploring around city.

The Taxi Driver Johnychettan was a bonus to meet in this travel, a very talkative man, virtually he won’t give you any chance to speak. He has very sound knowledge about History of Munnar. He also runs a Homestay business in Munar named "LizMerry Casa Homestay". After hearing his narratives, we asked him to show us the beautiful homestay facility he has setup. I will write more about his homestay in another post. Johnychettan drove us in and around Munnar. The major places he shown us are: Tea Museum, Mattuppetty dam, Dream Land and Eravikulam National Park. After whole day roaming in and around Munnar we boarded our respective buses back to home, however, with a pledge to come back to Munnar once again in the near future, with family!


29th February 2016

Experience Munnar
Every one of us should experience Munnar. It is lovely, unique, serene, beautiful and a gift to us. Experiencing it should be a part of our lives.

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