More School Fun... and not

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September 7th 2006
Published: September 8th 2006
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The awesome news; Jenna and I are now leading a cheerleading team. They are called Ponponaras here (literal translation being "girls who use pom poms"). We found out yesterday that they wanted Cheerleaders marching in the parade next week with the school band, majorettes (with batons) and the students from grade 5 and up. So Jenna and I had a practice with them after school. It went pretty well but we have 5 days to choreograph a march/routine to 8 songs that the band is playing. Jenna rehearsed with them today because I was supposed to be tutoring.... right now in fact, however, Rey hasn't showed up and I'm assuming it's now not happening so here I sit updating my blog, watching Scrubs in English with Spanish subtitles... awesome that we have cable set up. There are quite a few stations on English.

As for tutoring, Kari found another gig which is more money (also more time) and Nadia decided she didn't want to do it anymore. This means that I am now tutoring Rey every day. It'll be 350 lemira a week which will be my entertainment/grocery money. As long as he shows up that is.

My students are both awesome and a true test of my patience, all at the same time. Yesterday I had a student bring me Mangos peeled, sliced, and jared. Apparently his Dad makes them. Pretty good. I also have students making me pictures every day, bringing me apples, gum, candy, etc. It's cute. I then also have students who just won't shut up. The school is hard enough for establishing silence, but with the band outside practicing, it's literally impossible. I had to raise my voice SO many times yesterday. I'm determined to have my children following instructions and following some sort of order by Christmas.

One of my students is a real test of patience. He's never prepared for class. I mean, come on! Who doesn't bring a pen or pencil to school?! This is the same student I had to send the letter home for. Today I had a student telling me he was drawing with pen in his text book. I called him over to my desk and told him to bring his text. I turned to a page and saw he had drawn mustaches and hair with black pen in his science text. I got him to admit to it then escorted him to the counsellor's office. I then had to get Chris to follow me around during my spare the following period, translating everything for me. I had to fill out a report of the incident to put on file. We had to take the text to the library to let them mark down the charges and then call his parents to let them know of the charges, and to request a meeting with them and myself for Monday. Poor Chris. He had to give up lots of his time for me. What would I do without him? I dunno. So now, I have a meeting monday morning with his father. My first parent/teacher meeting. Oh man. I'm scared. Cesar will be there to translate though so at least my principal will be there as my support. As well, this student loses all his recesses for a week, which really only means monday because we have no school next week from tuesday - friday.

Yay for a 6 day weekend. We're leaving Monday after school to head to Utila. I am slightly nervous about the scuba certification but also really excited. I think we'll confirm everything tonight. EEEEK!

This week has gone really fast. I'm keeping myself busy for sure. Hard to believe that I've been here for 38 days already. I really am having a wonderful time. I can't express how it feels to be living in another place so different than what you're used to. I really do hope I get to do so much more travelling in the future. Perhaps I was born to travel.


8th September 2006

Hi Sarah, I'm glad to hear that you are really enjoying yourself. If you weren't born to travel, I'm sure you will have it in your blood by the time your year is up. Sounds like you are working with a lot of good people. I sure many good friendships will come out of this experience as well. That's a good thing. I will be waiting to hear more from you. Talk to you later. Love Uncle Wayne

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