I thought I was into art. Now I'm not sure.

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March 19th 2014
Published: April 14th 2014
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I've always thought I was the artsy kind. I used to paint and sketch when I was in grade school. I wasn't any good. I took music lessons and play piano, violin, viola and guitar. I never got past beginner level. Then I tried dancing and enjoy doing that until now but I can't dance without copying from the people around me in the studio. I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy Vancouver Art Gallery but since I'm already here and I heard entrance is by donation every Tuesday night, I went. I think the regular entrance fee is about twenty dollars. I gave a three dollar donation. And I think that's just about right. The first floor has paintings. I don't really know anything about paintings but I didn't see anything that I liked. I could only comment "That's cute" when I like the colors used in a particular painting. On the second floor I saw a sketch by Picasso. He's one of the few artists that I know so it's cool that I got to see an original Picasso. They were showing a film where there was a guy digging a grave. There were no sound effects other than the natural sounds that you hear when someones digging with a shovel. The camera angle didn't change. He didn't say anything. After digging he smoked. That was it. They're showing it in an art gallery so I guess that's art and I'm supposed to Ooohh and aaahhh. Not that I don't appreciate art. I love beautiful things but there is quite a lot of junk in that gallery. Like a wrecked rusty car and a black room with two speakers blaring disco music. Maybe I don't appreciate visual art. Although I think I do because I love watching modern ballet, classical and symphony concerts, and theater. I guess in visual art it doesn't matter who the artist is. If you like it because it speaks to you, then good. If not, there is bound to be someone out there who will. But I still do not understand why Rothko's are worth millions of dollars.

On my way out of the gallery I saw Payless. I didn't know they had Payless stores here. I went in because I knew I could find cheap shoes there and the pair I was using is worn out. What a pleasant surprise to find that they sell cheaper shoes here than in their stores in Manila. I ended up buying two pairs instead of one. One was a pair of Airwalk sneakers for only $19. That's only about 800 pesos! I wasn't sure if they would be comfortable for the long days of walking that I do here so I bought a pair of running shoes too. If I were going to be practical I would only buy the running shoes but the shoes were so cheap I just had to buy two. The sneakers look like something that 14 year old boys would love and I'm too old for them but who cares! I want what I want! The store only had two staff. It's a huge store with two floors but only two staff. Canadians are very efficient. A store that big would have at least five staff in the Philippines at any given time.

I was so happy with how cheap I got the shoes that I decided to check out another store. Here we go again. It's that impulsive part of me that I've been trying to repress. I heard Winners have cheap stuff too so I went in and WOW! The clothes are so cheap there! There were so many things I wanted to buy because I was so surprised at how cheap they were. Good thing a little frugality kicked in and I ended up buying only two pairs of jeans. A Levis 501 for only $50 and Calvin Klein for only $40! The 501 never goes on sale in Manila And they cost about $130 USD. Calvin Kleins cost about that much too. Jackets from Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Michael Kors, DKNY costs between $100 to $160 CAD! I cant afford those jackets in Manila! But I already have too many jackets. I don't think there's any guy in the office that has more than me so I had to stop myself, with a broken heart. I think I have more will power now. This is a very expensive trip already and I'm only halfway through. I can't spend travel money on shopping.

I was so happy with my stash that I posted them with their prices on Facebook! Then Annie's mom commented that I could get them much cheaper in Queensborough. My eyes lit up. It took about three seconds for me to start researching how to get to Queensborough. I was determined to go the next day. A friend in the US also commented that they're even much cheaper in outlet stores in the US. Good thing I don't have a US visa because Seattle is only two hours away.

I went to Queensborough the next day and found the outlet stores. Calvin Klein, Gap, Guess, Armani, etc. As promised it is much cheaper here than in the store I visited the night before. Ended up buying four shirts for myself, sunglasses, a Calvin Klein bag for a good friend in Manila, and blouses for my sisters. I will make up for this by eating only twice a day.

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15th April 2014

modern art...
...is a very subjective thing isn't it? I find it quite interesting how some things resonate with some people but not others. there's a museum of old and new art here in Hobart that really divides opinion, and causes enough angst that letters are regularly written to the local paper about it - much to the delight of the artists :)
15th April 2014

i forget that even violent reactions are a good thing. its interesting for me how some people could rave about "art" that are traditionally just junk. like the wrecked car. or the $3 million rain drop sculpture in the convention center. oh well
16th April 2014

the outlets in the US and Canada are fabulous! you won't find prices like that in Australia :( glad you are having a great time though, tam
17th April 2014

i know! it feels like I'd be doing a bad thing if I didn't buy something thats a total bargain. funny how we filipinos pay more when we have way less

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