On top of the world in Canyonlands.

Published: April 24th 2013
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After a brekki of a short stack of pancakes ( that was actually the smallest portion I could get and it was massive) - we set off to Canyonands Nat Park which is not far from Moab.

We entered by the northern entrance - this really is like a wilderness - as far as the eye can see mesas, and canyons for 100 miles and more. The Green River and the Colorado have carved out these canyons and rocky plateaus. Water and gravity have cut into the flat layers of sedimentary rocks forming mesas, buttes, fins arches and spires. The 2 main canyons of these rivers meet and form what is called " Island in the Sky" so you are driving on top of this looking down into the plateaus and canyons...oh and there are a few arches thrown in and domes and synclines.

The scenice road runs like a Y shape and we intended to cover all of it..and again stopping to hike at various points and to see the "overlooks". Our main hike was up the Dome, so- called but actually its more like a dome of rock that collapsed and sunk in the middle or some say a meteor hit it or it's a syncline ...I will go for the last explanation. Look out for the very green rock in the fotos - lots of copper in them there hills. ( geology lesson over)

Mesa Arch was a nice easy stroll and a great view too.

We knew by this time what a hike up over slickrock would be like and we were prepared - mound after mounds of steep smooth rounded rock to trek up and down and up and down and we were at the top of the Upheavel Dome looking out over the Canyons and down into the Dome... it's hot and thirsty work and I have to say thanks to Jane D. for the Peruvian water bottle strap - very handy for carrying my water bottle. This trek I remembered to take my TReki walking stick which is a great help on the knees especially when you are coming down. We must have stopped at every "overlook" until we were saying "not another one!!!"

Bananas and apples sustained us and we said goodbye to Canyonlands and the vast vistas and Pat drove on back into Colorado - stopping for that ice cream on the way...but we had to drive about 100 miles before we got one!!!

It was a fabulous trip - words begin to fail me BIG BIG THANKS TO PAT - thanks Velma for loaning him to me!!! and I haven't got to the Grand Canyon yet - this whole trip was planned for so long and it's wonderful to have all your expectations fully met and much much more.

Hope you like the fotos. Comments please. xxxx

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Canyonlands phone pics


24th April 2013

Arches and Canyonlands
Absolutely fabulous photographs Lynne, you have excelled yourself, what a magnificent landscape and quite an achievement doing all those hikes. You are going to be one fit lady when you get back. Keep enjoying!!!!!!! Lotsa love Chris and Trev xx
24th April 2013
Canyonlands phone pics (13)

A person could get lost
The beauty is stunning. Sounds like you are getting a good look around.
24th April 2013

Just had a thought Lynne. I am traveling to US in June and looking for a new camera that is good for panoramic shots and isn't as heavy as my Canon 300D SLR. What are you using? Susan x
25th April 2013

Wow! best description
The geology sounds fascinating and and it looks amazing. I guess the Grand Canyon will be awesome (but you might not have any superlatives left to describe it!) Enjoy. Look forward to hearing all about that too.
25th April 2013

Sounds and looks wonderful
Hi Lynn You are making me extremely jealous I'd love to see the area! What a fabulous trip. All this trekking around must be making you very fit. Stunning photos. I can't wait to hear about the Grand Canyon! Have Fun. love Anne x
26th April 2013

Golf Canyon
Well yes Lynne, we can see why u had all those wow wow wows! stunning, and I am sure that I recognize some of those views from the 60s Lone Ranger series!! Unusual landscape for a Golf Course!! wonder if anyone has thought of!!? 100 miles of that terrain? as you say it needs to be seen to be believed! Favorite bit was the road sign saying 'beware of Eagles' Seen any? guess they are 'Bald eagles' around those parts? Great to hear your having wonderful time---don't overdo that hiking!!! love John & Marilynx
26th April 2013

Golf of course!!
John, there are plenty of golf courses around - world class in Aspen I hear. And yes I saw a bald eagle - high in the sky - good thing I remembered my binocs. xx
19th May 2013

Looks stunning - hope you have an amazing time Mick(Spain)

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