Hot Child in the City

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May 30th 2006
Published: May 31st 2006
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our roomour roomour room

our $10 a night room
Wow, Bagkok is HOT!! it's about 36 degrees everyday, and cools down to a balmy 30 degrees at night. i think that i'm about to melt any day here. it's crazy humid out everyday too, so much so that your clothes cling to your body. other than that, bangkok is good. it's very big and very loud, and around every corner you get a whiff of something so nasty that it turns your somach, and then it's gone in 2 seconds. very weird. as well, everybody is trying to sell you something.

kristen and i have been staying on Koh San road, which is the backpackers road. there are tourists every where, so it's nice to talk to other people to see what sites are worth seeing. just out side of our hostel is a temple that houses many monks that are walking around the street.

we get around the city by tuk-tuks. these are 3 wheel, supped-up golf carts. they are crazy cheap to take (around 5 baht, there are 33 baht is 1 can dollar). however, merchants will pay these drivers to bring tourists to their shopes, so on the way to your destination you are shuttled into all the shops. so kristen who is the expert haggler will get it so that we only have to see one shop. this is usually a tailor shop. which is really funny to me, because most tourists here are backpackers. what backpacker in their right mind is going to by a tailor made suit and then shove it into their backpack for months on end? obviously they're not thinking it through! on these drives through the city on the tuk-tuk, i have seen my life flash before my eyes on numerous occasions. nobody here obeys any sort of road rules here. cars drive in the middle of lanes, turing signals are never used, motorcyles with babies on them weave in and out of traffic. i can't really describe is as to say that it is complete mayhem.

today kristen and i went to the grand palace. it was really amazing. it's an entire compound of temples that are all gold plated and desgined with gems. we're talking about 5 story high building made of gold. as well we're been learning alot about the traditions which is really interesting.

so other than that, not too much going on! we're stuck in bangkok until thursday night. we had to send our passports off to get visas for vietnam. then we're heading up to chang mai. thanks for everybodies e-mails and comments.

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there's a dress code for the palace. long skirt and long shirt. as well there's concrete everywhere. i've never been so hot in my entire life!

31st May 2006

Hi Aid! Glad to hear you're surviving your travels. Sucks about the flight; the key is to drink...a lot. So you find it hot do you? Imagine that heat and 40 weeks preggers! Sorry, had to compalin just once! Have so much fun and take lots of pictures! xo
31st May 2006

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I can sort of imagine being that hot. Be sure to store that feeling for remembering on a -30 Sask. day. I'm sure you are having a very interesting time. I enjoyed the pictures. Take care and God bless. Stephanie
31st May 2006

Adrienne, I'm glad to see that the awesome-ness of your trip is equalled by your unpleasant humidity and dangerous encounters. I'm jealous. Love, your brother.
3rd June 2006

Wow! Looks like you guys are experiencing so much! Keep having fun!!! Talk to you soon!

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