Homestay Day 1

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July 9th 2007
Published: July 9th 2007
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I know my blogs are getting slow and boring, but I am knackered from all this city hopping on buses! I decided against the Waitomo trip since it is supposed to pour rain the next two days.

We had a bit of a sleep in this morning- or atleast I did! Kelly was feeding Rueban while Stacey drove Paul to work this morning when I woke up.

Rueban is the most chill baby. I like how in NZ most parents are very down to earth and don't re-do thier house for their kids. Love the simple life, and how healthy they are!

We went for a walk as it started to clear with Charlie the dog. I got a bit of shopping done. I really wanted some NZ authors to take back with me, and one woman actually gift wrapped a book for me when I told her I was a Kinder teacher. She made a big deal about using NZ wrapping paper so I could tell about my travels! It was a very cute store, I may go back tomorrow for some of their cool tiles. We also stopped for coffee (I had hot chocolate with a huge chocolate bar melted into the foam!) and an Afgan. These are traditional NZ cookies made with choclate and cornflakes, topped with creamy chocolate and walnuts. Very yum.

I headed down to the All Blacks Store and Whitcoulls, and The Warehouse for some last minute purchases. Whitcoulls had more NZ children's books, and I think when I get back to the US and pay off some of the travel expenses I will invest in the entire Slinky Malinki and Hairy McClairey book collection. Every book can be used to teach a craft point in Writing Workshop. (I shouldn't have checked my school email yesterday!)

I am so addicted to NZ Cabury chocolate. Sarah and Stacey may have to mail me bi-monthly supplies.

Kelly and I took the bus from Britomart ($1.60) to a cute little pub in East Lynn called The Gypsy Rose. It is a wine bar, but we had Monteith's Radlers. (Something else I will miss!) Her friend who fled Zimbabwe wanted to know about Canadian and US immigration so we had a spirited conversation about why NZ was better than either country 😊 Especially since he is already here! He ended up driving us home so we could have Schnitzel made by Paul. It was very good- I love how they are making all these traditional meals for me to try. It will be hard to a vegetarian American again. Well atleast until I see the US meat counter again!

We watched Desparate Housewives and Men in Trees. I think it is so funny how I have already seen the season finales and they are just ending here. It is hard not to give it all away. And some of the shows- like Men in Trees- are confusing because they are obviously American but I have never heard of them!


10th July 2007

Glad you're enjoying yourself. When wilL you be home? I want to go out again.

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