We knew it wasn't going to be easy

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August 23rd 2005
Published: August 23rd 2005
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Sleeping BeautySleeping BeautySleeping Beauty

Her first night with us. Man, is this cute or what??
Thanks again for reading, writing comments and emails, and pr-ing for us...it means sooooo much. As you're reading this now, we'd appreciate it if you send up another one on our behalf. We're pretty beat up...it's only been 24 hours and little baby Sarah's been bawling for about 7 of those. Part of it is our fault...we just didn't have the right food ready to feed her last night when she woke up for her midnight feeding (according to her charts, she eats four times a day, roughly every six hours). After a couple of hours of anguish, she finally fell asleep as the room service arrived at 4:30 a.m.

This morning, she was doing real well at the breakfast buffet, which include congee (the rice soup that she enjoyed in the orphanage). She was fine all through our paperwork appointments in the morning, up to lunchtime. But in the middle of lunch, she started getting real agitated, pushing away our attempts to feed her, and things just went downhill from there back in the hotel room. She wouldn't let up for about two hours, and nothing we did could console her. Changing diapers, offering different foods and drinks, holding
Officially a Hom!Officially a Hom!Officially a Hom!

We've just signed our documents, and the Chinese gov't officials now recognize Sarah as a baby Hom!
her in different positions, bouncing, etc, etc. Man, it was exhausting! (you parents are probably like, "Welcome to the club, Homs!")

People have been asking me over the past few months, "Are you ready to become daddy?" My response always was: "Yes. The only thing I fear is when she's crying hysterically and we have no idea what to do and she can't communicate in verbal language to us what's wrong." Well, we got our first taste of it, and it was no fun, to say the least. We found ourselves literally pr-ing aloud over her cries, desperate for the L to just intervene in some miraculous way. He finally answered after about two hours, while Godfrey was out seeking help from one of the grandmas in our group. She just fell asleep all of a sudden after we turned on some pr-se music.

(uh-oh, she just woke up...and she's starting again. Stacey to the rescue!)

What's making it more difficult is that she hasn't taken to me, so Stace is left to do all the work. She says, "Pr for my arms! They are SOOOO tired from holding her!" Sarah can't be consoled sitting down. Stacey's
First Family FotoFirst Family FotoFirst Family Foto

A photo of the Polaroid photo we took in the civil affairs office. Our first official family photo!
got to be standing up, and Sarah's got to be nestled on her shoulders in Stace's arms. No Baby Bjorn, no Hip Hammock. She is a high-maintenance, full-service little girl. But, we wonder if doing arm curls would've made a difference. One of the other new mommies said, "I've been exercising with weights to build up arm strength for months, and I'm still sore after only 24 hours of holding my baby!" One day, Sarah's going to take to daddy, and then mommy can fill all the bottles and prepare the rice cereal. Until then, I guess I'm the food prep and dishwash guy.

(she's quiet now...Stacey's doing a sweet little monologue, and Sarah seems to be liking it...thank G)

Thanks for your pr--rs.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Lunch timeLunch time
Lunch time

About 4 minutes before the 2-hour meltdown this afternoon. Who would have thunk it by seeing her like this?
Costco meets ChinatownCostco meets Chinatown
Costco meets Chinatown

We're shopping at Metro, a WalMart wannabe in Changsha. This display is right next to the yogurt and milk. Mmmm!

23rd August 2005

Congrats and welcome to parenthood!!
Hey Godfrey and Stacey - you're probably wondering who we are because we have not heard from you guys in a long, long time. We only heard about your adoption and being in China today from friends at CI. Wow!! Congratulations to you both for the adoption and we will pray for you all as you adjust to each other and become a family. I wish you had time to stop by Singapore, so we can see you all, but we'll try and visit when we get to go back to the States next summer. In the meantime, we just wanted to let you know that we are so excited for you both and we will pray for you and Sarah and it's so good to see pictures of you guys!!! Take care. Much love, Wilson, Esther, Rebecca, Ashley and Jared Phang
23rd August 2005

Be Encouraged! :)
We are thinking of you. I bet she will settle down soon. She has a lot of new things happening and crying is how babies communicate. It is definitely nerve wracking to have them scream for hours. Only one of my four children did that and the memory still gives me the shivers. I am enjoying these blogs so much! As we wait for our referral, this is giving me hope and encouragement. I think I will go lift some weights though!!! :) We are p---ing for you! Sandy Spitler
23rd August 2005

Hannah's cousin?
Your first couple of days remind us so much of when we adopted Hannah -- only I stil think Hannah was worse! She not only required me to hold her all the time, cried constantly, and wouldn't go to Dad AT ALL, but also tried to escape from our room! I know it's tiring, frustrating, but it's all normal and although it seems like an eternity, it wil soon pass -- and you'll have lots of stories to tell afterward! Sarah is SOOO beautiful and she looks so secure in your arms. We can't wait to meet her!!
23rd August 2005

hang in there! we're pr'ing for you!
We know that Father will help you through this learning time ... and, that Sarah will know that Daddy and Mommy love her! We will pr for physical and emotional strength for you. The family pics look great!
23rd August 2005

Yup - welcome to the club! Hee hee. Isn't it amazing how all can be forgiven once they're sleeping so peacefully? You'd never know they were capable of crying so much. Hee hee. Just think, there will be an end at some point, but I know it's hard to imagine in the midst of it at 3am. Sometimes you just have to hold them, let them cry and pray for perseverance. :-) Maybe the L is letting you experience some of the sleepless nights of a newborn! P-ing for more restful days ahead... take care, W
23rd August 2005

Godfrey/Stacey: You guys are going through what Peggy and I did with Whitney. Boy, she was a fussy baby. I had to rock her to sleep each nite for about the first year or so......There was the time that she was unconsolable and cried ALL the way from Houston to LA on the plane.....
23rd August 2005

Praying for you
Hey Godfrey and Stacey, It's okay if Sarah cries. Try not to get anxious or frustrated (I do too). She won't hate you if you just let her cry. She probably won't even remember it the next day. I'm praying for you. Tim
23rd August 2005

brought back memories
Welcome to Parenthood, Ba Ba, Ma Ma. What you described brought back memories from our experience. Yeap, Stacey, you will develop muscles very quickly....I don't know if you remember, Godfrey, Yvonne held her and walked around the hallways until Sophia fall a sleep the first two nights....more than an hour each....I tried to relieved her on the third night and my arm and my back were sooooooo sore from that one experience....well,the good things is that it will get better..... and we will be prng 4 U. AYS
23rd August 2005

our thoughts are with you
Our hearts rejoice and cry with yours. Sarah is going thru her greiving process and evey child is different, And only Dad can truly heal her and fill up the hole in her soul. We will step up our remembering you! There is no easy way, but there IS an end to this! And Dad is watching and crying with her for He hurts for her even more than we can ever dream of-He made her and formed her since the beginning of time. He has never given us anything we cannot handle, and He will always get us out of each jam.
23rd August 2005

YAY FOR THE HOM THREESOME! =) remembering you when talking to Daddy... missing ya'll! SARAH'S SO CUTE! =) yayayayayay!
23rd August 2005

Music Soothes the Soul
Sooo cute! We've all been consumed reading about your adventures in China and with baby Sarah! Actually it's fun hearing all your little asides about what to do when she cries and all the "new parent" uncertanties ~ definitely "been there done that" so Wei and I exchange our sympathies and the "remember whens" of our own experiences that you've brought back to us so vividly now! Ha! It will get better ~ that's the only promise...and maybe worse before it does, but babies are suppose to cry...they will be anxious and so will you...it's an adjustment both ways! She doesn't know what it means to have a real dad yet Godfrey! Keep attempting to hold her... One thing I found early on was both my kids responded wonderfully to music...singing and cooing a tune will engage them and of course any noisemakers, rattles...get their attention ~ even when they're crying...it distracts them. That is what they told me ~ sometimes you just need to get their attention somehow and change the scenery ~ show her an image of herself in the mirror ~ bring out a stuffed toy ~ whatever it seems she responds to ~ other than just trying to console her cries by caressing her even harder... she may just simply be trying to express herself the only way she knows how... Someone once told me, if she's been fed, diaper changed, not sitting on a tack or nail and isn't in specific danger...it's OK to let them cry a bit...but consider it her way of expressing herself and communicate back in your own way... Wei says I have to go now...not to write so much. Will write more when he leaves...:-) Praying for you!
23rd August 2005

I can relate!
To Sarah (and Auntie Stacey, and Uncle Godfrey): Since we're nearly the same age, I can definitely relate to your experience in the hotel. Being in a strange place (especially a hotel) is hard on me, especially since my schedule's all disrupted and I can't figure out what I really want yet...and I make my mom carry me all the time too (note to Auntie: sometimes she "cheats" by leaning against something but she's still standing up, or bracing me on her hip). Sarah, tell your mom and dad not to get too down on themselves...usually the first few days of a trip away from the familiar are the hardest, and it's especially hard to keep perspective without sleep! It will get better...it really will...our family is praying for yours! Love, Joel Akiyoshi
23rd August 2005

Kevin and I are so enjoying your messages and photos! Yes, welcome to the (crying, inconsolable, what a joy) club. Take comfort in knowing that we are pr-ing for you and that Sarah will settle down eventually. (It reminds me that Kevin said during the 1st week with Matthew "Why does he cry so much? Is something wrong with him?"
23rd August 2005

You are a family!!
AAAAWWWWWWWWW!!!! Soooo cute!! The family photo SHOULD be this year's Christmas card. It's just so adoreable. And that's what Sarah looked like 4 minutes before all her crying and pouting?!? Wow. And Godfrey, maybe Sarah will catch on to you soon!-we hope.
24th August 2005

Just got back from out of town (where many thoughts and p-ers were lifted up for you) and devoured your journal!! Sarah is just TOO adorable!!, and your descriptions of your time are precious beyond words. Our F's pleasure is evident, indeed!! Mommy and Daddy, you're doing so GREAT!! I used to sing "Show me thy way..." when I didn't know what to do, and if it didn't help my little one, it helped me. :) Know you are in our thoughts and pyers!!
26th August 2005

HIIII!!!! oh dood...SARAHHHHH!!! WHY IS SHE SO DARN CUTE?! well hope you guys are doing well in china! stacey..u need some sleep u look so tired..but hey remember when u get back to california im here to babysit so u can get ur rest then! =D ok well im going to go comment on your other blogs now. bieee!

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