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Oceania » Fiji » Viti Levu » Nadi
May 13th 2007
Published: May 13th 2007
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The deckThe deckThe deck

isn't it nice!
We arrived in Nadi, Fiji last night after a pleasant and easy flight (for a change!) We are staying at Smugglers Cove, a hostel which again is on the beach. This time the beach isn't so nice but the hostel is great. Clean, air con, decent facilities, it's brilliant, never have I appreciated a hot shower so much! I've got a couple of pics of the view from the bar - they have a nice deck and pool but I haven't sampled it, it's been too hot today!

We go on out Feejee Experience Bus tomorrow morning at 8.30am, and the days activities include visiting Nadi markets, a coastal village and sandboarding in the sand dunes!!! We're staying somewhere called Mango Bay, which from the brochure looks really nice too, hope it is as good as it appears to be! Will be good to get out and see some more of the island as the hostel is a bit isolated, away from the main town of Nadi.

The people here are much more friendly and diverse than in the Cook Islands, which is definitely a bonus. Also the weather is better so far, and there are fewer mossies! My legs are covered in bites already, don't need any more!

Think I may venture to the bar soon... enjoy the pics, that's where I'll be sitting, although the sun is disappearing now, it's 6pm. Bye!


14th May 2007

Hi Gem and Julie Have a cocktail on me!!!!! Not at all jealous of your photos, weather etc. Good old blighty is same as ever-raining, windly and bit nippy. Love and hugs xxxxxxxxx
14th May 2007

Hi Gem Glad to hear all OK. Have a great time. Love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
18th May 2007

Oh yeh - beach looks nice!

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