Another Day on the Tube

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February 18th 2007
Published: February 18th 2007
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Today started off a little oddly. Derek and I are still VERY jet lagged. I'm typing to you at 2 in the morning and it only feels like 10. No thanks to the fact that we keep on getting up at 2 in the afternoon... I was hoping that we would go to the British Museum today... But alas, Derek did not get up until 2. Had a bit of breakfast. Hung out with Dave and Katrine. Then headed off to see if we could catch a market. Stephanie, of course, had a sudden bout of crippling menstrual cramps and had no ibuprofen. We got to the market, it was sadly closed and we headed back to Stockwell. The Tube ride could be explained as nothing less than hell as I almost cried during every bump and turn and I think I might have broken Derek's fingers from squeezing them so hard... Bought some ibuprofen, layed there with a hot water bottle as my best friend for a bit. And soon felt much better.

Headed off to somewhere near Angel for Katrine's friend's birthday. The pub was very odd. 21 age restriction. Weird since England's drinking age is 18. Anyways. Got in. Was fine. The bar was a little too, uppity? Too much pop music really. Too loud. WAY too many people. Not enough chairs you know. Decided we'd rather go. Walked towards the tube stop and decided we were hungry.

Pizza!! Very good pizza at that. Different sorts then we've ever had before. Derek and Dave got pizza with squid rings, mussels and clams on it. I got one with buffalo mozzarella, spinach and ham (more like VERY thinly sliced bacon). Katrine did not have pizza. Ran like mad to catch the last Tube (they stop at midnight... weird eh?). Got home. Took a bath and we all watched half of Laurence of Arabia. Realized it was 2 in the morning and decided to go to bed.

Derek and I are off to Bath tomorrow to see Obi. We're getting up early (8:30 am! ahaha) and making Dave and Katrine real Thunder Bay Finnish Pancakes. With Maple syrup and honey butter (a yummy Grizans topping). Have to catch the train at Paddington Station tomorrow for 12:07. Hurray!

Love you all!!



19th February 2007

can you make me some of those pancakes when you come home? if you do.. you better. everyones going crazy here in the valley, and i JUST GOT HOME. LOVE YOU i miss you more than words. Carmen

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