David Austin and Portland

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June 26th 2005
Published: June 28th 2005
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It was Awesome to see Dave and I only had the morning and late evening to hang out but I am sure I will see him again soon. Dave also has been a friend I have seen in different places around the world, but mostly, Dave is my brother and has been a faithful friend in a way that no one else has. I hope God Blesses him ten times as much as he has for other people. How cool to get to see so many great friends on this trip too. Best of all, he makes me laugh a lot. But he ate all my Thai food on the way out of town. Portland is only a couple hours from Tacoma, maybe he will be around if I move here. If I keep the TravelBlog going all year though, I will add our trip to Malta and Libya in December. Dave's has read the "Heavenly Man" also. That book is amazing.

Portland is pretty cool, and also...incredibly beautiful NW sites and lots to do.

Things started to go down hill after the morning in Portland as far as the details. Wasted two hours trying to get on the internet. Got lost, got tired, couldn't call my bank, left something at the apartment etc. Will add more about the day later. Need to get lots of sleep tonight.

writing a lot of the entries a week late, so there are a few that were inserted that I missed before.


1st July 2005

I've been sitting here trying to look "office-y" but nobody's been buying it. That is UNTIL I saw this wonderful demonstration. Now everyone is falling for it around here. They all thing I'm working. ha,ha. Seriously that is a funny picture. I'm glad you're having so much fun on your big road trip. Thanks for sharing all of it with us--it helps make these days at the computer a little more tolerable. That is until I begin wishing you were here and I was there, then I just get mad. But up to that point it's great. ha,ha. I love you and miss you lots!! See you when you get home to Kentucky! Amy
1st July 2005

God's working!
Jyl- I just caught up on your blog, and am amazed at how God is working in your life as you travel. I so enjoyed our brief visit and hope to see you again sometime. I'll pray for your continued safety and growth on this journey. Thanks for keeping this blog going, it's a great way to keep up with you!
1st July 2005

Jill-thanks for doing this blog. You and I have met a least once. I'm Whitney's husband and had some time today and wanted to read about your travels. It was a blessing to see the wonderful sights and hear about your travels. Whitney so appreciated the time she got to spend with you. May God's blessings continue to be with you.

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