Day 7 - 9/13/2020 Sisters, OR - ??????? (Eastbound)

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September 13th 2020
Published: September 13th 2020
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Well, it's 6:30 am our time, and we've come up with a plan B. Ray has been checking the DOT road closure line, looking at the Oregon fire maps, and googling potential scenic routes. The fires are all in the Western part of the state, right where we have been, or were going. We were actually lucky that we were able to get from the coast to Sisters yesterday, as most of those roads are closed. There's a tremendously large fire burning southeast of Portland, with many towns being evacuated. We've decided to head East along Rt 26, toward Baker City. There are no fires out there, and it appears to be very scenic and mountainous. We're going to wing it on RV parks for tonight, as we don't know where we'll end up. This is only a partial blog for today. We'll put out another when we stop for the night, assuming we have wifi.

This should be fun. Stay tuned.


13th September 2020

Wing it
Good luck! Think of it as an adventure. You’ll probably have even more fun!
13th September 2020

Stay safe, a friend of mine from high school lived Happy Camp Ca and lost everything Including his girlfriend. The smoke sounds Erie.
13th September 2020

Sisters area
Dana used to own and acreage just outside Sisters before her divorce. Beautiful area
14th September 2020

Stay safe?
Sorry I missed your earlier posts...Don’t know what happened to blog notification? Re-send invite to In any event, I was able to track you down as “cat herder”...sounds Like you guys are having a great time despite travel restrictions because of the fire, which has been front page news for last couple weeks. Didn’t realize you guys had opted for another great RV adventure after cruise cancellation. My dad in Coast Guard was stationed as captain of the port of Astoria and Portland in the early 50s, so I’m familiar with that wonderful part of the country. We lived in Astoria before there was a bridge to Washington...if you can imagine! I have an older sister who lives in Salem. Where are you headed from Sisters? Rain here just stopped late this afternoon after at least 5”...looking forward to reading blog posts going forward. Hi to all...stay safe. Quentin & Dorrie

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