Mission beach to Airlie beach

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November 10th 2006
Published: November 13th 2006
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Drove to Townsville for a ferry across to Magnetic island. Staying at a nice YHA place called Koala village. While lounging by the pool in the afternoon they came through with bird feed and I helped feed the Lorikeets. Its was very noisy and they grip tight but fun. (I may have got bird wee on me to!!). That evening a group of us went down to the beach and had a fire. It was beautiful out there- reminded me of Fiji.

We had a buffet breakfast in the koala part. Got to stroke a Sulphur crested Cockatoo that liked its chin scratched like a cat and we got to hold a koala. very cool. They have kinda briselly corse but soft fur. They also had more snakes and crocodiles. Then back to get the boat and drive down to Airlie Beach for another night out this time to say goodbye to Diesel as we are staying a couple of nights and have a different bus driver next time.

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note one on my head!!
Out with DieselOut with Diesel
Out with Diesel

(at the bottom)

13th November 2006

Thanks so much for the message you sent to the children, it has meant so much to them. Lake Malawi project week was incredibly successful, hard work and great fun. We would definitely consider doing something like this again as it had so much more meaning for the children than a Harvest Festival Assembly. Loved the bungy jumping card...hated the sunshine and cocktails comment....sickening. We all miss you Tamsin and there were lots of comments last week about how much influence you had in only two years. By the way...I sorted out the technical hitches! Love Raegan x

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