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Asia » India » Madhya Pradesh » Khajuraho
October 31st 2006
Published: November 6th 2006
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Pimp my ridePimp my ridePimp my ride

Off to see some tigers...?
Khaja what...? I'm having real difficultly remembering how to pronounce this one 😊

We arrived late in the afternoon after a very short flight from Varanasi to our second Taj hotel. This too was very nice with very helpful staff.

The evening was spent going to a light show telling stories of some of Khajuraho's ancient temples. Don't bring your video camera (not that it would work) as they do not allow it. Our kind taxi driver from the hotel kindly looked after ours. The story was mostly interesting but the light show was a little dull.

We had an early night as the next morning we were up at 5am for a visit to Panna National Park in an open top jeep. Apparently there are tigers here but the most we saw were monkeys, deer and lots of "special" trees! Our guide was friendly and provided us with information about Indian life...much more interesting! 😊

Our afternoon was spent walking around the many temples back in Khajuraho. There are many Hindu and Jain temples. Many had erotic sculptures on the side of the buildings which was quite a surprise. The temples are in very nicely kept landscape gardens where it is a joy watching the black faced monkeys scramble around. It must have been an amazing sight when a British officer in the early 1900's first stumbled across the site in the middle of the jungle as it lay in ruin for hundreds of years.

The evening was spent chilling out eating more curry for dinner in the hotel ready for our next destination.


7th November 2006

Hey you guys
Glad to hear your having a great time - im sooooooo jealous reading your journal as i sit at my desk day after day blah blah blah............ Anyway, your flat is fine, checked it the other day and your car is also fine. Cant believe you've been away for over a week already - its flying by - Hither Green misses you guys and so do I! Maz went off to Thailand last week - have you heard from her on MSN? So jealous of you travelling people - think it just has to be done at least one time in a life time. Had mental and messy weekend once again in West End, looking forward to yet another this weekend! Oh and Dad has to forward your journals onto me - why you not sending me them???????????????????????????????????????
10th November 2006

Thanks :)
Hi Esther, Thank you for sorting checking the car and house. We really apprecitate it. Hope things are working out in the flat. We are looking forward to getting back and you being around! Cool! Are you going to Blackheath's bonfire night? It's awesome. Your chance will come travelling. It is a fabulous experience. I think it took Ruth and myself about 10 days to really get into it. So the longer the better! The culture, the very nature of constantly being on the move, the food....everything is great!

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