DTS Week 1&2

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October 14th 2017
Published: October 14th 2017
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Hello people of this world,

I have been here for two weeks now and quite a lot has happened already.

So first I had 51 hours of travel from home to Airlie Beach.

When we arrived we ate some pizza at the base.

The next day we went to the beach and the blue lagoon (some sort of swimming pool)

At Saturday almost everyone was here and Sunday was the official start with a barbeque.

Week 1 was orientation week.

In this week we got a lot of information about the rules and what we can expect form this course.

We went doing some games in Airlie Beach to get to know the area.

It was all kind of boring cause it was just listening to stuff you’re not interested in.

But at some point we did this puzzle game, and on that puzzle game were the outreach locations!

We have to choices and I chose Papua New Guinea.

So why I chose this is because back in 2010 when my parents did their DTS we all prayed for a outreach location and we all had the same feeling we had to go to the one we went to.

So when we heard this one I first wanted to go to the other outreach location but then I heard NO NO you need to go to PNG. And after that I had the same feeling I had back in 2010. So I felt pretty solid about the choice for PNG.

After that week it really finally began.

Our first teacher was Jason Solari he is a film maker. Which is pretty awesome cause I want to be a film maker as well. So I related to him pretty well. And his method of teaching was telling a story sometimes a pretty long one and your like what will the message be and in the end it all comes together. This man was an amazing story teller. He told us a lot of stories about his movie that he directed.

So Jason was teaching us about hearing gods voice. This is subject many of us struggle with and so am I. So he told us if you want to hear his voice you need to have a relationship with him.

I mean not always cause if God really wants to reach you he will give you his message.

But if you frequently want to talk with God you need to know him.

Cause many times we don’t know if we hear him or if it is our own thoughts. By being in a relationship with God you know God, and you know how he speaks to you.

Here is the thing I struggled with. When you want to hear Gods voice and you don’t hear him your like well guess he’s not there. And when you are in dark times your like where are you?

But God is always walking with you. In those times you must trust in him.

We don’t need to have the perfect relationship wit God. But be dedicated and work on it and keep seeking contact. God doesn’t always wants to tell you where you end up he rather walks with you so you can grow.

After that we had an exercise of seeking contact with God.

At that moment I really felt him seeking contact with me. And he had been doing that for years but I locked him out and did not care. That really hit me. So yes I had a few tears.

All with all this was a beautiful but exhausting week. I also went to lunch with my one on one and Jason. A one on one is the person you talk every week with about what you have been experiencing and it is all confidential. At lunch I asked a bunch of questions about the film industry and we talked what I sort off want to do.

So now it is weekend up to next week!

I all want to ask you for prayer for our DTS and me. I also want to ask for prayer for my sponsoring cause I still need some of the money for outreach.

And If you want to sponsor me then here is my bank account number:

ill see you next time!



17th October 2017

Groet uit BoZ
Ha Dave, leuk man, om dit zo eens te lezen! Het was natuurlijk een enorme lange reis, maar ongetwijfeld de moeite waard. Ik ben benieuwd naar je verhalen, de dingen die je gaat mee maken en de lessen die je gaat leren. Veel zegen daar, en geniet er ook van! Groet, Peter N
6th November 2017

Jaa hartelijk bedankt! De lessen hier zijn buitengewoon! Thanks for reading! Blessings!!

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