Punta del diablo

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South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Diablo
March 13th 2007
Published: March 13th 2007
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Our little house!Our little house!Our little house!

Ben pointing to our $15 a night house
After Ben arrived in Argentina we spent a few days in buenos aires and then decided to get out of the city hussle. We caught the Ferry over to Uruguay and then a bus to a little fishing town right near the border of brazil. We found ourselves in a small chilled out beach town with all dirt roads and little cottages right on the beach. We walked around for a bit knocking on doors asking about accomadation finally Ben and krissy came through with the goods. The most amazing little A frame house right on the rocks about 30 meters to the water. The best thing was that this treasure was costing us about $5 Aussie dollars a night each!!! The veiw from our window was amazing. Krissy hung her hammock right at the front of the house on the rocks and slept under the stars every night.

On the second day we hitched in to the closest town (chuy) as we all had no money and were having ATM problems. Unfortunatly the three of us could not get money out in chuy either paid for some groceries on credit card and hitched back to our litle paradise with enough money between us for a few beers and water for the next few days. We managed to get a lift on a horse and cart which was really fun, he took us through the border check and they didnt even stop us as he was a local and was very funny telling everyone we went past that he had 3 australians on his cart!!

Noey arrived taht afternoon and the four of us spent the next few days just toatally relaxing on the beach, We had a few waves and did some long walks to nearby secluded beaches. Watched the sun rise in the mornings over the water for our house so beautiful.

Down at a little bar which we basically had to ourselves and had become friends with the barman we had our own ourdoor screen playing music DVD,s under the stars. One night the Bar man came out with a big plate of fresh mussels he had just prepared for us to eat. Kris and I had never liked mussles before but these were delicious. they had been boiled by them selves with no water ar spices or anything just plain and they were so good. He told us where we could pick them right in front of our house and the next morning at low tide we went down and collected our own mussels.

We started cooking them up at lunch time and when we asked the guy next door papa noel (looked like santa) for a cooking tip he decided to come over and cook us up a storm!! YUM!!!!

After 5 days chilling out it was time to head back to argentina as Krissy was leaving us to head back to OZ. 😞 On the way we stopped for a few hours in Montevideo and My friend Pablo picked us up and showed us a quick tour of the city and took us to a meat market for lunch!!! So much meat on display!

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9



Our local buddie.... Best sheep in the world!!!!
Papa NoelPapa Noel
Papa Noel

Father Christmas (from next door) cooking up the mussels we collected.
Sunrise from our loft!Sunrise from our loft!
Sunrise from our loft!

Could get used to waking up to that every morning!
Our little yelow house on the rocksOur little yelow house on the rocks
Our little yelow house on the rocks

Krissy and Em on the rocks in front of our house.
Morning Kris!!!Morning Kris!!!
Morning Kris!!!

Krissy waking up in her hammock...

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