Blogs from Valparaíso, Valparaíso Region, Chile, South America - page 32


HOLA! Here I go again....another attempt at blogging... VALPARAISO (CHILE) I´m now in Valparaiso. The postcards don´t really paint a true picture of this place. I expected a small quaint fishing village with houses perched on the hills close to the sea, but instead I was surprised by the sprawled out city-like environment ... busy with traffic, huge vegie market along a main road, commercial buildings along the I arrived by bus this evening from Santiago. So tomorrow I shall venture out into this city-like town and ride one of their funiculars to one of their cerros/hills. Seafood would definitely be on the menu ...again. Hopefully I would not fall into a tourist trap like I did today at the Central Market in Santiago. I should have steered clear away from the neon lights, red ... read more

Hola a todos! Hey everyone! So I am finally here here in Valparaiso, Chile!! I arrived last monday with a group of 26 students from all over the United States. From Monday until Saturday we all stayed in a small hotel in Vina del Mar, which is the small, touristy, summer vacation city that is right next to Valparaiso. While at the hotel we met our academic directors and a couple professors and sat through hours of orientation material, but not to worry, they made sure to keep it fun and mix it up a, they all seem really nice, intelligent, and very well organized. Just yesterday (Saturday), after MUCH anticipation, we all met our host families. These are the people that we will be living with for the next 7 weeks. I absolutely LOVE ... read more
La playa

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 28th 2008

Our last stop in South America is Chile. We stayed in the capital, Santiago for three nights before travelling North to Valparaiso. The hostel in Santiago was basic but the other “backpackers” were very friendly. On two nights we dinned and had the craic with a mixture of Welsh, Austrilian, American and a handful of Irish...needless to say there were a few late nights! We left Santiago and travelled North to Valparaiso. Valparaiso is a major port and is next to the beach resort where we spent a day; the waves were massive! Another day we went to the Naval Museum and then a trip to a Vineyard. Chili has little to offer in comparrison to the other South American countries visited so far, but its still a good visit. Overall for South America, we both ... read more
Fun night with other backpackers
Chicken Soup Chile style
Chile banana!

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 27th 2008

Tänään lähdin käymään naapurikaupungissa Valparaisossa. Menin metrolla, vaikka se olikin bussia kalliimpi kun piti ostaa 1000 peson metrokortti. Pääteasemalta palasin ensin trollikalla Plaza Victorialle. Taksi Nerudan taloon olisi maksanut 2000 pesoa, joten päätin mennä muulla tavalla. Löysin sattumalta rinnehissin (ascensor Espiritu Santo) ja nousin sillä mäkeä ylös. Kävelin siitä sitten Nerudan talolle. Nerudahan eli 1904 - 1973. Hän oli kirjailija ja edusti Chilen senaatissa kommunista puoluetta. Hän ehti olla naimisissa kolmesti. Ensimmäisestä liitosta syntyi tytär joka kuoli 8-vuotiaana. Toinen vaimo oli Nerudaa 20 vuotta vanhempi. Nerudan talo oli nelikerroksinen. Sisäänpääsy maksoi 2500 pesoa, kuvia ei saanut ottaa. Ylimmässä kerroksessa oli tyohuone, kolmannessa kerroksessa taisi olla baari. Suuresta asunnosta tuli mieleen suomalaiset vihreät kansanedustajat, jotka elävät kir... read more
varikkaita taloja
rollikka tulee
Nerudan talo

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 26th 2008

Just finished reading ´The Cold Six Thousand´ by James Ellroy, which has inspired us to follow his style for our latest offering. Few sentences longer than five words. A bit unorthodox, but it gets the message across. Quite fitting for Valparaiso... Valpo: Gritty. Seedy. Edgy. Colourful. Bus station heaving. The bald gringo caught the dude´s eye. - Hospedaje Amigo? - Si, possiblemente. Quanto Cuesta? Donde es? That´s the kick-off. Dude doesn´t speak much Ingles, but understands most. Similar the gringos espanol. Dude looks like a good guy. It´s enough. Dude - Jorge - hails a cab. Another passenger is already inside. Doesn´t seem to mind the company. The crew head to the old part of town. - This place can be a bit rough at times. Watch your belongings. - Er, OK. The house is on ... read more
But is it art?
Through the Arch window its...
Good Head

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 24th 2008

Well it's been a week since they kicked us off the ship kicking and screaming. I've added photos and videos to the previous entries (it works better from home with the faster link!). Our last sea day was busy as usual but we weren't ready to leave so hung onto every moment we could. After our final dinner most of our table stopped by the Explorers lounge for a last drink (ok so Hugh and I did check out the chocolates too!). Just after 11 decided I really did need to go down and finish packing and that took me till after midnight but I got the bags out before the 1 am deadline. I did a bit of shopping on the ship that last day including buying a Lapis necklace with some of the credit ... read more
Goodbye Rotterdam

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 20th 2008

Valparaiso is about an hour and a half away from Santiago by bus; although it was only five minutes for me as I slept the whole way despite our Claudio-Ranieri-look-a-like guide´s relentless comentary. The city is home to one of Chile´s main ports and, as a result of a decision made by Pinochet, home to the Chilean parliament. The city is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which means people get their houses painted for free! The centre of the city is the port and the surrounding banks, merchants and government buildings; however the most interesting aspect of Valparaiso is the colourful buildings that litter the steep hills that rise up from the Pacific Ocean. I say "litter" because they seem to be distributed quite randomly in some places. From a distance, they resemble the Favelas ... read more

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 14th 2008

Valparaiso is an amazing and unique city. Its built on lots of very steep hills (cerros) so has lots of little funicular lifts which are very old, but well maintained (at least the ones we went on). The next thing is that the cladding material of choice is corrugated iron sheet! So houses often look like an old shack with very grand doors and windows. The next weird thing the colours used to paint the buildings - purple, bright green, yellow and so on. Even weirder are the graffiti - more like murals than what we know as graffiti - just look at the photos! There is an amazing mixture of rich and poor all jammed in together and an incredible variety of different building designs - from Californian modern to Spanish colonial. It seems to ... read more
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 6th 2008

How do you say "there´s a man in my bed" in Portugese? Not exactly my imagined introduction to South America nor something the Lonely Planet could help me with...but at least I´d arrived. Unfortunately, as Russ sipped vino with bronzed chicas and eased comfortably into his first week, I was still very much in the land of the pale and interesting. Before my trip to paradise could commence I still had the enviable tasks of organising a new passport (one that wouldn´t cause me to be arrested and thrown into a Bolivian jail), boxing up the remnants of our lives to ship to Sydney and negotiating with the News of the World. Yet, as I stepped off the plane into the clammy night air of Sao Paulo all the stresses of my recent ID fraud evaporated ... read more
Villa Kunterbunt
Roads 'n cables
Overlooking Valparaiso

South America » Chile » Valparaíso Region » Valparaíso February 3rd 2008

It was very hard, but I finally managed to drag myself away from the comforts of the hostel in Santiago, and went to Valparaiso. One of the guys from the hostel, Olivier, was planning to go to Valparaiso as well, so we ended up going together. That was really good as not only was he good company, but he also spoke a lot better Spanish than me, as he´s half Spanish. (As an aside, it´s not that I´m not trying to speak Spanish, but I just don´t understand a word anyone is saying to me. I´m convinced they don´t actually speak Spanish here in Chile, just some strange language with the odd Spanish word thrown in to make you think you should understand what they´re saying. I spend most of my time looking blank, saying ¿Cómo? ... read more
Ascencores no.2
Valaparaiso houses

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