Blogs from Bahia, Brazil, South America - page 48


South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador February 15th 2007

02/16/07 4:15pm By Meli *Note: Most of the pictures we will be uploading are from my digital camera, which generally doesn’t leave the apartment for safety reasons. No one wants to get jacked. All the rest are on disposable cameras. Brandee’s Arrival The morning began slowly. I was the first one out of the house because I had a 10am appointment for a French manicure and pedicure. It took forever, and she cut my cuticles so short that I thought I was going to cry from the pain. I usually don’t like that done, but for whatever reason, I just let her do her thing. It took 2.5 hours, and when I got back, the boys were up and about. Lou had already gone to the gym, but Leroy slept in (very rare for him). Lou ... read more
So good, when it hits your lips.
Strip Risk?

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador February 15th 2007

Finally, it´s carnival time. We had a taster of it in Rio and Paraty when the samba bands were practising but now for the real thing... We stayed at another lovely poussada in the Rio Vermelho area called Catherina Paraguacu. It´s a traditional portuguese / colonial place and was a great retreat in a pretty crazy city. We met lots of fun people here including an eccentric, fun german guy called Reinhart who showed us around the city. If we're still having so much travelling when we're retired we'll be doing well! Salvador was much bigger than we expected and was also pretty run down and poor. The old town, Pelhorinho, was stunning, although in many areas the buildings are crumbling away. We stopped in lots of cafes and visited a lovely church - sao franciso, ... read more
carnival in pelorihno
more carnival

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador February 15th 2007

Bahia zelf heeft meer dan 1200 km kustlijn, en een van zijn kuststeden is Salvador, de grootste stad in de Bahia staat, met z. In het noordoosten vind je de grootste concentratie blacks in Brazilië, en de meeste leven in Salvador. Hierdoor zijn de Afrikaanse invloeden - zij het in de muziek, of eten- heel erg duidelijk en levendig! Je waant je echt in Afrika! Tenminste als je je ogen sluit voor de Europese bouwstijl, en de taal... Salvadors koloniale erfenis vind je in de barokkerken en kasseien straatjes van de Centro van Salvador, de Cidade Alta genoemd, gebouwd op een 50m hoge klif. Die is vanuit de Cidade Baixa, downtown, te bereiken via steile straatjes die zich moeizaam omhoog heisen, en een Art Deco lift. In de cidade is het historisch centrum, Pelhourino, ook duidelijk ... read more
Average reveller
Barra Bloco

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador February 14th 2007

Wednesday 2/14/07 11:45pm Brasil! La la la la la la la la…Brasil! Simply said: HOT! As in the vibe, the temperature, the people. Yep, that’s the adjective I’d use to describe the entire country right now. H.O.T. Miami to São Paulo and Risk Our journey from Miami was not that bad, at least not the flying part. It was the parts in between flights that worked on that last nerve. But as long as I repeated to myself, at times aloud, “C’est pas les Etats-Unis!” (this is not the USA), I was able to make it. So as we said in the previous entry, Brandee did not end up meeting us in Miami, so it was me, Meli, and Louis. On the flight over, we had a row to ourselves—it was a Boeing 767 with the ... read more
Sao Paulo Airport
Sao Paulo Airport
LA Represent·!

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador February 14th 2007

One stark difference of this place compared to some of the other places we've been to around the world, which is almost immediately apparent, is the overwhelming friendliness and kindness of the local people here. From the friends we have made on the city busses and bus-stops to the generous couple at the beachside restaurant who saw us struggling with the Portuguese menu and kindly offered us a side-plate filled with a little bit of each thing they were having in order to help us decide, the people here, although they have so much less, seem to have so much more to give away. Nanda, a Brazilian girl Tom met in Barcelona in 2001, has welcomed us in to her apartment here in Salvador where we’ve been based for the past 2 weeks. Salvador, the first ... read more
Mangue Seco - Paradise
Salvador - Going Up?
Salvador - View from the Apartment

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador February 14th 2007

Text was lost when the Server crashed!... read more
Skol Camarote
Skol Camarote
Skol Camarote

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador February 14th 2007

Before I tell you about each day I will explain how carnaval works. There were lots of different options to participate in so my aim was to experience every part of carnaval, having 6 days our plans worked perfect. Carnaval happens in several cities throughout Rio and South America but the reason I chose Salvador over Rio for carnaval is because here you participate but in Rio you sit back and watch (who wants to watch other people partying when you can be part of it? Not me) Trio Electrico (huge truck where the bands stands on) and 1 Carro de Apoio (support truck - toilets, bar etc.). Abadá - A costume that identifies the people belonging to the Bloco/Camarote (I will explain these later when relevant) and is actually the ticket for entering the ... read more

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador February 14th 2007

Yes it´s true... we finally made some friends! We´re in a hostel with loads of other English speakers now which is cool but getting used to dormitory life and sharing bathrooms is proving a little tricky! We now have our PADI dive cards so we can officiially go out on our own (good one)! We´ve also been busy little bees sorting out Carneval which, as expected, has proved to be enourmously expensive. We´re going to be in 3 ´blocos´ which are roped off areas around the trucks with bands on them where you have to wear a special T-Shirt - and believe me, the T-shirt´s are really ´special´... Simon looks especially fit in the illuminous pink and green wife beater! We´ve also organised to be in 1 ´Camarote´ which are big balconies which look over the ... read more

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador February 13th 2007

10th February- 13th February Parque Nacional Da Chapada Dimantina near the mining town of Lencois. said to be the most beautiful national park in Brazil...and for me, a definite stop in Brazil! An overnight night bus trip (6-7hours) from Salvador, and we booked ourselves into the ever friendly hostel- Pousada Daime Sono. The staff are nice and very accomodating. the first day we toured the nearby regions driving by van through the winding roads, with some of the best mix of classic songs that ive ever heard! chilling back with the 2 dutchies and 2 French girls that joined us. beautiful landscapes, wide gorges and stunning mountains. We swam in waterfalls and were exhausted by the end of the day...all rested up for the upcoming 3 days of hiking ahead!!!!! Marco and I joined 2 awesome ... read more
anyone feel like a million year old popstick?
yes....this was actually a photo placed behind me
flying high above the 400m+ waterfall

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador February 13th 2007

Salvador In Salvador kwam ik aan met een enorm onveilig gevoel. Na 28 uur in de bus te hebben gezeten vanuit Rio kwam ik in het begin van de avond aan. Het was donker en halverwege de taxirit vertrouwde ik de taxichauffeur niet meer zo. En toen reed hij ook nog eens oud stadsdeel in met veel vervallen gevels en cobblestones. Een dag later zou ik echter gaan zien hoe mooi het allemaal eigenlijk is en ik zal verder de foto's het woord laten doen. Op de avond dat ik aankwam heb ik meteen nieuwe vriendjes gemaakt. Een groepje Ozzies, Claire uit Manchester en Alex en Francine uit Duitsland. Het grappige is dat ik, welliswaar in mindere mate toch weer onzeker was of ik wel friends-for-a-day zou maken. Dat was dus wederom niet het geval. Met ... read more
Plein in Pelourinho
Het bewijs
Wachten op de bus

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