Blogs from Cordillera Real, Oruro Department, Bolivia, South America


Tras visitar Potosi con su increíble historia pasada y presente de la Mina, nos dirijimos a la Capital política de Bolivia SUCRE, aunque LA PAZ es en realidad la capital a todos los efectos (gobierno etc). Conforme vamos conociendo el país, nos reafirmamos en que Bolivia es un país difícil y duro, aunque lleno de maravillas naturales, cada vez que nos desplazamos por carretera es una pesadilla, casi nada de asfalto, camiones de 50 años y conductores poco seguros, los trayectos de 300 km se hacen en mas de 10 horas (de media menos de 30 km/h) aunque donde menos deben correr (cuesta abajo) se lanzan con esos buses sin suspensión y pocos frenos con barrancos que mejor no mirar. Sobre el pueblo Boliviano, también es difícil relacionarse con ellos, en general no les gustan los ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department » Cordillera Real September 24th 2010

Sajama, the highest peak of Bolivia. It is a volcano with a huge crater on the top covered by snow. There are not many people going there, maybe because of the cold and terrible wind on some days, which often gets over 100km/h, it's very hard to climb then. When I was climbing, the weather was good, just the first day was a bit hard, we had to reach the high camp (5.650m) directly from the Sajama village (around 4.250m) which is quite hard with all the equipment. Last 500m meters to reach the camp started to blow very hard and it was not easy to continue - not only because of the wind, but also because of the volcano dust, which is covering the mountain, so you have never save step and are sliding always ... read more
interesting "bolivian" architecture
in Patacamaya
time to explore Patacamaya and it's market

Cordillera Real, Bolivia After about two months since I was trekking around in Patagonia, I felt for getting out in the mountains again! At least for a couple of days. And Bolivia is a paradise for trekking and mountaineering. Compared to Himalaya, it's far from the same bureaucracy here and it makes the climbing much easier. Not to mention that a lot of the interesting mountains is just outside the capital!! Bolivia's Cordillera Real has more than 600 peaks above 5000 meter, and the range is situated just outside La Paz! Illimani and Huayna Potosi Huayna Potosi is the most popular peak in Bolivia, and it's heaps of tourist companies in La Paz which organise trips here. After a little research, I will change it's name to "tourist mountain" instead : ) But it's popularity is ... read more
Looks like a expedition....
Photo 3
Photo 4

As you all know by now, I can't seem to sit still for long periods of time. Perhaps its some form of ADHD, but I am frequently living with my head in the clouds, even while on vacation. After an action-packed 10 weeks in the hectic metropolis of La Paz, I decided it was finally time to move on to my originally intended destination in the jungle...but only after one last adrenaline fix. Challenged by the ascent of the last mountain, Huayna Potosi, but yawning over the lack of technical stimulation, I began seeking out peaks in the area that were a bit more hands on. ...And thus stumbled upon the stunning Condoriri massif in the Cordillera Real. After posting advertisements to recruit other climbers I had three more on board - a friendly but novice ... read more
burros helped carry the tents and food from a nearby village
entering the highlands
a beautiful basecamp at the foot of the beast provided quick access for the midnight ascent

It has now been over 2 months that I´ve been living and working here in the crazy city of La Paz. My spanish has improved immensely, my salsa moves are shakin´and I´ve learned and experienced a great deal from a part of the world vastly different from what I´ve known previously. And while adventures in the concrete jungle have been quite exciting, I have to run to the hills every so often to keep myself sane. Thus, I´ve found great ways to get my adrenaline fix in high places thoughout the Cordillera real, and have been happy to escape the smog and get small doses of exercise outside the city walls. Shortly after arriving a couple months ago I learned of a popular mountain bike ride operated by a local outfit called Gravity Assisted Mtn. Biking. ... read more
pre-ride briefing at the high summit lot
racing traffic down the early asphalt stretches
visibility decreases and danger increases with heavy rain and huge drops into the abyss

Hola Chicas y Chicos, We zijn net terug van een ongelofelijke trektocht van 11 dagen langs/over de Cordillera Real in Bolivia. Onze hematocrietwaarde heeft intussen serieuze dopingwaardes overschreden. We passeerden een 15-tal passen boven de 4500m, waarvan 3 boven de 5000m. De laagste kampplaats lag op 4100m, de hoogste op 4750m. Volgende week kunnen we een marathon lopen :-) Het was een uitputtende tocht met gemiddeld 6u stappen per dag. De tocht bracht ons langs de zelden bezochte (in de eerste 6 dagen zagen we 5 toeristen), ruwe oostkant van de bergketen via een ongelofelijke vallei met lagunes naar de beroemdere westkant, waar de sterk vergletsjerde bergen imposante flanken hebben. Onze gids Selso toverde ongelofelijk lekkere maaltijden uit 5 ingedrienten en vergezelde ons langs de soms fel, steile rotspaden naar vergezichten die je adem letterlijk ontnemen. ... read more
Dag 1
Dag 3
Dag 4

Servus Freunde! Nochmal ein Blog ueber die Berge, dann lass ich Euch in Ruhe mit dem ewig gleichen Gesuelz. Gestern Abend ist das Team Oberbayern wieder abgeflogen, womit ich wieder auf Solomission bin. An der Stelle noch mal: War superspitzenmaessig mit den Jungs. Ich haett mich echt gefreut, wenn unser Wrack von Taxi auf dem Weg zum Flughafen endgueltig liegengeblieben waere und der Aufenthalt zwangsverlaengert worden waere. Hat nicht geklappt, Schade. Bevor ich mich jetzt also irgendwohin absetz, wo die Sonne scheint & es keinen Schnee gibt, noch mal ein kurzer Lagebericht. Nach einer Zwangspause von vier Tagen mit Duennschiss und Fieber in La Paz Chaos City waren wir letzte Woche alle wieder soweit wiederhergestellt, einen letzten Berg anzuvisieren. Diesmal einen "richtig" hohen & moeglichst abgelegenen Zapfen. In Pepes Cafe Bar bei lecker Essen, Trinken ... read more
Gruss an alle Wendy-Leserinnen
Zeltplatz an der Laguna Glaciar
Die gute Stube

Schoenen guten Morgen (respektive Nachmittag)! Nach zwei doch eher intensiven Wochen in den Bergen konnte ich mich gerade endlich mal wieder motivieren, mich an den Computer zu hocken und was zu schreiben. Eigentlich sind wir naemlich gerade damit beschaeftigt, jegliche Form von Kalorien in fluessiger oder fester Form in uns reinzustopfen und zu -schuetten. Laut unseren zwei Medizinern Markus & Christoph geht es dabei um den "erhoehten Grundumsatz", weshalb unser Tagesablauf uns eigentlich nur noch von Kneipe zu Kneipe fuehrt. Huehnchen, Brot, Obst, Reis mit Bohnen, Hamburger, Pfannkuchen, Steak, Apfelkuchen, Kaffee, Pizza, Bier und eine Flasche Rotwein. So hat gestern unser Menue ausgeschaut. Heute wird bestimmt auch wieder gut. Wie auch immer: Nachdem wir vom Hippiestrand am Tittikakkasee wieder hier in La Paz angekommen sind, haben wir uns auf die Socken gemacht und sind erstmal ... read more
Auf dem Weg zum Cabeza de Condor
Pequeño Alpamayo
Unterwegs am Pequeño Alpamayo

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department » Cordillera Real January 14th 2007

Bolivia has been good to us. We took a 9 hr. train that might or might not have derailed for a minute from Uyuni to Oruro to connect with a bus to La Paz, at 3,600 meters is the highest capital in the world. La Paz is an incredible city. It is Jackson Hole, Wyoming, if Jackson Hole had 10,000,000 dirty little people and no toilet paper. The city sprawls itself to fit inside a bowl formed by snowy mountains. We strolled around the city two days; admiring architecture, visiting museums (one agricultural and one cultural/folklore), and shopping the black market. We all bought musical instruments and decided to start a band. Gordo has a guitar, Graham has a dijembe drum, Elise has a regional flute, and Emma has a goat nail bracelet that clinks. So ... read more
San Pedro Prison
little women
Team Downhill Madness

South America » Bolivia » Oruro Department » Cordillera Real November 21st 2006

I have some parasites or bacteria in mi estomago... not such an unusual thing in Bolivia, but still not the most pleasant of experiences when they have been habitating your insides for more than a week. I think it was from eating ceviche (a Peruvian dish of raw fish) which tastes great but can cause long term consequences not so favourable to your bodily systems. My doctor wondered whether I was trying to commit suicide. No... but ceviche is so good! Probably not a good idea to eat it when you are more than 6 hour drive from the ocean... and on that note I don't think I've seen a refrigerated truck since we've been in South America.... So the climb up Chacaltaya (the only ski mountain in Bolivia) last weekend wasn't such a memorable experience, ... read more
The view of La Paz
The car protectors

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