Blogs from Beni Department, Bolivia, South America - page 29


South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Madidi April 16th 2007

Today was our third and final day in the jungle and we were going to be making our own jewellery - cool! After a leisurely breakfast with the other group, we headed back into the jungle with Angel, our guide, and spent a good hour forraging for nuts, beans and seeds to make into our very own necklaces and rings. On the way we saw loads more fascinating insects and spiders and Angel showed us a type of fungus that tribesfolk often use for writing on. Surprisingly, it was Angel who was also going to show us how to make our jungle jewellery and he soon had us all working hard. While Glynn and Regula sawed off thin slices of a particularly tough nut that would form the centrepiece of our necklaces, Mathias and I ... read more
Shy Guy
Mushroom Messages
Bug Alert

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Madidi April 15th 2007

Day two in the jungle was promising to be full of adventure as we set off into the rainforest for a 4 hour walk after tucking into a hearty breakfast. Before we set off, Glynn and I ventured to the riverfront to watch the sun shine through the morning haze. Down on the muddy banks of the river we were surprised to find a mass of capybara footprints leading in and out of the water. A capybara is like a cross between a giant rat and an otter. We had no idea that such big animals were living so close by to our camp. The first part of the route we followed was the same as where we had been yesterday on our night safari but of course everything looked completely different in the daylight. ... read more
Animal Trackers
X Marks the Spot
Jungle Jish

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Madidi April 14th 2007

Sitting in a long boat and powering gently up the Beni River, it was hard to believe that our 3 day trip into the jungle was about to begin. After our hasty arrival and departure in Rurrenabaque, we were suddenly surrounded by nothing but the greenest of trees and sound of the water lapping against the boat. It was bliss. Riding along so close to the water was a relaxing way to travel and we soon made friends with our travel companions, Regula and Mathias from Switzerland. We had been surprised to find so few other people booked onto our jungle tour but the idea of it being just the four of us was perfect. As we chatted, the boat zoomed lazily up the river, weaving between strong currents and meandering from one bank to ... read more
Stormy Waters
Thrill Seekers
Sweet Valley High

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque April 14th 2007

Friday the 13th. Not the kind of day most normal people would book a flight to the deepest jungles of Bolivia but I guess that means we´re not normal (but you knew that already, right?). In keeping with the spirit of things going wrong on this superstitiously bad day, we had a few setbacks. First off, it was raining so heavily in Rurrenabaque that our flight got postponed and ultimately cancelled owing to the plane not being able to land on a soaking wet runway. Not a problem we thought, we´ll just stay put in La Paz for an extra night. Except that our hostel was fully booked! Thankfully a spot of good fortune came our way when we managed to book into the half decent Hotel Avenida just across the road for 100 Bs ... read more
Cotton Wool and Broccoli
Permission to Land
TAM Plane

Woke up this morning for our breakfast call in the mosi net with eaten legs even though i used the net they gave us and my own net as a blanket. We were going snake hunting today so i went searching for some wellies as the boots they gave us were about 10 sizes to small. Eventualy squeezed into the set the owner had to root out(eddy!!). When we left camp it was raining heavy so werent expecting to see much. However we soon spotted kingfishers,eagles and falcons. We then saw a golden eagle which was absolutely massive and spectactular looking. it flew off before i had time to get it on camera. On the way to hunt some snakes we stopped at a lodge were 2 aligators hang around to feed. Our guide Luis ... read more
At lodge with 2 aligators
Me with aligator
G with aligator

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Madidi April 4th 2007

Ok, so i know that these are heading on two months late, but like the saying goes....... 'All good things come to those that wait'. Right so the Bolivian Rainforrest. Upon arriving back in La Paz from our death road adventures, we decided to have a look and see when we could do a tour down the Rio Amazonas (US$60 for 3 days all in....god i love....and miss Bolivia). So how do we get there, well there are 2 choices: 1. A 22 hour bus journey along gravel roads that looked strangely similar to the Death Road Or 2. Stump up and pay $100 Dollars return and fly down with the Military airlines. Tough Choice i know, and after what seemed like hours of deliberation, we went with the flight, shock horror. Anyway, flying in ... read more

**********CLICK ON THE LEFT SIDE TO SEE THE VIDEO********** This will be a long one(and most likely boring as its longer!!) cos this was so good and i never thought i would ever be in the Amazon Rain forest going up and down the river in a boat. Left La Paz and luckily caught our flight to Rurrenabaque with the military airline TAM. The flights are cancelled a lot due to the rain and the runway in Rurrenabaque being made of grass which turns to mud. As we flew over snow capped mountains and decended into the valley we could see the typical spectacular sights you expect of the Amazon jungle. There were rivers of brown winding through the sea of green. Then the heat hit us on descent and we knew it would be ... read more
The airfield
Swiimming with Dolphins

Covering a large proportion of South America, the Amazon Basin is the largest river basin in the world. My adventures in this continent, then, would have been missing something without an experience in the Amazon. This is partly why, despite 2 cancelled flights, I was not going to give up on making it to the small town of Rurrenabaque in northern Bolivia. Third time lucky, my flight with Amaszonas Airlines finally left La Paz, thanks to the Rurrenabaque runway being dry enough to accept a landing plane. The flight was an experience in itself. The plane was extremely small, with just 15 seats. There are no cabin staff and you can see straight into the cockpit. I´m not a nervous flyer but you would have to have nerves of steel not to feel some trepidation ... read more
Banana scramble
On boat in the pampas

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque February 24th 2007

Andrew here again! We weren't in the mighty jungle for very long...and there weren't any lions about, but I couldn't resist the catchy title seeing as the song has been in my head for the last hour. We got off the bus in from Potosi on a Thursday morning. This time we were prepared ahead of time, and managed to get ourselves out of the bus station without attracting the tourist police. We walked the street to our hotel, with plans to kill some time before our afternoon flight to the Bolivian jungle. The only things on the agenda were doing some blogging (we were already getting behind at that point) and trying to change our next flight...what a little process that turned out to be! Fun with Flights When we had booked our around the ... read more
Squirrel  Monkeys
Where's Pedro?

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque February 5th 2007

We flew out of La Paz on the 31st January, bound for the Bolivian Amazonian Basin. There are two ways to get there from La Paz. The first option is to catch a 20 hour bus along a very ha¡ry piece of road, that drops off to about 100 metre cliffs in some sections. Not very appealing. Option 2 is to catch a flight with Amaszonas Airlines, which takes around 40 mins. Sounds very appealing. Not when you are then told it is in a 19 seater plane. Both are probably as dangerous as each other, however we chose the flight as the 40 min travelling time was just too appealing. The flight in the end wasnt that bad. It was bumpy sure, and the fact that you can see into the cockpit is slightly disconcerting ... read more

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