Day 25 - The Orange Trees that are Cold to Touch

Published: April 17th 2010
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Peninsula San Pedro to the left, mainland to the right.
Reluctant to fork out money for expensive activities and guided hikes like the rest of the group, we hopped on a bus towards the San Pedro peninsula where we enjoyed walking the coastline and taking in the scenery of Argentina's Lake District. After a coffee and break at the "locutorio" (internet and phone cafe) we hopped on another bus to the Llao Llao municipal park, which was free to enter, in which we came across a leisurely 3km walking trail. After 10minutes we stumbled upon an area of bright orange trees and gave each other smug and excited smiles, because some of the group had paid 40 quid each to be taken on a boat to a nearby island to see some mysterious "orange trees that are cold to touch". We must've looked rather strange as we stroked a few normal trees to give a benchmark to compare the orange trees to. Sure enough, the orange trees were cold to touch! They are called Arrayan trees, and we've still to find out why they are so cold. They were pretty cool, but all the better for seeing them for free. I never saw the point in paying for someone to take
Biggest tree everBiggest tree everBiggest tree ever

Me trying to push it over
you on a hike when all you need is a map anyway. We also stumbled across a few more lakes (and their beaches), all in all a very enjoyable 3 hour walk, apart from my "good" knee seemingly developing another injury (on a flat, easy trail - very bemused and concerned as we are due to climb a volcano in a couple of days!!). I'm hobbling around like a grandma :-(

Chris's Corner

On our walk around the peninsula we had a personal escort from a local Alsatian following us for about 5km, barking at and chasing away every passing car/person before returning obediently to our side and with no encouragement from us. I also managed to call home at the locutorio, my 2nd attempt in South America, connecting with the answer phone the first time (talk about timing).

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Orange trees that are cold to touch!!Orange trees that are cold to touch!!
Orange trees that are cold to touch!!

Sophie really feeling the cold!

18th April 2010

Had to set down some thoughts this time - you're having such a fab, energetic hol - I'll try be brief! You've more important activities than reading blurb from a vol-dust covered UK mm... Love the pics and restrained emotions under pressure - such good practise for the work environment - but hey, who needs to think of that! Glad I around for your second attempt to reach home Chris. Dad's plan to fly off to Portugal today no longer an option - he's now having few days at home - though sure he'll manage to fit in lots of swinging clubs! Particularly enjoyed your Strictly scenes Soph - with bit of X Factor chucked in! Think Chris may have been demonstrating his inner exhibitionist - either way - it'll keep muscles supple and help when balancing on sheer-faced rocks or even mounting tops of buses. Salsa next? Love it all anyway, so enjoy, be safe and take care of each other. Lots of love to both Mum XXX

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