Blogs from Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America - page 367


South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires June 27th 2006

After two amazing days in Iguazu, we returned to Buenos Aires for our last two weeks. (Yes, we were sad when we realized we only had two weeks left.) Buenos Aires is one of the best cities in the world. Our two weeks there were so great—and we could never do it justice with this blog. Here are some highlights. We went to 2 local soccer matches. First stop was a local soccer match between a local team, River Plate, and Paraguay. The second match was between Boca Juniors (Diego Maradona’s former team) and another team that we can’t remember now. If you are afraid of crowds or getting trampled to death (which Melia now realizes that she is), an Argentine soccer match would not be recommended. But, if you love watching people go absolutely crazy, ... read more
dog walker
River Plate Stadium
River Plate Stadium 2

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires June 27th 2006

Well we're still doing good. I (Jason) managed to get a good nights sleep. There was a big party going on in our hostel last night, but of course the party-poopers we are, we went to bed around 900. haha I fell asleep right away and slept like a rock all night, but jacq said she kept waking up and the people in our dorm room came in drunk making noise. So glad i sleep like the dead.... This morning we got up pretty early and got our showers before there were any lineups. And I must say it was the best hostel shower I ever got. If youre in BA definately stay at the Milhouse hostel... Altho it seems to be a bit of a party house so if youre into that then great. We ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires June 27th 2006

Last week my Dad and stepmom came to visit me for about a week. We spent several days in Buenos Aires and also took a trip to the northwest of the country. We visted three states: Tucuman, Jujuy, and Salta. Tucuman is where the Argentine Declaration of Independence was signed and it's a smally city in a pretty lush-green part of the country. All around the city are rolling hills and lots of flowers, and it seemed like a really nice place to vacation. Our guide on our trip to the NW was an Argentine friend and former coworker of my Dad, Conrado, who is from Tucuman and now lives there with his family. We basically drove north from Tucuman (through Jujuy and Salta) to the Argentine/Bolivia border and back again. North of Tucuman is ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires June 26th 2006

Well we're here. Had a lovely few flights down and even managed to sleep most of the way down on the 10 hr flight from Houston to Buenos Aires. Took a 2 hour public transport bus from the airport to downtown. Only cost about 50 cents compared to like 10 bucks for the shuttle bus! (That's the Mackey in me hahah) We found a great hostel in the heart of downtown for only 8 bucks a night for a bed. Called the Milhouse, but no it has nothing to do with the Simpsons. There's a travel agency downstairs so that was nice. We booked our bus tickets to Puerto Iguazu tomorrow night to see the falls. 17 hours on a bus after 24 hours flying yesterday is gonna be tough but apparantly the bus seats let ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires June 26th 2006

Well, finally after a long and slightly bumpy flight we arrived in Buenos Aires. We got here for the first England match by minutes, dropping our bags in our room, having a quick wash then storming down to the bar to watch it with the hoards of other english in the hostel! It was all a bit surreal and we couldn´t get a seat, the motion sickness didn´t help much either. Well, at least the Trinidad and Tobago match was a great one to make up for it, eh?! Time spent in Buenos Aires was fun, we went to the cemetary at Recoleta and wandered around the amazing mausoleums ... very strange as you could look in and see the coffins and photos of the people in them. We saw Evita´s grave too, which was very ... read more
Recoleta Cemetary
La Boca
Japanese Garden

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires June 26th 2006

Yesterday I awoke with the taste of sweaty shoe in my mouth. Completely disoriented, my eyes slowly traced the room looking for any sign of familiarity. After about twenty seconds it occured to me that I was in the TV room of my hostel, fully dressed, and completely hungover. My mind felt like it was in shrinkwrap. You see, Argentina won in overtime on Saturday and the town celebrated accordingly. I got home at... dunno... but I remember it being light out while I zigzagged home. The only clear thought I remember having when I woke up, which was at 1 pm and only because someone wanted to watch TV, was: "WATER". The rest of the day was spent trying to piece it all together based on the various oddities about my person. I had a ... read more
Walking around the big bad BA
Walking around the big bad BA
Walking around the big bad BA

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires June 25th 2006

As I disembarked from my plane, I did not realize two things. 1. How long the bus ride from the airport was, and 2. How great it is to ride the bus in a foreign land. I was a bit concerned as I was cornered by an older gentleman. Anti-american sentiment is literally plastered to the walls as I drove in between goats and horses and overwhelming squalor. But what ensued was both magical and totally impossible in the cold culture we call Americano. Dan Garcia talked to me in beautiful broken english about his long held philosophical views on the state of the world. His greatest diatribe centered on the metaphor of the almighty, all-powerful, money-grubbing puppeteers which controlled the minds and bodies of nearly all of mankind. But he made his staunch stance ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires June 24th 2006

Natalie Worst Spanish translation: Somehow I confused the words for "cork" and a vulgar female anatomy term, so I botched up my attempt to sound intelligent and environmentally aware about the effects of the high price of natural cork...luckily I was only speaking to one person. Have you sampled free beer at the Alamo?: Yes, yes, and the "Cerveza-Gratis Para Chicas" sign landed me in a room full of American rugby players who (with incredible harmony) serenaded me with "You've Lost that Loving Feeling." Has your acohol tolerance risen while the number of hours you sleep per night fallen since moving to Argentina?: I think I was primed for the Argentina lifestyle from prior life experience.... Weirdest apartment quirk: Virtually anything related to energy (I'm thinking about the acrobatics I need to do to light my ... read more
Russ, England
Natalie, New Jersey
Trish, England

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires June 24th 2006

We set off on our 13 hr trip to Tierre del Fuego (Land of fire) after Alejandro made us our breakfast sporting some furry gorilla feet and a pink dressing gown! We arrived in Ushuaia, and it was just soooooooo cold I couldnt believe it, but then I sose you would expect the end of the world to be cold wouldnt you? On our first day the weater was a bit miserable, you couldnt see the mountains but we went on a trip out onto the beagle channel regardless where we saw lots of birds and very playful sea lions. Woke up very late on our second day, we just couldnt seem to adjust to the time difference - 16 hours of change is just too much! However, the weather was beautiful, snowing, but beautiful. ... read more

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires June 22nd 2006

My Non-Existent History with Soccer: As of one month ago, this was (as far as I can remember) the only conversation that the Mesle family has ever had about Soccer. Mark: So how was your weekend? Sarah (my wonderful older sister): It was really great I got recruited to play a game of intramural soccer with some of my friends. Mark: How did it go? Sarah: It was so much fun, you just get to run around and look for things. Mark: You mean like the ball? Sarah: Yeah, I like looking for it. Mark: Well, that’s…um,….that’s great Sarah. Sarah later clarified that on numerous occasions she did in fact “find” the ball, however when she found it she was not exactly sure what to do with it. During the 2002 World Cup, I was vaguely ... read more
My Second Favorite Team
Me doing my best to be a real soccer fan

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