I 'heart' Welly!

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July 24th 2010
Published: July 24th 2010
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Well, it’s been a really long time since I updated this. But that’s really cause for most of the last two months not too much has happened, except for in the last few weeks since I moved to Wellington - which, I have to say, is probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! Anyway, guess I should just begin at the beginning.

I think I was in Queenstown for about a month, maybe just a little less. It started off okay, catching up with everyone I’d met when I was there before and seeing all the people from Russell who had headed down. Everyone looking for a job, which was pretty much everyone in town except for the people who already had jobs up the mountain, had been told that jobs would start to open up at the start of June. But really it ended up that there weren’t really any jobs opening up at all and I spent my month with Kat and Jen and a few other people having coffee in town everyday while slowly running out of money. I’m glad I’m not there anymore but there were a few good things we got up to
My Birthday!My Birthday!My Birthday!

Jen, Me, Kat, Jo, Caroline, Caro
- we went snowboarding a couple of times and I discovered that face planting isn’t actually too painful. I had my birthday while I was there and had a great night out with all my girlfriends. I met up with the Jo from Wales who I’d met in Sydney and we had a great time. But apart from that I was pretty bored and getting pretty skint. So when Jen and Kat decided to move to Wellington I properly just jumped on the band-wagon!

It started off well with both Jen and I flying under false (each others names). Basically, Jen’s connecting flight was later than mine and Kat’s but she needed to be in Wellington first for an interview so I just swapped boarding passes with her, that’s how relaxed NZ is… Anyway, I’ve not been arrested or anything and we all got to Welly fine, oh and Jen got the job which was an awesome start and within the week Kat and I had both got good jobs. At the time we were staying in a really good hostel, where we managed to get a triple share room for a good weekly rate but it was still living in a hostel! We thought it might take a while to find a place but our amazingly good Wellington luck continued. Kat found a great apartment online just in our budget, right in the centre of town. We viewed it on the Monday, got offered it on the Tuesday and moved in on the Wednesday! So basically within two weeks of moving to Wellington we had all got jobs and a great city centre apartment! We’re pretty please with ourselves and like to laugh in Queenstown’s face a lot, especially as it is about a million times warmer here, and there are a million more things to do!

Anyway, I really like my job. I’m working in a cute, little café bang in the centre of town (less than 10 mins from my apartment!) which is only open to 4 weekdays and 3 at weekends, so you know what that means - got all my evenings free! This is a new and amazing experience for me! Also, it’s the first time I’ve ever had a set rota, mon-fri 9-5 and sat 10-3, and we get loads of breaks, get to eat all the food we sell and drink

My new Boyfriend...
heaps of coffee! And obviously the best thing is always having Sundays off! The job is fun and I’ve totally got the hang of it and everyone’s really nice. I’m so happy, it’s all just worked out so well! Our apartment is totally stunning and we got everything provided except linen. We’ve all got massive rooms with double beds, huge built in wardrobes and desks (which makes me miss being a student a bit, how odd, don’t have enough pens to be a student thought!). We have a balcony, a TV, a DVD player, a stereo and everything you could think of for the kitchen. Like I said, we’re very pleased with ourselves!

To top everything off, Wellington is a totally brilliant city. I’d heard that it rains all the time and that it’s very windy but since we’ve been here we’ve had heaps of sunny days and I’m happy if it wants to rain when I’m at work! There are so many museums, galleries, cool streets, great shops and other things to do in town. Everything is really central and there is lots of free stuff to do. The city has an awesome atmosphere and it’s the first
Wellington HarbourWellington HarbourWellington Harbour

Just hanging around.
city I’ve been in since I left that isn’t on a stupid grid system, I love it here! And I went to the All Blacks game last Saturday- totally awesome (although I will say this, that atmosphere at Scotland games is better…). Sometimes I feel a bit sad that I’m only going to be staying till November! If I had to stay here for ever I don’t think it would be too bad at all. But don’t worry, I’ll be home in December! I’m not sure of my exact plans yet, I’ll decide in the next couple of months, once I see how the money situation is! I’ll let you all know what my plans are then.

Glad I’ve finally done this update, been meaning to do it forever!

Lots of Love

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Giant SquidGiant Squid
Giant Squid

A real life giant squid on display at Te Papa museum in Wellington
The Haka!!!The Haka!!!
The Haka!!!

And a bum view, we were pretty pleased...
Jen and KatJen and Kat
Jen and Kat

Post rugby night out!
Liam and MeLiam and Me
Liam and Me

Catching up with Liam from Russell after the rugby!

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