Blogs from Rotorua, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 87


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua July 29th 2006

Hello and welcome to the latest enstalment of Jonnys New Zealand adventures, and one which sadly says farewell to the South Island. It sure has been a memorable three and a half weeks there of which I have seen and done shit loads!! I last left you in Dunedin. Leaving that place was not despairing as, although ok, I found it to be quite dull. Driving out, however, we were faced with a snow storm across the hills along the northern road. Thankfully, in my hungover state, I managed to battle through. Our destination that day was Mount Cook, the little town at the foot of the tallest mountain in Australasia, and is one of the remotest place we have been to on our trip, literally miles from anywhere and there is only 1 road of ... read more
Me mid stroll!
Indiana Jones esk ropebridge

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua July 20th 2006

Once you look a bit closer Auckland has many pleasent surprises, which make the souless CBD bearable. There are beautiful islands with fantastic views over the bay with its many (possibly) extinct volcanoes and in the other direction over the centre of Auckland with its many skyscrapers and Sky Tower, the tallest building in the southern hemisphere, to cosmopolitan suburbs with art galleries and coffee shops. The museum shows you a scary reproduction of the effects of a volcanic eruption in the vicinity of the city, which is certainly a possiblity. It's really quite scary how new and active New Zealand is. So i spent a few days in Auckland, getting cultural, walking and chilling out in the docks, being entertained by the huge number of modified cars ('riced up') around the city, some pogoing down the ... read more
Bay of Islands

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua July 11th 2006

Zorbing.....this is something me and Lucy did. heres what it it means, to go down a hill in a ball with water in it. me and Lucy decided to do the first one together, this was fun as you could not stand up and just got really really wet. (Luckly the water was warm) we enjoyed this so much we decided to do a individual one but on the zig zag path. This was so much better it felt like it was going on for so long and i got sooo wet because of the water. I didnt know which way was up when i was near the bottom as the ball kept going over and over.... i would say if you havent done it yet, do it! anyway sorry not much was written but who ... read more
rolling rolling rolling

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua July 11th 2006

This is only going to be a short blog because i cant really be bothered to write much and also because i didnt do that much in rotorua it started off with me and Lucy getting there on a sunday. we did nothing.......... the next day we book two things to do, one was white water rafting and the other was to go to this maori experiance night. we did the white water rafting the next day (monday incase you werent paying attention) we got picked up for this at around 12:30 pm and drove to their base. from here we got changed into our dashing wetsuits. then we got into the van and drove to the river. along the way we found out we would be rafting down three water falls and the grades of ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua July 10th 2006

Rotorua, the town that is known for smelling eggy due to the sulphur. It's so strange walking through the park with parts sectioned of due to boiling hot mud or water! Looking around certain parts of the town it seems as if there are heaps of fires with all the lines of smoke rising. The hostel even had its own thermal pools (which smelt horrid) which would turn your jewellery black and possibly give you a form of meningitis if you put your head below the water! My first activity in Rotorua was luging, zooming down a track with the force of gravity on a little cart. I think I should have braked a bit more when going round the corners some of the wheels did leave the ground, more fun this way though...although there was ... read more
The rebirth...
Smelly Rotorua...

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua July 5th 2006

It was the summer of 2003 and I had acquired, through a method of bartering and manipulation the use of a boat to sail down the Amazon. I had a crew of 4 but 2 of them were struck down with malaria whilst the other one went crazy and scooped his own brains out with a spatula. I shouldnt have let him anywhere near the kitchen utensils. I was on my own trying to traverse the harsh conditions that the Amazon was throwing at me. It was a lonely time. One night, a huge deluge started rocking my boat from side to side. I tried to cling on but was pushed overboard. I woke up to find myself on a bed of leaves being looked after by members of the Yuhup Tribe. They took good care ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua July 3rd 2006

So i'll start with the football I guess, still a bit gutted that we got knocked out on penalties again. We battled hard for 60 minutes with only 10 men and I really thought we might knick a heroic goal but I guess it wasn't to be. Without sounding like a sore loser - the referee was a muppet - sure Rooney shouldn't have pushed Ronaldo, he should have punched him in his fairy face and that would have been worthy of a red card (and a pat on the back). Anyway, rant over. New Zealand! Is so far very very nice. Away from the flat, barren landscape that was Australia and into a landscape that reminds me a lot of England, rolling hills, green grass, woods, sheep... lots of sheep! Landed in Auckland a few ... read more
A geyser
The art of Zorbing

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua June 24th 2006

Update from Zoe The All Blacks game was brilliant (even though Ireland lost), the public transport here is really good and they laid shuttles on to Eden Park, which is out of the city centre. It was absolutely peeing it down and we were in the uncovered part, so we blagged a bin liner from the bar and both sat in it - it all added to the experience! The next day we had a mooch about Auckland, which is nice our hostel is right in the centre so it makes getting around really easy. Just before dusk we went up the sky tower, it was a great time to go, as we go to enjoy the amazing views in the daytime and night (although not so sure dan was enjoying the views at the very ... read more
A view from the top of Auckland

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua June 19th 2006

Kia Ora people!!! !!! !!! Well, i'm still here in Taupo (2 weeks now). haven't done much really, just chilled out and played pool :p been helping out at the hostel i'm staying at doing the BBQ (and i'm very good if i do say so myself.........well other people tell me as well). the most i cooked for was 32, so that's 32 sausages and 32 steaks, look at me go YEY. I'm heading of tomorrow (should have been today but roads were closed due to bad weather). the trip should take me to River Valley, but we're going straight to Wellington insted. i don't really mind beause there's really only white water rafting, and it's a little nippy for that me thinks. Got to go now, off out for my last night. Talk to you ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua June 14th 2006

The sunshine was out this morning which is great, its sooo not cool when it rains. Last night was really good fun at the Maori experience, we started off by arriving at the village and walking through the forrest where a war boat passed us with loads of barely clad men in it, and there were some running around the forrest around us with flaming torches! then they did a dance of the opposite side of the river, whcih was cool! Then we went to the village where we had a welcoming ceremony with loads of songs and chnats, and scary dancing and stick throwing! Then they introduced us to various weapons and musical things which they encorporated into the dancing and singing, it was really good. Then they had us doing some stuff, and taught ... read more

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