Rihla 21

North America
March 5th 2012
Published: March 5th 2012
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1. According to this article, how is modern slavery different from earlier forms of slavery throughout history?
Modern slavery is different from earlier slavery in the sense that there are no plantations, slave cabins, or action blocks. However, abuse, coercion and manipulation is present today. One example of modern slavery is human trafficking, where many times people are forced to become sex objects. They are forced to prostitute themselves like Sheila White was forced.

2. Why does this movement against human sex trafficking connect to the legacy of President Lincoln?
the movement against human sex trafficking connects to the legacy of President Lincoln because he fought against it and contributed to it becoming illegal in the U.S. Although slavery was abolished after the 13th amendment was passed, slavery is still existant but in different forms. The people who are fighting against modern slavery are following the ways of Lincoln.
3. Describe the Polaris project. What do you think about this project?
Polaris is an organization that as founded in 2002. Its name comes after the North Star that helped guide slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad. Polaris has a national hotline available 24 hours a day. The purpose of this hotline is to allow people to report trafficking going on in their community or for victims to call. This organization also wants to raise awareness of the the existence of drug trafficking.
4. Do you agree with this article – that human sex trafficking is a form of modern day slavery?
I definitely agree that human sex trafficking is a form of modern day slavery. People are being held against their will to do things that are intimate. Having a person sell their bodies is inhumane. Although these victims are not being put in plantations, they are kept in ar place foreign to their home. Although we cannot see the conditions that the victims live in, we cannot assume that they're are not whipped, chained, or being mistreated.

5. In your opinion, can you think of any other examples of modern day slavery?
Another form of slavery is illegal immigrant work. Although they come to the U.S. voluntarily, the work conditions that they are under is like slavery. They work in unsanitary conditions, have VERY low wages, and are held gainst their will for fear of being deported or put in jail.

6. Additional thoughts/questions?
It's sad to see all of these things happening. I wonder, what goes through the minds of the people who participate in human trafficking?


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