Blogs from Houston, Texas, United States, North America - page 22


North America » United States » Texas » Houston January 3rd 2007

just a quick explanation for anybody whos checkin my blog that i added via email...this is my travelblog...tada! you can check out my pics/ what i've been up too/ leave me comments during my time over in espana! in case ur curious...luz del sol means sunshine in spanish which is what some of my favorite house ladies always call me, its a special name to me and i love them so heres to you ladies!... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Houston January 2nd 2007

2007 is here! my little sister official turned 16 and I'm leaving for Spain in 4 days! There's alot left to do, not to mention how i'm going to live packing only an 1/8 of my closet and just 3 pairs of shoes....BUT i can do it, i know i can! I've never been abroad before...the 5 day mission trip to mexico in 7th grade isn't appropriate to be counted in my opinion...and now I'm moving to Spain in 4 days!!! I'm excited, anxious...anxious excited?? it wont hit me till i'm on the plane...... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Houston December 26th 2006

My trip through the biggest state in the mainland was more about its culture than its sights. The things you notice quickly are the road signs: "Don't mess with Texas: $2000 fine for littering", "DUI: $10,000 fine and 10 years in jail, it just isn't worth it. Don't mess with Texas!". The radio is either rock, country, the religious right on talkback, or Hispanic. The best T-shirt I've seen so far was "Texas: it's bigger than France". I crossed the state line just outside Clovis New Mexico. A train came past in the other direction. It was at least a kilometre long and was carrying heavy artillery, Humvees, and more tanks than I'd ever seen in one place before. Yesiree, there be guns in Texas. I got to Amarillo for the night, which lies in the ... read more
We got cars!
We got big birds!
Continental Club - Austin

North America » United States » Texas » Houston December 26th 2006

Inspired by the following Houston Press Article and the Tolkien's novels, I've started urban hiking. In The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogy, the characters walk almost their entire journies. The pace of the novel describes the lush scenery created by Tolkein's imagination. Today I walked from Castle Court, a street one block north of I-59 aka the Southwest Freeway to the Houston Arboretum and Nature Center. I've ridden my bike, taken the bus and driven to this center, but never walked. HANC is located on the south side of Memorial Park. It's named Memorial because of the veterans of WWI. An Army training base once trained soldiers for that same war. Afterwards, the land was donated to the city and at the time was one of the largest parks ... read more
Meredith Gardens
underground parking
dog park

North America » United States » Texas » Houston December 15th 2006

Day 1 - Houston to Arlington After much preparation and gathering of “tons of stuff”, we’re off on our first roadtrip together ever! Even in a large suburban truck, the kids are packed in their seats like little sardines, duffle bags, pillows and coats all around! ; ) They say they like it that way (it’s cozy). Of course, they may not feel that way by tomorrow! ; ) We’ve left late this afternoon heading to Arlington. We’ll visit Russ’s family there, stay the night and get an early start tomorrow for Albuquerque. About a 9-10 hour drive, not including a few stops. The weather forecast is favorable with temperatures in the 50s-70’s through Texas. We will just miss a winter storm (snow & sleet) coming to the panhandle on Monday or Tuesday. We will be ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Houston December 4th 2006

Well I spent lots of time at this airport waiting for my flight...check it's so big there's a train to take you to another section.... read more
getting my stuff

North America » United States » Texas » Houston November 10th 2006

I have made it to houston texas. The lone star state. It took longer than i thought...even though i knew i was in for a "drive". To get here i drove from nashville to memphis. Memphis has lots to offer to say the least. But first let me start by saying....a few chains from Nashville to Houston are ooc. Shoney's, cracker barrel, Arby's, hardee's...oh my goodness. Better chains...krystal burger, waffle house, chic-fila...and in texas..taco cabana, whataburger, ninfas to name a few. Memphis is right on the mississipi river and is one of the principal birthplaces of rock and roll, the blues and music from and for the soul. From Jerry Lee Lewis to BB King to Elvis. Memphis is a very historical city in terms of civil rights. Martin Luther King spent lots of time in ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Houston November 1st 2006

Spent all night checking my stuff and packing my stuff and rechecking and repacking my stuff, no sleep. Headed out to IAH at like 4 am or something, I do not really remember at this point. The drive was not as long as I thought it would be, took the 59 route. Arrived at the empty airport where my dad went to find out where exactly it was that I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to do as far as checking in. The bag, that I am going to be carrying on my back for the next 3 months or so weighs in at like 65 lbs. or something ridiculous, and a $25 dollar fee is paid. My parents and brother (Adrian) wait around for like 15 minutes while I wander around ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Houston September 4th 2006

We're driving to New Orleans in a few hours.... (need to go to bed) beignets and coffee at Cafe du Monde. One year after Katrina... what will she look like now? Laissez les bonnes temps roulez? je ne sais pas. ... read more

North America » United States » Texas » Houston August 22nd 2006

made it to texas tonite! 3 trains & a plane later.. here i am! visiting the fam. real world errands already start tomorrow: dentist, bank, temp gym pass, wash clothes. but the FIRST thing i will do tomorrow: drink COFFEE with my family. ahhhhhhhhhhh. i've been waiting MONTHS for this ;-) gnite from tejas! xuxu ... read more

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