Blogs from Oklahoma, United States, North America - page 25


North America » United States » Oklahoma May 31st 2009

Little Rock -- Oklahoma City Have been heading steadily westward on route 40 for days. Woke up in Little Rock this morning, went and checked out the city. it was SICK! Right away I got a Green Tea Boba Smoothie so I was immediately happy. And the place just ROCKED (no pun intended). There was this little market square with a farmers market and a park right on the edge of the Arkansas River. Next to that was this sweeeet concert venue, the stage was backed up against the river and all the seats were facing it. I wanna PARTAYY there. We wandered around the park for hours, I was lovin' it. Took lots of pictures, climbed a bunch of rocks (scraped my arm doing so, would you expect any less?). I finally tore myself away ... read more

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Edmond May 26th 2009

Here is an itinerary of my journey: Disciples Seminarians Trip to China (Subject to Change) May 28 -June 9, 2009 Thur. May 28 MMI Training at the Newark International airport hotel. Night in Newark. Fri. May 29 Depart from Newark International Airport at 11:20am after 14 hours flight. Sat. May 30 Arrive in Shanghai at 1:30pm, check in and city tour in the afternoon. Night in Shanghai Sun. May 31 Worship Service in the morning, lunch with China Christian Council leaders and train to Nanjing. Night in Nanjing. Mon. June 01 Visit Drum Tower Hospital and Amity Foundation and Nanjing Massacres Museum. Night in Nanjing. Tues. June 02 Visit Printing Press and Nanjing seminary. Evening flight to Chengdu. Night in Chengdu. Wed. June 03 Visit Earthquake place early morning. Visit Sichuan Seminary in the morning. Meeting ... read more

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Edmond May 25th 2009

Welcome to my online journal of my travels through China on a People-To-People Pilgrimage with Division of Overseas Ministries with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Follow my journey from my doorstep "to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8). What is a People-to-People Pilgrimage? "A People-to-People Pilgrimage is an exciting adventure, not only for those who participate in the pilgrimage, but for the entire congregation. The experience is contagious and may result in a revitalization of your congregation. Global Ministries has as its priority and emphasis on Critical Presence" which is understood as meeting God's people and creation at the point of deepest need:spiritually, physically, emotionally, and/or economically. A People-to-People Pilgrimage provides opportunities for individuals to participate in a ministry of critical presence by visiting with and accompanying our ... read more

North America » United States » Oklahoma May 14th 2009

We had a great taste of what happens when the traffic patterns shift. This is what "historic route 66" displays a lot of: small charming towns deserted for the benefit of the Turnpike speed... Nice folks like "Pat" working a flea market in Kansas (which prompted Bob to ask: is everything "flee"? :-) Oklahoma: le gout du far west qu'on a vu dans les films... Des petites villes avec les voitures stationnees en diagonale devant les devantures des boutiques. Des gens acceuillants comme le Sheriff de Galena, Kansas, ancien pompier, qui a reconnu le drapeau de Francois et lui a fait visite la caserne. La route 66 traverse le Kansas sur seulement 13.9 miles. Route 66 crosses the south east tip of Kansas for only 13.9 miles. We're taking you along for the ride... in thought! ... read more

North America » United States » Oklahoma April 29th 2009

We're through New Mexico, done with Texas, and almost halfway through Oklahoma, about 45 miles west of OKC. Western Oklahoma is fairly green, likely due to the rain they've had the last few days. I wish the eastern Oklahoma roads were as smooth as western OK. Mostly today we've seen prairie, flat as far as the eye can see. It's pretty in its way, but forget taking pictures, all you'd get is sky and a line of green, brown or gold. So, that said, I thought I'd just post some pictures from earlier in the trip that I like, but didn't publish. After all, I've taken over 1,100 pictures and only posted about six a day. ... read more
Squirrel at Grand Canyon
Glendale, UT
Zion NP

North America » United States » Oklahoma April 25th 2009

Whew! I really apologize if anybody has been trying to look at my blog the past week and none of the pictures would come up. This time it is NOT my fault! I looked Tuesday and no pics would come up and I found out that the travel blog web site was trying to update and had lost all my pictures!!!!!! *SCREAMS* So, for the past week I have been reloading the pictures and retyping the entries. They are now all done ( I hope this time for GOOD!) and you can view everything. ---Hallie... read more

North America » United States » Oklahoma April 22nd 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009: We arrived at the Oklahoma City airport at 4:30 am (yawn), got all checked in (hurry up and wait!) and our plane took off at 5:50. It was my first time to be on a plane, and I thought I better like it because it was going to be a l-o-n-g trip! It was fine. We landed in Detroit, switched planes and headed for Dulles (Washington DC). We had a 7 hour lay over there which was very tedious, but we got through it. We became quite familiar with that airport, played some cards and some studied their lessons. We left for Amsterdam about 8 pm. ... read more
Hallie at the Oklahoma City airport
Pam studying her lesson
Pam, Lauren, Debra and Janet get ready for a game!

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Elk City April 20th 2009

We left Memphis yesterday after visiting Graceland. On one side of Elvis Presley Boulevard is some hideous complex that holds various exhibits including his jets and cars. The war memorabilia of Elvis was worth seeing as it had many little ration and equipment cards, his uniforms and the story of meeting Priscilla. Mostly I thought this side of the street was poorly setup with the main goal of getting visitors to visit all the exhibits seperatly so that you then have to enter one of 13 gift shops. Also, park some where else other than the complex as it appeared they were charging $10! We walked from our hotel as it was next door. When you are ready to see the mansion they hand you an audio set and you hop on to the shuttle which ... read more

North America » United States » Oklahoma April 12th 2009

Wow! We have been home 2 weeks, and I have finally got this blog finished! Sorry it took so long. Instructions: Go to the next page if you want to read it in chronological order. Click on one of the photos and it will bring it up really big. Use the arrows to view all the other pictures in the same size. To read the continuation of the entry click 'view full entry'. Hope you enjoy it! Happy Easter!!! --Hallie... read more

North America » United States » Oklahoma » Elk City March 12th 2009

Our team members! (L-R) Beth Milner, Debra Risley, Pam Hagerman, Janet Covalt, Brad Whinery, Lauren Givens, Hallie Milner and Rod Minor. Last night the Elk City Church of Christ gave our team a 'send off'. We are getting so excited!! Tomorrow we leave to spend the night at Yukon and we will fly out of Oklahoma City at 5:50 AM Saturday. We welcome your prayers! Pray for any hearts we may reach while we are in Tanzania! ... read more

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