Blogs from North Carolina, United States, North America - page 12


North America » United States » North Carolina » Charlotte February 21st 2018

Since we decided not to go on our Myrtle Beach, SC Valentine's getaway this year (the first time in a decade!), we opted instead to go to Charlotte, NC for a weekend away instead. The kids stayed with my in-laws on Friday night and my parents on Saturday night. This is definitely one instance where living close to family pays off, as the two families are only about three miles apart, so transferring the kids was not an issue at all. I rode down with my husband to work in his office on Friday. He changed jobs about two weeks ago and his new position finds him in Concord, NC every day. Since Concord is only about 30 minutes from downtown Charlotte, we figured it wouldn't make sense for him to drive all the way back ... read more

North America » United States » North Carolina » Mount Airy February 16th 2018

Living in the Triad of North Carolina definitely has its perks. We are only a short 20-minute drive to Greensboro and Winston-Salem, and High Point is even closer. That said, since we’ve lived here our whole lives it can get a little monotonous to frequent the same spots time and again. So, when my husband got a day off of work in return for working overtime a little last week, we jumped at the chance to take a family day trip together. Of course, as luck would have it, it rained almost the entire time we were gone, from the moment we left our door until we made it back that evening. It let up for about 30 minutes, but we were indoors eating lunch and didn’t get to enjoy the brief break of sunshine! We ... read more

North America » United States » North Carolina » Waynesville February 5th 2018

A few weeks ago, I posted about my first experience skiing, and how it went pretty miserably that initial go-round. While falling in the cold snow in the middle of the night, with no ski poles to lift myself up by would be enough to make anyone second-guess trying the sport again, I'm not one to shy away from an adventure or a challenge. That's why, when my husband suggested we pack up the kids and head to the mountain cabin for the weekend with his parents, I was excited. He'd mentioned leaving the kids with my in-laws for half a day while we hit the slopes at the nearby Cataloochee Ski Areain Maggie Valley, NC. Keep in mind that this was the exact same ski spot in which I'd had my earlier debacle! However, I'm ... read more
Maggie Valley Mountains

North America » United States » North Carolina » Charlotte February 2nd 2018

My husband and I live near the Triad area of North Carolina, and we’ve been itching to get up to the North Carolina Whitewater Rafting Center in nearby Charlotte, NC. Never one for adventurous water sports, I’ll admit that I was a little less intrigued by the idea than my husband. An Eagle Scout, he’s always been more drawn to outdoor expeditions than I have been! Still, when we researched all there was to do at the Center, we were both excited to go. This was piggybacking on our recent jaunt to New Jersey, where he accompanied me on my work conference. When we got back from that trip, we realized how much we missed spending a little time together as a couple. We absolutely adore our babies, but url= revealthat a little time away can ... read more
Whitewater Center
Whitewater Center

North America » United States » North Carolina » Waynesville January 25th 2018

We were riding to our morning story time at the library the other week, when my daughter piped up from her car seat. "Mama!" she exclaimed, "Let's go back to Lake Junaluska!" I quickly reminded her that the house was winterized and it wouldn't be available until the spring. You see, my husband's parents have a little wooden cabin in the woods up in the Maggie Valley/Waynesville part of western North Carolina, near the beautiful and sacred Lake Junaluska. He grew up playing around the lake, and even spent an entire summer there -- six whole weeks of bicycle rides, ice cream stops, and daily visits to the oversized cross that sits atop the ridge, overlooking the water below. I first visited when we were dating in high school. The family graciously gave me the spare ... read more
Lake Junaluska
Lake Junaluska

North America » United States » North Carolina » Waynesville December 29th 2017

If you've never been skiing before, it's unlikely you want to go in the middle of the night. You probably also want to steer clear of the super-high Black Diamonds that beckon in the distance. I should have known both of these things, but a few years ago I accompanied a few friends from a church group on a nighttime skiing adventure at Catalooche Ski Resort near Waynesville, NC. The resort is about three hours from our church in the Triad region of the state. We all piled into the rickety old church van and set off around 5:00 p.m. After a drive-through supper, we arrived at the destination around 9:00. With two children under four, I'm exhausted by 8:00 p.m. most nights, so to be away from them and just beginning my snow-covered adventure was ... read more

I'll admit that I'm not a hiker by nature. I prefer to stroll down flat country roads with my babies in the stroller. I don't love the idea of breaking a sweat and climbing a hill. Yet, I cherish any time I get to spend with my siblings, so when my younger brother suggested that the three of us (him, my sister, and I) all pile into my old Volkswagen Vanagon with our respective significant others and head out for a hike, I told him I was in. Since having my two children, I haven't been very physically active outside of the home. While I do bend, pick up, and dance with them on a daily basis, my endurance isn't where it needs to be. I had a week's notice before our hike and I knew ... read more
My husband and our doggie Pablo
Pablo at the top!
Setting out!

North America » United States » North Carolina » High Point November 30th 2017

Growing up, the thought of leaving the country for any reason was as foreign to me as a Euro. I was born in a tiny town that got its first and only stoplight when I was in the third grade. It's the kind of place you grow up wishing you could leave, then come right back to after college to settle down and raise a family. Before I got married, the farthest I'd ever traveled was to Hilton Head, South Carolina. It took our family about six hours in a crowded Honda van and we vowed we'd never venture that far from home ever again. My husband is the same way. He grew up two miles from me and his family owned a vacation home in the North Carolina mountains. Every year, that was their big ... read more

North America » United States » North Carolina » Raleigh November 29th 2017

We arrived after 10pm to the campground ⛺️ at Galveston Island State Park and the gate was locked ? and our name was not listed on the board of late arrivals?!? Plan B - thankfully there was a Hampton Inn a few miles down the road that had a room available. Safe and plan to call the State Park in the morning to figure out what happened... Well, the campground had a power line catch fire ? and lost all power. They were not able to access their system and verify reservations, etc. Blessing in disguise for us...our reservation fees were refunded and the nice Park Ranger waived our park entry fees and found us the best campsite on the ? gulf side ?$50 for 3 nights! She also shared with us that JB, who owns ... read more

North America » United States » North Carolina » Sunset Beach November 11th 2017

October 1st-7th Enjoying the down time in Elizabethtown PA and taking time to see some attractions we missed before. We revisited Gettysburg and this time gave our attention to CSA and the Army of Virginia. Seeing things from a different perspective and remembering those on the Confederate side of the story. Far too many people do not know the true reason that started the battle between the states and the hundreds of thousands of citizen's that gave their life for what they believed in. I ask you all to learn both sides about our nation’s history and not just the Diatribe that is fed to us in the name of political correctness. We trekked all of the battlegrounds in Gettysburg and plan to visit other sites now to learn what really happened. After our trip to ... read more
Virginia sign
NC Sign
SC Sign

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