The Dam Tour

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July 25th 2005
Published: July 29th 2005
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After a sumptous breakfast at the Bellagio where we pretended to be the Rockerfellers, we set out for Hoover Dam. The children delighted in their ability to use the word "Dam" without being scolded so the day was full of all kinds of "dam" things, the dam tour, the dam tour guides, the dam heat (which was 108), the dam view... you get the point.
We stopped for dinner in Kingman, AZ and ate at, of all places, the Dambar Restaurant where we had the Dam steak and Dam chicken (we are not kidding about this!).

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The dam  parentsThe dam  parents
The dam parents

You will notice that Nancy and Charlie are missing. This is because they were smart enough to retreat to the air conditioned visitor's center!

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