Blogs from Montana, United States, North America - page 56


North America » United States » Montana » West Yellowstone August 25th 2009

History & Heat Yesterday we had a leisurely morning and left West Yellowstone for a van tour of the area west of the park. There was only one other couple in the 8-passenger van, which was nice. Laurie was our guide. He's lived in the area for many years, hiking, hunting and fishing all over, including in the high country. He showed us the area affected by the huge earthquake of 1959, which created a lake, caused a 20 foot shift in the shoreline, and caused 49 people to lose their lives. If we'd just driven by it, we'd have noticed the changes in the landscape, but probably not understood why they occurred. We next went to Virginia City, an old gold rush town. At the height of the boom, it had a population of ... read more

North America » United States » Montana » Bozeman August 25th 2009

Day 127 (Tuesday 25/08/09, NJJ) Everyone had to get off the bus at 4.40am in Spokane, the last stop in Washington state, for 30mins. We were unlucky to be stuck in the same seats when we got back on. We both managed to get a little sleep then. We travelled through Idaho but there were no stops in the state. 30 mins stop at St Regis, Montana at 8.30am so we bought some breakfast food but there wasn't a healthy item in the shop! I got back into my reading back to try and distract myself from the discomfort. At 12.40pm we stopped at Butte, Montana. I stayed on, Jay got off and came back with more unhealthy food. We finally managed to adjust the seats, don't know why they wouldn't adjust earlier so the last ... read more
Ummm.. Where Now?

North America » United States » Montana » West Yellowstone August 24th 2009

This entry actually covers 8-23-09, and after reading it, hopefully you'll see why we were too tired to do it last night. 4 the number of states we were in yesterday: Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada; 2 the number of scenic river valley we drove along: Logan & Snake Rivers; 4 lakes: Bear, Lewis, Jackson, and Yellowstone; 2 National Parks: Grand Teton and Yellowstone; 1 spectacular mountain range.......of course, the Grand Tetons; 2 number of cities in Wyoming with elk antler arches: Afton and Jackson; 3 number of times we crossed the Continental Divide; 3 number of times we were stopped by flagmen because road construction necessitated one-way traffic; 1 the number of times we got lost and needed to backtrack slightly; 0 the number of times we... read more

North America » United States » Montana August 22nd 2009

Day 3 has me riding through the plains of Montana. I am struck by the great ocean of grass and wheat lands. I am reminded of scuba diving, floating in the swells on top after a dive. You can see forever.. then just for a bit. Riding through the plains is like this. On top you can see forever, then you drop down into the valleys.. As the day warms I start to notice the grasshoppers, they are everywhere. Soon my bike is covered, I feel the steady tattoo against my boots. Each time I stop the bike is besieged by hungry flies and bees. A stop in Jorden for lunch, a great burger and fries. Conversation turned to life in a small Montana town, rent for a two bedroom house, $200.00 with total utilities under ... read more
Ace in the hole

After Grand Teton National park we headed north to Montana and visited Glacier National Park. The park is on the border with Canada where it becomes Waterton Lakes National Park. The park is big and everything there is remote; bears are everywhere. From the park newspaper: “In 1850, there were an estimated 150 glaciers in the park. By 1968, the number was reduced to around 50. Today only 26 glaciers remain in the park, many of which are mere remnants of what they once were. Scientists predict all glaciers in Glacier National Park will be gone by the year 2030”. The park is easy to explore. Being so far north Spring arrives here quite late, so we saw many wild flowers we had not seen yet in the other parks. The trails are well maintained and ... read more
Going-to-the-Sun Road
View in Glacier National Park
Enjoying the view

North America » United States » Montana » Great Falls August 21st 2009

Day 2 Out of Spokane later than I hoped. I had a little problem working my new sexy netbook . Spent a while working with tech support. Truth be known.. I could have just been an idiot. All is good now. So on the road, a quick stop for coffee and time to make some miles. I took I-90 over to the rest stop just inside Idaho to decide where to go. I decided to slab it to just past Missoula and pick up 200 heading east - northeast. This is where the fun starts. 200 is a wonderful two lane road in this stretch as it climbs the west side of the Continental Divide, the pine trees are in abundance, much like in the cascades as I cross over and drop down the east side ... read more
Waiting for Mr. Bill
Continental Divide
Chuck & Mr. Bill

North America » United States » Montana » Missoula August 20th 2009

Montana Fun: Missoula and more The ride through Montana very quickly became beautiful. What they say about Big Sky is true. When you get to the top of the plateaus, as you are driving through the eastern part of the state all of a sudden the sky is truly enormous. It’s gorgeous. There is a lot of stuff happening on the top of some of those plateaus! Some people set up huge working farms on the top of the plateaus. So as you drive through the eastern part of the state you are going across giant plateaus, and then down and up them again. As you get across the state you see a lot of beautiful scenery, getting more and more mountainous as you get farther west into the Rockies. The only blight on beautiful Montana ... read more
Rain Dance
Missoula Farmer's Market
Missoula Farmer's Market

North America » United States » Montana » Gardiner August 14th 2009

It's been around a week of riding since our last entry, and we've covered around 1,500 miles or so from British Columbia, down through Alberta, and into the 'lower 48' via Montana. We've done around 4,500 miles so far, and our buttocks have taken on a shiny, leathery complexion. As with most blog entries, we can divide it up into 3 broad categories: The bit about the scenery The 'educational' bit The 'humorous' bit The bit about the scenery: Having come down through the Canadian Rockies and into their US counterparts in Montana, we could paste up a few thousand pictures of all the crazy shaped mountains. But we would probably crash the internet, so we'll leave you with two, for which you will probably be grateful. The 'educational' bit: You can skip this if you ... read more
Some mountains and a lake
The Buffalo jump
One big stoopid monster truck, eh?

The Cook City Highway runs from Red Lodge, MT to Yellowstone National Park. It is a breath taking drive! It is not for the faint of heart though. The drop offs on one side with rock wall on the other has unnerved a few. This is not a fast drive. Do not take this as a short cut to Yellowstone - it won't happen that way. The drive is a slow one and again breath taking is all I can say about it. I had to stop and look over the side and take a shot looking down. This shot is taken from the guard rail. Yes it is straight down and this is maybe only half way up. A couple of years ago my folks went on their motorcycles with another couple over the highway. ... read more
Looking over the side
Looking back
Driving into the clouds

North America » United States » Montana » Butte August 10th 2009

...where the deer and the antelope play! My friend Launie had to drive back home to Montana and asked if I'd like to come with. So, of course I said yes. Unfortunately, Jeff didn't get to go but it was just a short trip anyways. We left Launie's house in Phoenix and started the journey north. We took a short detour from the path we were on and stopped at Navajo Bridge. Navajo Bridge is at the far east end of the Grand Canyon and is a point where you can actually drive over the canyon! The bridge that you can walk across was originally built in 1923! Even though this is not the deepest part of the canyon, you can still feel the grandioseness of it! Back on the highway, it starts to climb up ... read more
Big Hole River, MT
Navajo Bridge
Berkeley Pit

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