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January 3rd 2012
Published: January 18th 2012
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To so many people, one year seems like such a short period of time. However, looking at the images of the 45 most powerful images of 2011, it is clear to see that a lot can happen within such a "short" period of time. The first image on this list is a man kneeling against the 9/11 memorial in remeberance of the son he lost. I find this image to be so powerful because to many Americans this may be seen as just another day in history. On the other hand, for people who were directly affected by the terrorist attacks 10 years ago, the effects go beyond sympathy for those who died: they have to live day by day knowing that they have a loved one who they'll never see again.

Other images I found to be powerful were the images of a woman being pepper sprayed at an Occupy protest and an elderly woman who had been pepper sprayed at a peaceful march in Seattle. I found these images to be powerful because it shows that even when people try to find peaceful ways to get their point across, they are still met with aggression and disrespect. Additionally, I found the picture of the elderly woman to be even more shocking because one would assume that people would have more respect for their elders; however, looking at this image it seems that when people oppose what may be considered the norm, age is a nonessential factor in how people are treated.

I also found that the images of the Christians protecting the Muslims as they pray in Egypt and the before and after images of Joplin, Missouri after a tornado to be very powerful. I believe that the image from Egypt shows that regardlessof what pre-existing issues people may face, people can set aside their differences to protect the rights of others. The image of the before and after shots of Missouri also shocked me because it shows how quicly things can change in someone's life. This image also shows how much destruction can be caused by one event.

If there was an image to explain the year I had in 2011, it would be a dove flying towards a rainbow after a storm. In 2011, I had a tough year, but I feel that I was able to rise above the difficulties I faced to see the brighter side of every trial I faced. I think that images are a valuable resource for historians because they may give an account of people, places, and events that took place in the past and how people felt about them.


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