Hawaii...paradise found

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August 7th 2007
Published: August 18th 2007
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Yudesh, Louise and AlexYudesh, Louise and AlexYudesh, Louise and Alex

About to head out on the town
For this one, I’m going to let the pictures tell most of the story. I will just say thanks to my good friend Yudesh who put me up in his penthouse flat on the 45th floor of his apartment overlooking the Pacific Ocean. You will see from the pics how lucky he is to be living there.

Two of his friends from Sydney were also staying at his place during the week I was there and all four of us had a brilliant time. Thanks to Louise and Alex (yes it does appear as though a pattern is forming but I’m sure this is purely coincidental) for sharing a week of laughs and some hilariously unsober moments. I now have a much clearer understanding of

(a) Pearl Harbour
(b) how punishing Hawaiian body surfing can be on girls wearing bikinis
(c) Sydney’s total lack of the single male population. I’ve been informed that Sydney is the place to be as a rough-and-ready bachelor. Apparently guys are either taken or gay. Anyone suddenly getting homesick?

Also, have you noticed that I seem to be finding great places that I need to return to? Believe me, my travels aren’t always this way! But in this case, it's true again. I spent a couple of brilliant days surfing with Yudesh’s Hawaiian work mates Mark, Danny, Julio and Perri. They took me to several surf spots around Oahu which was great fun. I was so stoked by their generosity and their enthusiasm. They've invited me back to Hawaii for the North Shore winter when famous breaks like Pipeline, Off-The-Wall and Sunset crank out their magic and I can’t wait to take them up on their offer. Hopefully, I'll see you soon guys.

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


At a bar next to Waikiki BeachAt a bar next to Waikiki Beach
At a bar next to Waikiki Beach

That's the South African Kylie Minogue on the right in the middle next to Louise
Jumping off China WallJumping off China Wall
Jumping off China Wall

People were jumping off this wall into the sea. Alex and I had a go too. Guys were also surfing a wave which broke along the wall. I like how the Hawaiians are so gutsy.
The runway we drove across to go surfingThe runway we drove across to go surfing
The runway we drove across to go surfing

This was on a marine base we surfed at. Planes were taking off all the time and we had to stop briefly at these gates before getting the all clear. Crazy.
My newfound surf matesMy newfound surf mates
My newfound surf mates

Mark, and Perri on the left, Julio and Danny on the right.
Beautiful OahuBeautiful Oahu
Beautiful Oahu

Scene from a lookout over the island.
Julio, Louise and RogerJulio, Louise and Roger
Julio, Louise and Roger

We may or may not have seen Cameron Diaz out that night. Julio knows more about this don't you mate ;-)

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